Editing COVID-19 pandemic

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China sanitizes cities and begins mass testing as soon as a single case is recorded. During lockdowns, businesses are still required to pay their workers. In 2021, only two people died from COVID-19 in mainland China in addition to 64 in [[Hong Kong Special Administrative Region|Hong Kong]] and 843 in [[Kuomintang]]-occupied [[Taiwan Province]]. The United States criticized China's measures as "[[Authoritarianism|authoritarian]]" because they prioritized public health over profit.<ref name=":1">{{Web citation|author=Rosa Astra, Benjamin Zinevich|newspaper=[[Liberation News]]|title=Yes, there really were only two COVID deaths in mainland China in 2021. Here’s how they did it|date=2022-01-06|url=https://www.liberationnews.org/yes-there-really-were-only-two-covid-deaths-in-mainland-china-in-2021-heres-how-they-did-it/|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220805151305/https://www.liberationnews.org/yes-there-really-were-only-two-covid-deaths-in-mainland-china-in-2021-heres-how-they-did-it/|archive-date=2022-08-05|retrieved=2022-09-11}}</ref>
China sanitizes cities and begins mass testing as soon as a single case is recorded. During lockdowns, businesses are still required to pay their workers. In 2021, only two people died from COVID-19 in mainland China in addition to 64 in [[Hong Kong Special Administrative Region|Hong Kong]] and 843 in [[Kuomintang]]-occupied [[Taiwan Province]]. The United States criticized China's measures as "[[Authoritarianism|authoritarian]]" because they prioritized public health over profit.<ref name=":1">{{Web citation|author=Rosa Astra, Benjamin Zinevich|newspaper=[[Liberation News]]|title=Yes, there really were only two COVID deaths in mainland China in 2021. Here’s how they did it|date=2022-01-06|url=https://www.liberationnews.org/yes-there-really-were-only-two-covid-deaths-in-mainland-china-in-2021-heres-how-they-did-it/|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220805151305/https://www.liberationnews.org/yes-there-really-were-only-two-covid-deaths-in-mainland-china-in-2021-heres-how-they-did-it/|archive-date=2022-08-05|retrieved=2022-09-11}}</ref>

In November 2022, China eased controls on COVID-19. There were 59,938 deaths in mainland China between 8 December 2022 and 12 January 2023.<ref>{{Web citation|author=卫生健康委|title=国务院联防联控机制权威发布(2023年1月14日)|date=2023-1-14|url=http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/gwylflkjz231/wzsl.htm}}</ref>
In November 2022, China eased controls on covid19. 59,938 deaths in mainland China between 8 December 2022 and 12 January 2023.<ref>{{Web citation|author=卫生健康委|title=国务院联防联控机制权威发布(2023年1月14日)|date=2023-1-14|url=http://www.gov.cn/xinwen/gwylflkjz231/wzsl.htm}}</ref>

==== Vaccine donations ====
==== Vaccine donations ====
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