
2 editsJoined 5 January 2023
Revision as of 07:30, 5 January 2023 by CriticalResist (talk | contribs) (Creating user page for new user.)
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1. I discovered it in a conversation inside the RTC mailing list.

2. I uphold Marxism-Leninism and am an anti-revisionist. I believe in the need for a dictatorship of the proletariat which alone is strong enough to defeat the efforts of imperial reaction. Such state will develop and advance the economy, quickening the transition to communism.

I came to this view after discovering Marxism first from Syndicalism, which I had discovered from reading about anarchism and which I was eventually disaffected after researching the racial history of American trade unions and realising that workers could only develop trade union consciousness with the party.

3. The principles are very good and adequate for the purposes of the wiki. The list of Marxist-Leninist states is complete and the list of anti-imperialist states is also fairly comprehensive, though I wouldn't call Russia anti-imperialist, instead, I would say they are "countering US imperialism", seeing as they are attempting to create their own sphere.

4. I am still studying China trying to find good sources outside of western propaganda. Presently I believe their attempt at socialist development to be valuable, if flawed in many aspects.

5. Joseph Stalin, despite personal flaws, was a revolutionary leader who completed the soviet transition to socialism in astonishing speed and played the key role in defeating world fascism. He should be honored alongside other great revolutionaries like Marx, Lenin, and Engels.

6. Gender is a social construct resulting from the historical and modern oppression of women, which queer people and trans people reject in their actions and lives. Marxists should without fail support queer people.