Comrade:Local Gay Communist - LGC

2 editsJoined 5 May 2024
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--- FIRST SET --- 1. I got recommended ProleWiki by members of an ML discord server I'm part of, I am familiar with ProleWiki in the sense that I am aware of the political inclinations of the Wiki and largely agree with them, I want to join to help out with expanding pages as a lot of them are less than half a paragraph in length 2. My mother is an anarcho-syndicalist (that's how I would describe her) so I always had some form of socialism in my mind but I eventually turned to Marxism-Leninism as I read more theory and consumed more history 3. I have read your principles and I fully agree with them, no criticism of them from me really 4. I myself am non-binary and have spent a lot of time talking to people who are completely outside the classical bimodal spectrum used by a lot of educated people, and hence I believe that gender does not exist between two points, rather, I believe that it exist along at least 3 points (as is evidenced by the existence of xenogendered individuals) I believe that Marxists must support the LGBTQIA+ just as they should support Black people, POC, victims of the patriarchy, specifically women and every other marginalised community, class liberation must entail these groups, for, the very conception of the oppression and singling out of these groups is reactionary and bourgeoise in nature and a direct result of capitalism 5. I believe that they were useful to their countries, I'm not the most educated on the two, hence giving detailed input here would be anti-materialist, but I have purged my mind of the liberal conceptions of these people as 'mass murderers' or 'genocidal maniacs' 6. I believe that all of them are socialist, the most controversial here would be china, but I understand that Marxism with Chinese characteristics entails a multi-stage process of state-capitalism 7. settler colonialism is the practice of colonising using directly violent means, often leading to brutal oppression of natives, I believe that America should be dissolved and given back to the natives, or, at the very least it should be systematically altered to allow native culture to not only thrive but inhabit their native lands in peace, as for Germany (my home country) I believe that racial minorities should be given all the rights of anyone else, and should be paid reparations for the years of oppression, I also believe that the German government should pay full reparations to all ex-colonies, and allow excluded minorities into talks about reparations, I believe that immigrants in my nations should be provided the means to function in society like all Germans 8. I fully condemn the 'state' of Isn'treal and give full support to resistance fighters (being vague so the verfassungschutz doesn't get on my ass) but I fully reassure you that I share the same views as this wiki

--- SECOND SET --- 1. dialectical materialism is, to put it simply, a method of analysis that employs Hegelian dialectics in combination with materialist analysis to develop our understanding of the world 4. I believe that abolishing the nuclear family should be a priority (if a bit low down on the list) as it is an inherently sexist and bourgeoise conception, it should be abolished by portraying non-nuclear relations in media and generally stopping the propaganda effort, I believe that after a while it will dissolve itself as the populace becomes educated on feminist theory 5. I believe the most pressing issue for German communists is fighting the rise of fascism and appealing to the people, the people like the EU, it doesn't matter what your opinion on it is, the people like it, and hence we need to stop antagonising ourselves and appeal to the people, stop putting modern controversies in the forefront of AGITPROP, instead, focus on how workers are exploited on a lower level, people like the EU, they don't like their bosses, appealing to the German proletariat is very important to combat the AfD, I'm indifferent to the communist parties here as I haven't done a lot of research into them 7. Imperialism is the outwards expansion of capital, it is not always a direct military expansion as it is now mainly driven by cultural imperialism and monetary imperialism, Segway into the IMF, WB, etc. they use monetary incentive in combination with the CIA to disrupt and destabilise 3rd and 2nd world countries in the name of Imperialism 8. I have read a couple works, namely 'the crisis in Italy', 'on the supposed market question', 'on the gotha programme' and others, I find 'on the supposed market question' very interesting as it explains how markets and competition work in an approachable and accessible manner while giving comedic in-sight into the various mistakes or logical/factual fallacies of the criticised 10/10 would recommend, another great one is 'the crisis in Italy' it adds great in-sight into how fascism in Italy formed and what fascism really is and it also serves as an account of how fascism affects various classes

--- OPTIONAL QUESTIONS --- 2. I am familiar with programming, mainly in C++, C, python, C# and GDscript, I have no experience working with MediaWiki, although I do have experience using the MediaWiki editing tools