Editing Atrocities committed by the United States of America against Europe

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[[Category:Atrocities committed by the United States]]
[[Category:Atrocities committed by the United States]]
Source: https://github.com/dessalines/essays/blob/main/us_atrocities.md

* In the 1936-39 Spanish civil war, the Roosevelt administration sponsored a neutrality act that had the effect of shutting off help to the Spanish government while Hitler and Mussolini gave critical aid to Franco, aiding yet another fascist victory in Europe. American President Richard Nixon later toasted Franco's "firmness and fairness",[ and, after Franco's death, he stated: "General Franco was a loyal friend and ally of the United States
* In the 1936-39 Spanish civil war, the Roosevelt administration sponsored a neutrality act that had the effect of shutting off help to the Spanish government while Hitler and Mussolini gave critical aid to Franco, aiding yet another fascist victory in Europe. American President Richard Nixon later toasted Franco's "firmness and fairness",[ and, after Franco's death, he stated: "General Franco was a loyal friend and ally of the United States
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