
32 editsJoined 10 October 2022
Revision as of 10:44, 10 October 2022 by CriticalResist (talk | contribs) (Creating user page for new user.)
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1. I am appart of a discord server known as GenZommunist, a member shared this website which evidently peaked my interest. 2. I am still a self-described baby leftist, however I find myself commonly alligned with Lenninist and Maoist principles. I was originally attracted to left leaning politics through the Twitch streamer Hasanabi, I then found the youtuber Hakim introducing me to true leftist thought and marxism. I found myself then reading amd discussing to the place I am today, a marxist with a belief in vanguadism and democratic centralism. 3. I have indeed, they are most reasonable. I particularly find the promotion of self-critiq admirable. I must though mention that we must punish any non-critical support of certain anti-impirialist countries, the Russian Federation being among the most prominent, severely. 4. As of now I see China as state capitalist. Is it socialist? Perhaps, the distinction is of-course that socialism is a transitionary stage. I truly have trouble pinpointing China's position in the world, I support it in its anti-impirialist efforts, though I am also highly critical of its tendancy towards privatisation over the last years. Truly I do not have enough knowledge of the current situation of China to present a clear and concise opinion. 5. Based asf, a great leader and representative of the prolitarian movement. Did he make mistakes? Yes, and I am critical of those, yet he was not solely responsible for any faults within the USSR as he was not a sole power. held by constitution, party and legeslative assembly. He was instrumental in establishing the USSR as a world power capaple of challanging capitalist hegemony, and through his administration the Soviet Union defeated the fascistic forces of capitalism in WW2. 6. Gender is an intersection within class, previously a class by itself. Rigid in form, I myself am gay, and I do indeed think Marxists should support the queer community. If our aim is to abolish class hiarchy then too should we abolish its intersections. Furthermore we should support the minorities oppressed by the superstructure as long as they side with the working class.