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== Essay draft: Living in China 2024 FAQ ==
== Essay draft: Living in China 2024 FAQ ==

=== Questions ===
=== Observations ===
'''''Have you talked to Chinese about communism and the CPC?'''''
I've asked Chinese folks what they think of communism and the CPC, and both are very very popular! Same as what all the polls say. Something like 90-95% of Chinese are happy with their government. I've found a few Marxist philosophy book clubs here, but my Chinese isn't good enough to join them. The largest bloc within the CPC are farmers. About 1 in 7 adults here are party members. I've met (and confirmed because they were wearing their badges on official party business) about a dozen members so far. When my Chinese is closer to C1 level I'll try to talk about this stuff with them.
'''''I've heard people in some cities like Shanghai and Beijing are more liberal and western than in others. Is this true?'''''
Shanghai by reputation is very western and very liberal. Beijing is to a lesser extend described this way as well. Shenzhen where I'm at, is a Cantonese-speaking Chinese city. The Cantonese part of China, that is the South-East  is historically the only part of China that the outside world, particularly the west, interacted with. The vast majority of foreigners live in these areas, or in Beijing. So there's definitely more western influence here than most, maybe the rest of all of China.
I find Shenzhen to be very influenced by the United States like how Hanoi, where I live for a year before China is heavily influenced by the French. In Vietnam, those bidets the French are famous for are in every toilet. I miss bidets. In Shenzhen, every elevator starts with 1 as the ground floor. As opposed to G being ground floor like in European countries.
=== My observations ===
==== Shenzhen (2023-Present) ====
I've met my 2nd Ex-Soviet citizen here! The first was in Vietnam back in 2022. He's a cool guy who likes Stalin and does dialectical materialism instinctually. Grasps that things are defined in terms of motion, that is fading away/coming into being and by relations to one another. Much more rational than most every other 老外. The only thing in common amongst all the foreigners (老外)here is a sense of humor. An ability to laugh at the strange, ancient and simultaneously hyper-modern world we find ourselves relearning to swim in. Talking with other westerners who're communists here in China, I become acutely aware: most communists live in communist countries.
I really like the economy freedom everybody has here. The Chinese constitution guarantees the right to a job. Food, housing, internet and phone are all extremely affordable here. Put those two facts together and you get an environment where parents/elders don't have immense economic power over children like they do in the USA where I'm from. I've seen too many (more than zero) parents financial abuse their LGBT+ children. China is far far closer to abolishing the family in its negative aspects than any western country.
Billionaires and bankers are periodically executed here. It's a healthy proletarian dictatorship (https://redsails.org/china-has-billionaires/) getting stronger and healthier day-by-day. See China daily for about 85% videos/pictures of cute animals and 15% corrupt capitalists and white-collar criminals getting [redacted].
Chinese are more physically intimate with each other than in the United States. Locking arms and holding hands between women is common and men will do this too from time to time. Men even hold each others shoulders out in public. For comparison, Statesians mostly just shake hands and nothing else.
In the English language, a person giving off violent or deviant hints is a red flag event. In Chinese culture red is a symbol of wealth, luck, power, and the proletarian dictatorship. So their equivalent of the English "that's a red flag" is quite different. In Chinese we say "that's a green flag" for sussy behavior. This is made a bit complicated since green politics are huge here. There are weeks where I feel like half the stuff the government puts out at a local level is gentle suggestions on how to do green things for your home and environment. There's also a cool tree-planting system (see also: gamification)  that rewards you for using public transportation, metro/buses/ebikes/tram by planting a new tree in exchange for points.
Everything's electric. All the buses. All the bikes. All the cars. Shenzhen is so quiet what with the city being without combustion engines. The background roar replaced with a quiet road vibration and the wind. I can here the wind so clearly. I can hear birds chirp and the road vibrate! This has never happen before in the dozens of cities I've been in throughout the United States. I'm going back to visit family for a month in 2024 July. The noise is going to be tough.
I know football (soccer fellow burgers) is the #1 sport in China, same as most countries. I have a sneaking suspicion that Basketball will overtake Football as the #1 sport worldwide. Basketball is huge in Vietnam and China and growing in popularity. As more an more people move to cities (about 60% as of 2024 of China is urban) football fields become way less common and basketball courts explode in popularity. In a dense place like a city, space is a premium, so basketball courts are a significantly more efficient use of space. Now that China is building up the infrastucture of the global south --something the global north failed for centuries-- (see How Europe Underdeveloped Africa) this trend is poised to emerge all over the belt-and-road system.
I've struggled a lot trying to explain racism to locals in China and Vietnam. Since black people aren't targeted by banks and cops (with red lining and so on...) in either country like they are in the US of A, its... difficult.
=== Observations of others ===
What being black is like for my black comrades in China
What being black is like for my black comrades in China

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== Midwestern Marx Interview on The Cult Ep 173 ==
Comrades I know it's not Saturday and I know I need to update the socialism intro for the rare occasions that we do socialism midweek. But we do have a very special guest today. We we have in the house a real live communist and I always love it when Communists actually come and talk to me because so many of them are afraid to talk to me because they know I know their ideology way better than they do and so I it's always a pleasure when we are when we were able to bring real life communist marxists on the channel to come and talk to us and answer some of our questions about their ideas and just have a cordial conversation and I will introduce our guests in a minute. In the meantime. I've just got a couple of other things to talk about. Please make sure you mount the like button for me or do whatever you like to the like button. You can hide by the like button you can give the like button a pat on the back you can you know kiss on the cheek, whatever you want to the like button, but just do something for the like button to let you know let it know that you love it and that you want it to be happy. But before we bring on our guests, I just want to remind everyone please do make sure you head over. Or to my substack, which is Carlin k a r l y n And subscribe over there substack is my main content Hub on the internet it is where I put on my best content. I've actually got a podcast going up later today for the actively on woke podcast. We're going to be talking about the college protesters. We're going to be talking about what the right doesn't understand about the college protesters in terms of they didn't just pop up out of nowhere not only has this been going on for months. These are groups that have been organizing together for years before they turn their attention to this specific issue after October 7th, but even even with the college encampments and stuff that just didn't pop up out of nowhere, they were organizing protests for months and I don't know how people have forgotten about this because they were complaining about it. It had nausea them everywhere, but apparently they think that the chemist just popped up and it's Soros funded and all this stuff and maybe we'll even ask our guest today if he is Soros funded and I have a feeling the answer is going to be no because the answer is always no because conservatives are retarded about this, but we will Make sure we check in on that later. Anyway, I also got a hole for the podcast. I actually got a hold of and and and thank you to saltwater pearls for this. I got a hold of some of the literature that's being handed out at the encampments specifically. I may have people in my community who work at the University of Michigan and went through there and can't man and got all their literature for us. And so we know some of the things that they're saying and passing out and some of the things might surprise you for instance. How about you guys know how conservatives have been? I'm trying to own the college protest by saying most of the protesters aren't even students. Eh, well guess what? It doesn't matter and they're actually speaking directly to this in their literature. It says to those holding down campus occupations. Your first task is to open the compass to the community and reject the distinguish the distinction between students and outside agitators. So the left ahead of the right yet again. I know we're shocked. We will talk about that in a podcast that I will be releasing on the substack later today. And uh, if you want to support the work, I'm doing head over there sign up for 8 bucks a month 80 bucks a year. I would really appreciate it. Another way. You can support the work I'm doing is to head over to the unwoke art store. Where as a reminder throughout the entire month of May in honor of red Mei everything in the unwoke art store is 25% off. You just need to order a $100 or more of merch and if you use the code red may all 1 Word r e d E m a y you will get 25% off your entire purchase. And and in order of Our Guest today and I hope he gets a kick out of this. May I recommend the uh, socialists are gay design because uh because obviously and clearly they are they're very proud of that for the most part. But this is 1 of my favorite designs in the store and I hope you like it too and now you can pick it up on a t-shirt a hoodie. You can pick it up a print you can pick it up on a sweet bag that you can wear around and um, you know, we're shouting out the uh, the lgbtq is b2s. Element op whatever the hell queer Marxist that. I know our friend today has some opinions on and you can get that in the unwoke art store. And I really do appreciate it. All right guys my guest today and I want to start off by saying this. I Is that that everyone who comes on my channel is going to be treated well by my audience. I never want to be 1 of those places that people come on and they have to deal with the chat shit posting them and insulting them and you know doing the typical kind of like conservative bulshit. We're not going to do that here. We are going to treat our guests with respect. He is coming on to have a conversation with someone that he knows he disagrees with we are going to treat each other quarterly and I expect everyone in the chat to act like adults and to treat him well because I can't get communist to come and talk to us if you're going to just insult them for an hour to an hour and a half. All right. So that's the rule I'm asking the mods to enforce this because I may not be paying attention to the chat as much because I want to make sure I'm giving our guests full attention but that is the rule the mods are going to enforce it. No funny business. All right. Our guest today is a co-director of Midwestern Marx. We have actually watched Midwestern Marx on the channel before so you guys may remember seeing him his His name is Noah and I have no idea how to pronounce his last name. So he's going to have to teach that for for us. But but uh Noah is a proud working class member of the Communist Party USA. He's 40 years old married to the most understanding and patient woman on the planet Earth happy wife happy life who puts up with his deep Theory rants when he wakes up at 2 in the morning and can't get back to sleep and has a 12-year-old son. Who is far too smart for his own good when he is in busy writing organizing the working class or fixing rich people's houses all day. He does enjoy doing absolutely. Absolutely. Nothing on the couch surrounded by his family and books by Gus Hall. He is the author of The forthcoming, uh reality. I'm not going to pronounce that rep reprimand. I guess that's the word reran the rise and the fall of the American middle class. So guys, let's all give a welcome to Noah Noah. Thank you for joining me here today happy to have you thank you for asking me. Uh, it's a pleasure to be here. Um, I'm excited to do this. Yeah. I'm I'm excited too. And we've already got we've already
Marx 2
This is 1 of the things that's 1 of the big misconceptions about Marxism, right? Uh Marx writes in The Communist Manifesto though. He's like that, you know, we get reproached with uh wanting to do away with private property, but he instead says it it's our current Society that's already done away with private property for over 90% of the population and it's even more these days. I forget what the exact number is on what people's net worth is in America, but it's a giant giant majority. That's zero or lessons. Meaning like even when we own our houses really the banks own our house, you know. I mean fair enough, but like I have I have uh, you know Marxist communist and I kind of use the term Marxist socialists and Communists interchangeably just because I've heard so many people use them interchangeably. So just like setting that Baseline I've heard them say, I I have them on video saying that private property includes our ability to own a home so under communism, we wouldn't own our homes either our ability to own land our ability to own a business like even like a small business our ability to own intellectual property our ability to own an apartment and or an Airbnb and rent it out as a landlord and the most disturbing ones for me. Are they Define parental rights as a form of private property that they want to abolish and I've had and I have them on paper saying they they they want to abolish all individual liberties because individual liberties are are form of private property. And so I know that not every socialist believes all of those things, but I think you can kind of Understand for someone like me who like, you know, I'm in an Arco capitalist because I like having I I like my stuff and I like being in charge of me and I don't want no offense to you seem like a nice guy. I don't want you taking my stuff from me. Okay, like I've worked hard for my stuff. It's mine. It's not yours. Like I think you might be able to understand how this can be a little um dystopian when you start hearing socialists say these things too rather large audiences sometimes on video. Yeah, no kidding. And this is 1 of the reasons we uh are constantly attacked by the last period of history is you know left right? Uh is because we actually go to the Marxist texts read them understand them and dialectical Logic the way they're actually written rather than the sort of guesswork that a lot of them do and Come Away with something differently that you're absolutely entitled to what you owe that people say they want to come and take it is crazy. Um, the whole point of of Marxism is to understand how this property is developed. And sort of what the problems are that led to you know, Mark saying that 90% of people don't even get that right? Uh,
And and the like sort of end of this sort of parody parasitism and Uh wanting of something for nothing that the ruling class sort of exists as the financial Elites if you look at like any actual communist China right now, right? I mean Way higher rate of home ownership than we have here. Uh people's homes are their stability something they can fall back on or something goes wrong not to mention, you know, the the sentimental value within within homes.
Yeah, so let me ask you about another group that we watched an awful lot. So hey Market books and Market books is the is the latest iteration of like what the international socialist organization after they had their big me too Scandal, but they do a lot of stuff. They publish a metric ton of books. They hold a metric ton of events. I crashed their socialism conference last year, even though they preemptively Banned Me from the conference, but I went anyway under a fake name and I pretended to be non-binary and so I was there for 3 days with all of them and I recorded them and and so so like I mean, they're pretty influential I think on the American left, what do you think of them? Yeah, I think that's uh a pretty um damning remarked on the state of the American left.
Um, there may be quite a lot of them, but they're not serious. Uh, they aren't actually in it to improve the conditions of the real existing working class. As it is, I mean troski is are sort of notorious for uh doing that right making everything about some pure Noble idea that they have uh, and they even treat the working class like this, right? So, um, The working class is only organized in the abstract, right? Uh this sort of idea of working class or proletariat if they want to, you know, be all jargony. Um, but when it goes to the real working class But as we exist They're all hopelessly backwards and ignorant, right and uh, you know, they they don't think uh a thousand genders. Makes sense. So they're all canceled and forget them. Uh, I don't want to say that's specifically troski is that's the overarching left and actually tracks are usually okay on that. But I I mean, it's all these problems sort of coalesce into 1.
Okay. All right. What is your read on the college protests and all of that stuff going on right now?
I think it's
It it's it's a really complicated issue. Right? So I I want to be not to like bring out the old mean like let's be very clear about this right but um All 100% we are and I am on the side of Palestine and their struggle. Um, and I love to see students. Um making their voices heard And it's horrible what uh, some of the sort of counter protest tactics have been uh, you know mass arrest when people are really breaking the law Etc, uh, the the sort of change in the law to redefine anti-Semitism, uh is really scary in anyone who is a fan of personally should be aware of that. Right? They're they're redefinition of anti-Semitism because it has implications going way past this too. Um However at the same time I think a lot of protests. Where what happens when they don't listen, right the US government? Uh, I think changed 1 weapon. They weren't going to sell. And that's it. Right? What what? What do you do next? And I think a lot of people right now because the left has been such a mess don't know and so that's why we're trying to Move forward as sort of this. Uh, I'm going to be speaking in an event. Uh, what day is it maybe or on the 24th? So what's that 9 days from now? Uh in Dearborn, Michigan
Called reamer to pre Palestine right? It's about Palestine. But really if we want our voices to even matter on that issue. Uh, especially it's our own government. That we need to address because it's our own government. That's the problem. And so Uh, I would just say that I would hope the students. Um
Could align with even the Trump people who are their counterparts in that. Because they both seem to have the same. Real material problem. I was watching uh, a guy that actually the organizer of that event Jackson Hinkle. I'm sure you've heard of him. Yeah, I like him. I figured you wouldn't write you're an you thought he's a Marxist lens. Yes, exactly. Yeah, and he's also a dip I can agree with someone and they can still be a dick, right? Yeah. Uh, I every time I've spoken to him. He's been nothing but nice to me. So, uh that I I I don't I don't know about right but um
I have seen him be a dick to a lot of other people. So there's that but no, uh I I was watching him and Alex Jones talk about right and it was while watching them agree that like it's just like you want to just shake everybody. And go what are you doing? You guys have to say the problem? Uh, but you know, they're more interested in getting pointed at each other than anybody actually responsible for destroying our country. Well, I mean, let me open the door for you. I mean you open the door for this question. So I'm going to ask you like what do you think about Nick Fuentes then because Nick Fuentes by and large is like on your side on this, you know.
Nick cuentas is a Zionist from what I hear. No he is. No he's not. No. I I think he has some weird ideas that are like very, uh reminiscent of sort of like belief in in Wizards and Hobbits and all that right about magical blood Quantum and uh nonsense like that. I you know, I have been. Listening to Nick a lot since October 7th and and somehow kind of became kind of friends with him. And so I like I've never heard him say anything like that. In fact, I would say that 1 of the things that I mean, I think that the the political climate since October 7th has actually been very interesting because you kind of have you have these strange bedfellows that that came up and it also kind of just exposed a lot of people who are just like grifters and and chills for like aipac and like all that stuff and it's like so so I I feel like me and many people in my community. They'll not everyone has been very kind of like returned at the fact that we tend to agree more with you guys on the whole Israel Palestine thing where I think they're trying to genocide the Palestinians. I think it's absolutely important and you know, some people disagree with me on that but I think that that's what's going on and I started listening to Nick right after October 7th. Mostly because I thought he was going to be saying some crazy stuff and I like wanted to be entertained by that but it turned out he actually had some really even heal takes like possibly some of the most even He'll take so I'm not hearing him say magical stuff like that. Um, so I don't know but like I mean like it makes the question and Nick actually talked about this on his show if he showed up to try to talk to you guys. Like what would you think of him? Would you even talk to him like what would happen?
That's that's a good question. I was kind of making fun of him a bit, right? Yeah. I know I mean people but I I do genuinely think that at the at the core of the sort of race realism of logic
Why that philosophical Foundation of a belief in Magic that your blood and ethnicity control your social reality? Um and how you act in some way and and I I don't want to bore you with the whole discussion on that. But um, if if if Nick whence came up and said, hey Noah, let's talk about this.
Because my my thing is the 1 thing, I genuinely hate. Is people who just want to silence everyone right? And we're if our ideas are correct. Right. Why would we be afraid of? Telling them to be Right, why would be the brain of an idea? We consider incorrect? Uh for me? That's just again. It's it's a sort of cancel culture of uh, the left right the last period of history is left where they just want to get rid of everything. They consider bad because at the end of the day, they're not confident in their ideas. And I'm sure you as you were saying earlier do know more about their ideology than they do. Uh, I've been around them for quite a long time now and most of them refused to educate themselves. And they they sort of want to treat. The class struggle as a social scene rather than a a site of real social change.
Okay, okay. Okay. I mean I think it's interesting that um again, like I think it's like the the the bedfellows. Uh, since October 7th are are interesting in terms of like you have a lot of like if just like started anti-war people who have always been anti-war and then you have people who you know said they were anti-war for a while. But as soon as it came to sending Israel, 30 billion dollars and like all the stuff then we they were totally like fine with that. And so I mean, I do think that it's it's kind of an interesting time in our political landscape Now 1 of the things I I I actually heard Eddie say I think on 1 of your guys's uh streams that we watched 1 time is he was talking about how you guys always get canceled off of social media too. And I think that that was interesting for people to hear because there's this assumption, um that only the right gets canceled off of social media and obviously like Nick just got reinstated on Twitter because of a benevolent gesture from Elon Musk and all this stuff. So, can you talk about some of the cancellations that you guys have experienced and how you see it? Yeah, and it it you're right. It's it's wild how much more vicious the left is with marxists than even the right um, because they see us as wanting. Uh, I'm sorry. I'm rambling and you ask a question, my bad. Yeah, we've uh gotten severe censorship especially on our most popular Blackboard, which is Tik Tok. Um, we are original profile when bike dance which is a company out of Singapore owned it and controlled the content management. Uh, and I think just over half a million followers. So that means you know, every other post was getting millions of views. Is it really getting things out there and when uh the US government forced
Uh contact management to be handled by Oracle, which is a company in, Texas. Uh that That account was immediately banned along with a bunch of other anti-imperialists, uh, whether they're from the right left, whatever that we're speaking out against the uh, proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. Uh, we've had I think 6 other accounts banned since then on Tik Tok alone.
Um Really we've been demonetized and all that kind of stuff Google not a big fan of us, but I think it's interesting Ellen McLoud did a really good expose about who actually works at Oracle. And it is built with uh State Department people and intelligence agency people. I mean, you can look up who who who who who who who is there for the directors and who their content management is and just, you know, look up the names. It's crazy that nobody's thinking about Uh Yeah, I think Elon musk's Twitter.
1 place where he at least tries not to do that.
Um, I don't think he's doing a particularly good job with all the bugs and all that but he always tries and that's been huge for us. We get, you know, a few thousand live views on our live streams and
90% of them come from Twitter anymore. So yeah. All right fair enough. I want to start getting into some of these uh, super chats and I I appreciate you guys, uh sending them and actually so can I can I ask you a trolley question that came in right before we went live. This isn't a super chat but but you know, I'll I'll ask. Um ask Noah why he's registered Democrat and he's such a real Marxist.
So this guy is really really weird. This guy's been started internet stalking not just me but a few of my friends and some other people and he thinks he's sort of figured out all of our addresses and real names and all of this. Uh, and he's like, you know, I'm boxing them and spreading all this info look at me, right? Um, he's a very very Sad guy. So, uh, I'm I haven't voted in maybe. Since Obama I guess so if I if I'm registered Democrat, I don't I don't know. Uh, if I am or not it would have been you know when I was young and stupid.
Fair enough I have those types of So I
We'll get into some real.
Rottweiler says 2 questions for the guests. What's the incentive for innovation in the Socialist regime? And what would the regime do about inherited wealth and businesses both good questions. I think great questions. And those are the sort of questions, uh, the founding fathers of America were discussing right Thomas. Jefferson's main vexing question is what do we do about inheritance? Because they were trying to get over sort of, you know privileged, right? Um,
I mean we can look at uh communist countries existing now, right? Um,
China uh has plenty of incentive for people to start businesses and innovate. They're leading the world in Information Technology, um, but American communism with our sort of socialist America will have to figure out an American way to do that. Right? They have this sort of mix of democracy and meritocracy that works for them. But in the US we're a very sort of we put a lot of focus on personal freedom. Um, and Ingenuity is sort of what what Stalin used to call American grit and American pragmatism. Um, and it said that the Soviets really admired America for that. Um, you know, that was before the Gold War and uh, the the very good chance that the goal was never to happen and history would have turned out differently, but Uh It it's really it's up to the people. I think there's a big misconception. That socialism is this set of policies or that set of policies we must do ab and c and then we make our socialism high right and 500 a year degrees for whatever time but socialism is really just A general category. That means that our society has a social reason for existing. Right that it puts the needs of society. Uh in front and however, we do that is up to the sort of historical conditions giving rise to but why do I have to put the needs of everyone else in front of me? And what I want I would assume you would write I wouldn't know I wouldn't and anyway I put my family's needs before mine, but my community's needs before mine. Uh, but that's my choice. Right? I I I choose to help my community up. Um, I don't think people need worse to do that. There's plenty of incentives, um to be a good person regardless, I like Helping right? I like the sort of sense of everybody working together to accomplish a goal and helping someone else do something that they can't do like when when uh Co at the organized a prescription delivery service for the elderly people in my neighborhood, right? Um, I didn't need incentivized to do it. I just kind of did it.
Um, but I didn't at the same time expect all my neighbors to sign up right because people have busy lives they have things going on. Um, I think that kind of stuff I'll just evens out, you know, Are you sure you're not on a narco capitalist? I'm asking like honestly because like everything that you're saying sounds like volunteerism to me. Well, I'm just thinking we're we're we're a country of hundreds of millions of people. Right the idea that we need to force people to not work in their own interests is silly to Um, I don't I don't see a world where that actually happens. I mean it it it is and a different framing we can say that we spend all day at work doing that already.
Where uh, I have to sell my sort of Labor to you know, some guy in an office. He was just kind of sitting there getting rich while I work all day for it. Um, But like I I think it's just a misconception about Marxism that like everyone gets forced to work for someone else. The whole point is Everyone in the working class in general has the same material interests. We all just want to live like a peaceful able life. Without people sort of getting in the way of that. Right and part of what we consider American Marxism is the American sort of uh, Pioneer spirit in which that happened right taking it upon yourself to do. Right starting your own company, but that can't happen any. Right. The way again is a China. I think I don't buy I don't buy into that at all. And I actually have this exact same conversation with the Revolutionary Communists of America where like I think it's actually easier than ever to start your own company. I mean, I started my own Consulting practice in like 2012 as I was commuting on a bus every day to go from New Hampshire to Boston to work my consulting job. And then I I built my own Consulting practice online like on my, you know, 2 to 3 our evening commutes morning and evening commute or whatever. Um, you know, I started that business I eventually was able to quit my job. They'll work for myself. That was pretty rad then uh, then Co Kid in all of my Consulting business got wiped out but luckily this thing called YouTube exists and I somehow became the conservative darling for a year and was trotting around the conservative political circuit because I left the Democratic party publicly and all this stuff. And so all of a sudden I was doing this but also like I I built like I built you know my platform I built my community. I I like this is all a business. I build my merch store and you know the last communist I talked to made fun of me for like selling key. They were like, uh, they said, oh you have a hobby that you've ever turned into a job. I was like, yeah, I make t-shirts and stuff and sell cool designs that make me laugh and make other people laugh and that's just the same whole business and they were like, oh ho ho ho like normal people can't do that. I was like, what are you talking about? Normal people can't do that everything in that business was basically set up for free. It's all you use free tools. It's all print on demand. And then I was able to add more premium stuff as it made more money, but like anyone can do that.
That's a very good point. Um, and I was also laughing at at your work store. Um, it's it's brilliant marketing by the way, because you can get people in on the joke and people not in on the joke. But anyway, I I I've said repeatedly hey, I've said repeatedly like my very best designs are the ones where people don't know 1 side. I'm on.
Yeah, uh, so so I won't get into I was going to tell some stuff I shouldn't but uh Uh Regarding that everyone can do it in theory. Yes right in theory. I could even quit my job and dedicate myself to doing Midwestern Marx full time. Right our Institute e despite, um, being censored like crazy has brought in a little bit of money. I teach a class we charge for that. We're not against people enriching themselves like that. Right? Are you funded by George Soros? Yes. No, although that is a rumor that that Saturn that Johnny Saturn guy started about as well, which was good. Um,
But no, I I think if if we look at you know who actually gets uh into a place on the internet where they can actually provide we're not just themselves, but maybe a family or just a comfortable life. It's a relatively small amount of people. Um, that's just you know numbers playing odds. It's the same as sort of I am really really really wanted to break out on my own. Uh, I didn't finish carpentry program, right? Uh, but with the domination of the country the country company, I actually work for I hope you're competing against what amounts to a monopoly Right, uh, and that's a lot of the reason why people don't start businesses is because we have these monopolies here. Uh, they already exist and I mean Rockefeller for instance was famous. For buying up small businesses on a whip Right. Um, we're at this point where we
Passed that really competitive stage. I mean it's over 80% of small businesses that fail in the first year. Uh, so yes people can try it but the vast majority is just not realistic. That doesn't mean that people that can shouldn't I think they should and I think Uh, what is important is to make sure that Economic Opportunity? Is genuinely there rather than just theoretically there for everyone and I think the only way to do that. Is through a Communist party and a socialist State that's dedicated to empowering all rather than this individual and that 1 uh, I know that's where we actually disagree. Yeah, we do but I I I frankly think most people are lazy and I think that like I mean I think like and maybe that's a little dismissive and I'll say like it's a little bit but I think I think that our society has made a lot of people very lazy and reticent to get up and actually do what's required. Like, I mean people think like not to mention entitled. Yeah. Well, I I agree with I know I agree with that as well and it's like, you know, like the streaming thing and and creating content every day is not easy. A lot of people think this is easy, but the only way you're able to be successful at this is if you treat it, I actually like you know, what's funny Katie Herzog dragged me for this at 1 Point Katie Herzog is just like 1 of the most disingenuous journalists on the planet never go near that woman if you have to but like she actually did this whole podcast about me where she was like and Carlin is streaming all the time. I'm like
It's a job like it's a job you show up consistently and do your job and just because most streamers don't show up consistently like that's not that's not a me problem. That's a them problem. Well, that's like that's like yelling at me for working overtime. Yeah, like that's where the money's at. Of course. I'm going to work overtime right? It's yeah, it's so weird. Um, I agree that a lot of people are lazy. But I try to not end there and look a little deeper and say what? And it's because really we we get sort of thrust into this world where we spend most of our life like, uh working 8 hours a day to make somebody else rich and so that affects you on a subconscious level, right? Uh, 1 of the reasons that you know, the cool kids in school are the ones that don't try and joke around and slack off and don't mix up. Now. Look at a communist country like China the kids consider cool are the straight A students that are excelling. And we're falling behind that. Um and our our sort of generations growing up are lazy My Generation generation x is like the laziest most self-important generation. They're ever has I think it's been getting slightly better after that. But because it has to I mean, what else are you going to do? There's only so much you can go but uh, I I think there's a reason that it happens as a All right fair enough. I want to get to make sure we get to you know, the rest of these super chats. We got a bunch of great questions for you. Um, Jen says hola amigo Zen Amigos and to be totally inclusive of meis. Thank you Jen. We appreciate that. Um Murphy's pool says, I'm King returned. Thank you Murphy's pool. We appreciate that nerdy says, hey, you know what? If you can't answer this question, I completely understand. I've been wondering whatever happened to your interview with all of our Anthony. We were like looking forward to you guys interviewing all of our Anthony what happened?
It was it was like a really elaborate scam basically, uh that that Implement multiple email addresses and like actual businesses that we had to call. Uh that yeah, it was it was wild. All right. Well, we'll just leave it at that. Um, let's see. Let's see we've got Elena Elena says, hey Noah. Are you aware that all the that? Uh, are are you all aware that movements can get co-opted. Have you thought about this and what actions have you taken? So I mentioned at the top that we're starting to dig into a lot of this queer Anarchist literature that I think is the most influential stuff over today's queer activist the ones doing all the crazy stuff and I explicitly read 1 on 1 of my podcasts the other day where they talk about this idea of social insertion and and co-opting movements and it's my position at least with the Revolutionary communist of America. I think the fair marxists are already trying to co-opt them and I think they they probably will Co-op them at some point. What do you think about that? Yeah, and what's funny is uh troski is are are are notorious for doing that and they have a term for it. They call it entryism. Um But The thing with with Marxism leninism is its It's hard to co-opt. Uh based on the sort of Uh, uh world view of Marxism
And the only way for it to be sort of shunted aside is for education in that worldview you fall by the way. So this is what happened in the Communist Party USA, um by the 90s the early 90s when the Soviet Union was about to fall. Oh, no, even before that with gorbachov, right? Uh, the the chairman was Gus Hall. Hero, right, uh the FBI actually illegally illegally once entered Mexico to kidnap him. And bring him back to the US to arrest him.
Even though he had committed a crime anyway. Um Education and Fallen Silo and I mean we're in the the, you know last part of what we call the period of the middle classes, so Recruitment and dwindle and that kind of stuff. Um, That by the time Gasol realized what was happening with gorbachov setting up for yelen and moved to support a potential coup in the Soviet Union to sort of return to Marxism leninism. Um, it was too late and he had to sort of clamp down on all the Democracy within the party. Because He was surrounded by a bunch of liberals. Right that weren't educated properly and Marxism what they thought theory was. Wasn't a worldview wasn't this sort of form of logic. We have difficult dialectical. It was instead, you know vague ideas on tactics that didn't apply to their condition. Um, And so the party split and it hasn't been the same since Uh This is what's happened in General on the entire left. And I mean look at it. It's like a bickering Teddy childish mess because there's no real Marxism until a few years ago. Is coming back and We're sort of very proud to be a small part of that. Bigger movement and this return to Marxism which is sort of Uh Advancing into American Marxism at this sort of higher stage in history. I think it's fascinating when you guys always think that you're bickering and inviting because like you guys don't pay attention to the nonsense that goes on on the right. Can I can I tell you about the time that these entire can I I'll talk about the time just a couple months ago the entire conservative right had a 2 week meltdown over a beer calendar.
And I'm not joking. This was a real thing. There was an entire 2 week goddamn meltdown that and and and and and and like I don't know if you caught with this but like I did a Twitter space with uh, Jeremy, uh, boring with the the who's the CEO of the daily wire and Nick wend does with all the Twitter space too. And I got Jeremy boreing to admit that he would never hire anyone that was critical of Israel like on this Twitter space. So that was a whole other thing that happened like like it just like so I just think it's funny when I hear I I have this like my favorite abolish the family socialist is Sophie Lewis. I think you might have commented on the clips. I posted of Sophie on Twitter the other day where she's saying like fuck pendo rights, and she's talking about queer being in a certainty against private property and all that. Well, I was once having a DM conversation with Sophie on Instagram and I said to her I was like so you guys know you're winning right and she started like yelling at me over at Instagram because she didn't want to hear that like that like her she was like we're in fighting all the time and I was just thinking so funny because from our perspective and and and I know that like you're not representative of the entire left from our perspective and most of my audience are kind of like we hate both sides. The left is like kicking ass. Like this is why like I'm not afraid to even talk to you guys anymore because I'm like we're going to lose we're obviously going to lose like it might it might take another decade or 2, but we're we're absolutely going to lose because we look at you guys and you have it so much more together than anyone else that we interact with.
I would I wouldn't uh say that the left us but that's hilarious about the the calendar. Um, by the way and It's I I don't know I see. The left always complains and complains, but they have the ruling class. I mean the ruling class is woke now. Yeah, and they they sort of act like they're somehow still subversive for this. Right. I'm like you sound like comma errors. What are you talking about? Right? How are you against the establishment know you are the establishment. Right, and so we see ourselves as separate from that completely. Um, I I do think you're right though that we are going to win. You should probably just join us. It'll be a lot easier. I like I like my stuff. I like my stuff. My my only hope is that if I if I have like some sort of like collegial relations with you guys. I get to start I get to be like like part of the elite class and still doing commentary on the internet and everyone else goes to the go log and I don't go to the go log because at least I've been nice to you and I've been fair to you along the way and I said you were going to win so I kind of like have that hope that you're not just going to show up in my house with a gun but I guess uh, I guess we'll see there. Um, Milo says Bernie is greater than binnie. I don't know what exactly that means. Do. You know what that means? Oh, Yes, pretty cool are better than any test ever. Yes. He is Sir. I'm the last actual birdie Girl, by the way. Well, well, I'm like, oh, let me ask you about a different birdie because 1 of the things we know from listening to Communists is if you guys don't seem to like Bernie Sanders and AOC where where the the right things that Bernie Sanders and AOC are like your favorite people. Can you tell me a little bit about that? Um, some people do it's it's wild. I was actually telling uh, another guy a colleague at the in Name is Kyle. Uh this on the phone earlier. I was telling him a story about a old 1 of the what we call Old heads, right the older people in the party and he was a nice guy all of kind of uh, kerly union guy, right but Was super up the ass of the Democrat just incredibly up their ass and I said AOC was a Nazi in her her establishment connections were were troubling and he started yelling at me going that's a liter of our movement and I'm like I I don't think we're in the same movement man. What are you talking about? Oh like this. Yeah, uh, we're not big fans of either. Uh, I Carlos and Eddie both. Started be began their sort of a journey towards political awareness with Bernie. Right, uh, he was the first guy they are that wasn't just the plastic canned. Politico um The way I see it. That's sort of how him and Trump Act. They can be someone's. Uh, sort of, you know, like springboard their trampoline into something else.
Fair enough fair enough, I grew up in Vermont. So I've been deeply familiar with Bernie Sanders my entire life. So he's I mean, but he is he is who he is and I will give this to Bernie and I always have he is Consistent he is that exactly the same thing is a higher Flippin life and then he sold, you know, a book and made millions of dollars and all of a sudden it wasn't about the millionaires anymore. It was about the billionaires and you know, so he adjusted but uh, but but whatever. Um, let me get into I I want to say this about Carlos too. So the first the the the stream that actually made me aware of you guys was a stream that Carlos was doing about his book which apparently was about how you guys need to recruit more people from the Maga movement. And I was actually there was a moment where I was like, you know what he's actually right about that and I actually had this whole kind of stint at the at the very beginning of 2021 where I was like, this is stupid like the BLM protesters and and the maggot people are actually all populist. They should all just work together like the minute that they all figure out who the real enemy is like that's going to that if they actually figure it out that they could work together that would Actually be a game changer and I started kind of like pushing this idea out there and I did this like American thought leaders thing with like, uh, the epoch times and all this stuff about this and and it was just like the reaction on the conservative right is now they're all Marxist and I was like, okay but like they're also populist. So maybe you try to find some alignment for once and it just never took and so when I watched that stream with Carlos and you guys talking about his book, I actually emailed you guys. I mean, I think I knew Carlos and I said, you know, you want to you want to sell to Megan people and and and this was a little bit of a different time my audience is shifted since then, but I was like, I have Maga people on my channel. Do you want to come and talk to me and you never I never heard back? So oh man we must have missed that. Um,
You would not believe how many emails we get. Uh, it's a lot. I'm going to have to go through like insert your name and try to bind it. Um
A little bit of a troll too so I can kind of understand if you were a guy like like she may be more trouble than she's worth. You may you may have recorded based on that. Yeah. Uh I I Interesting. What's interesting to me though, like so regarding the book. It's actually know really about talking to the Maga people per se but that the the last period's left has what we call this Purity package. So they refused to talk to Maga people or anyone else. It wasn't them because they're not pure right. They they're tainted by the real world. Um and So it was more of a like call for what you're saying. Like it doesn't matter where you come from if your interests are in fighting against the establishment. Why wouldn't you do it together real political action doesn't really happen at the level of the idea so much as it the level of necessity.
Fair enough. All right. We got a bunch more Super chats and I want to make sure we get to to all of them and thank you guys for your wonderful questions that you've been asking today. So Noah is about creating a new Marxism in the sense of American Marxism. Not the traditional Marxism the 1 that 1 types of from The Communist Manifesto. Can you comment on that? Yeah. No, it's it's less that it's not that and more that it is because it isn't I know that sounds like a contradiction, but you remember what I was saying about the universe of particular, right? Um, Every country in which a communist movement arises has its own form of Communism its own uh, theoretical guides that uh, so in In China you have you know Mazda on thought and Dong Xiao ping Theory.
And on and on there's you know, they have a thousand of them over there. Now there's Xi Jinping top brand new century or whatever in the Soviet Union. They had um first calling in forces of leninism and then there's multiple schools coming off of that. We uh particularly bonded 1 called creative Marxism.
Which is sort of bounded by a thinker named Ewald illiano, uh here in the US it's still you know, marks and goes Lenin. It's still marks. It marks as a leninism. But our American Forum has to understand the particularity of America write our history. Uh what our main struggles have been And what our sort of people are like the genuine essence of our people how we all as a people. Uh, and in this we sort of We call we we view it through what we call the American trajectory. Right, so in the beginning Uh, you know, it's a it's a British colony. There's immigrants from all over they're all separate people but over time. We become American right we sort of get uh assimilated into something that wasn't there before. I don't know what what the word for that is, so I'm not very smart. Um, But uh
This for us means it's necessary to understand. Uh, what dubow who we call the father of American Marxism because the struggle against the color 1
As not just some you know woke.
Uh idea But instead it it historically determined form of the classroom. Right at the end of the Civil War when the slaves revolted on Mass. Amounts to a general strike against the Confederacy right this uh deprives the the Confederacy of Labor and begins. Uh, what the boys go is the first dictatorship of the proletariat in history in reconstruction. Um Led by the Brie appearance, right and other institutions of the black, uh working class. So, uh, it doesn't end there, right? It keeps going and we notice it at this revolutionary moment.
At the next 1 which is the civil rights movement and more than Luther King. If if you watched our streams you probably noticed the King quote at the end of our um intro which you know, a very kind audience member made for us but embarrasses me every time we watch it, uh, because it's so loud and I I got there's like a shot of me where I'm like a tiny little uh, Hobbit guy, but Anyway, this this sort of creates what the modern American people is, uh, And
I I think this is 1 of the reasons we go so hard against wokeism. Because wokeism sort of tries to put these.
Uh formal legalized dividing lines that hundreds of years of struggle and becoming who we are overcame and we're now on a different side of not to say that there's no racism that will be silly but uh, it tries to like formalize them again and put them back in but with a woke veneer right saying like, oh, I'm the rich white guy. I'm no longer the good 1. I'm the bad 1 all the offense are still going to be the same but
Fascinating fascinating. Let's see Noah. Do you recognize the fact that queer indoctrination in schools is a direct pipeline leading kids to socialism. When you think about that? No, I don't recognize that because you think the queer marxists are anti-communist. Oh what 100% they are. Absolutely Lincoln governments. Yes. Okay. Do you recognize that wearing doctrination in schools is a direct line leading kids away from communism. I wonder I wonder if you could maybe say socialism if if we want to just, you know, give them that sometimes I'm I'm not nice enough to them.
It would be nice to them at all. They're horrible people. A lot of them are the most equal.
Lazy people I've ever met. You should see the crazy things. They've done to me. Um, but I think that that sort of thing in schools is a big problem. Yeah, and I think uh the left acting like it's not Is an even bigger problem, uh, too many people just Go are are okay with this stuff being taught to children. Look if you're an adult who would ever you want. You know like That's freedom.
To each their own But to force it on children. Is entirely screwed up and we want to call what they think their Utopia land is socialism, but So so so you are against the idea that parental rights are a form of private property and that should be abolished. Absolutely. Yes. Excellent. Okay. We're we're that's like the biggest hurdle that it seems to be in between us and the Socialists these days human said to me wants to know are you a reformist know?
Okay. Milo wants to know does Noah believed that anarcho Communists and the followers of people like I don't I'm not going to pronounce those believe in a silly fantasy and there should be a government and Collective to make socialism work, right? Um for me, it's less that there should be a government or Collective and more that. There is And we need to sort of soberly address the real world. Right, uh throughout history since the Advent of sort of modern. Um,
Agriculture like the Agricultural Revolution when people started you know stopped just picking berries everywhere off the ground in hunting and started cultivating in was in food, right this, uh starts formalizing what we call the state right and since then it's existed in different forms. According to different necessities and different classes that arise throughout history, right? Uh,
I think that. Just saying we shouldn't have a state doesn't do anything.
I think we need to understand how it arose what characteristics it has what it uh can do and can't do in order to understand how it eventually like everything in the entire universe would would sort of Decay and fade away and go out of existence. Um, I think just demanding That that did not exist is is Utopia. All right fair enough.
Dragon tail thank you for the Super Chat dragon tail says I've lived in China for 11 years. I assure you that no 1, Owensboro. Yeah, everybody does. Is a lot better looking than me. That's fine. Uh Yeah, so Uh
There is an over 90% homeownership rate in China.
The the State As as representing the people, however Owns all of the land so there's a difference there, right and they've had uh some crises with real estate investment scams. That and so this is something that uh, the the Communist party there is trying to address right nothing's perfect. Um, But I see that it is. Constantly improving and I see A huge increase in the standard of living And I think that it's less that people are all prevented speaking against the government. I mean, I see negative articles all the time, but that's
State media and their own form of censorship The Chinese people are okay.
It works for the Chinese people a lot of people view it and you know, I have friends who live there, right? Uh, a lot of people view it as protecting people from uh, protecting the tree, right?
But when you know exactly how something is going to be spun every time, you know, there's a spit. Right, uh, if you're reading Chinese State media, you got to be stupid to think it's not going to be positive about the state.
In the US, however We're told our media is free, but it's anything but and most people hate the media and consider it, uh completely worthless at least in the end. Well, yeah, but in in China my YouTube channel and my substack wouldn't be able to exist right? I mean at least like, you know, what and is isn't it better to have like, you know a media that is allowed to question The Establishment. Um, well well still I mean and I think we can all acknowledge the media Schilling a lot of of blatant propaganda and I think people have gotten wise to that but the fact that we are allowed to have media that allows us to question The Establishment, um to some extent is is the reason that people understand that I think that American Media has been able to do that to a certain extent. When it can be ignored as insignificant or not dangerous.
The minute it is they shut it down. Look at Tik Tok they're already trying to get rid of it because it's so against the genocide in Palestine. Um, And so 1 we're Americans, right and we have a different notion of how these things should work and it should be up to us to figure out our own points. I mean you have to have some censorship. Um, you can't have you know people making insane pornography videos and posting them or kids can go and stuff like that. Right, but we're we're absolutely capable of Figuring out our own form that works for us. What I mean is the Chinese people have a form that works for them. And I know you can get on YouTube and all that in China. It's not like a a huge deal bpn are very common. Um, a lot of what they do is protect themselves from our intelligence agencies as they have to Write I mean everyone knows what Google uh is is made up of ever since Snowden right? So Uh YouTube being owned by Google. I can very easily see why you know, the government of China isn't a big fan, you know. Okay, fair enough. We got a couple more questions. I want to make sure we get to those Angela says will the Communists resist any future lockdowns and mandates that leader imposed on us. Yes, just full stop. Yes. Absolutely. Well blanket. Yes. Yo, excellent. Excellent answer we like that. I I still think you're in a narco capitalist Murphy's Paul says, you're 40. You're not jet X I I I'm older than 40. I'm in my 40s. All right, we won't make you a failure I of course, I'm 29. I'm nowhere near 43, which is my Accolade. Anyway, um honest dog Allison wants to know thank you for being here Noah your take on Richard Wolff and worker Co-op businesses. I mean if that's what people want to do cool, uh, but it's not socialism.
It's you know.
Uh it it. I think I think what I think what Richard Wolff does is sort of Gets people thinking in a new mode. Um, I don't think he's as utopian as a lot of his videos let off but that's just, you know, my, you know, tinfoil happier. I don't know.
All right. All right. Well, I think we've had a great chat we are coming up on our on our time, but I just want to open the floor to you. Is there anything you want to ask me or anything else you want to say before? We kind of wrap up, uh the conversation? Yeah. I have 1 1 question actually, so you keep saying you think of an end Gap I promise. I'm a Marxist but um Are you so are you like a a Doctrine error in in Arco capitalism? Right? Not any Classical liberalism? Nothing like no. I'm in a narco capitalism. Right? Well, yeah. I mean, I don't even I don't even tend to think of it like that. I mean, I just don't like break it down real like how I learned. I live in New Hampshire which is like the libertarian Homeland. I learned from like some of the most hardcore libertarian activists in the world and just how I think of it. I don't I don't I never read the 18 economic spokes. I was given to read when I joined the libertarian party, um like to like, I I believe in abolishing all government because it it it it makes things worse not better, but I want to retain private property and those are the kind of like phases of my thought process. Okay. That yeah, I think that's a lot way too much to unpack now at the end of the show, but okay. Yeah. I was just I was just curious. That's all. Yeah. I like I I never I never went that has gotten really into like the philosophy of things. So I I like I've read me somewhere I've like read it but I didn't like really pay attention to it. And I didn't really like ingrain it into my head like a lot of people do because I just focus on much more practical application. How is this going to impact me in my real life and I let the the Phil the philosophy wants to debate about all of that stuff. I just don't involve myself in it. Um, but I would love to have you back for another chat sometime. I think this has been actually really good really productive. I think some of your answers from my audience have been surprising and um, you know, I really appreciate you, uh, you coming on and maybe we can even do I mean like I was thinking when when we were talking I was like wouldn't it be fun to do maybe a collaboration around the debates coming up where we just like watch the Biden Trump debates and make fun of them from both sides. I thought that that would actually be a kind of a full pop fun little experiment. So maybe we can organize that Absolutely. I love it. All right. Well Noah, thank you for coming on again guys. Noah is from Midwestern Mark. So if you want to head over to their website, this is Midwestern marks.com. They also have a YouTube channel. Is there anything else you'd like to plug? Um, yeah, May 24th, uh join us Jackson and has from infrared at the free pallet or free America to free Palestine event. All right. Talhas I said, there's no such thing as a Maga communist and he is he's full of it for pushing that idea. I will use that awesome. Thank you so much for being here today. Noah. We'll have you back again soon. All right. Thanks. All right guys, that was our that is our show for today again.
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