Editing Comrade:MudWizard

68 editsJoined 18 January 2023
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[[Category:Comrades from Europe]]
1. r/GZD Discord server.
2. As a Marxist-Leninist, I align with the ideology of scientific socialism, which is based on the idea that capitalism is inherently exploitative and can only be replaced with a classless, socialist society through a revolutionary process led by the proletariat. I believe this ideology is the most scientifically and historically grounded, and is the best way to achieve true liberation and equality for all people.
3. I appreciate ProleWiki's commitment to transparency and criticism/self-criticism, as these principles are essential for maintaining a healthy organization.
Overall, I am in full agreement with the principles and believe that they are essential for advancing class consciousness.
4. China right now is essentially what the USSR would've been if Lenin had lived long enough to implement the NEP.
Imagine this:
It's 1949, the CPC has just won the civil war. Hooray! Now it's time to do Socialis-
Wait. China is one of the poorest countries on the planet. They don't have any industry. In China, the "means of production" are water buffalos and wooden ploughs, and most people still practice subsistence farming.
China has no capitalism. So therefore, there can't be any socialism yet. Well shit.
So, that's where China is now. They're currently building the "capitalism" part, whilst the CPC regulates it with a tight leash, like Lenin's NEP.  When the time comes, they'll make the transition towards the Socialist mode of production.
5. Stalin was a great leader who played an instrumental role in the development of socialism in the Soviet Union. He led the country through some of its most difficult periods, including the industrialization and collectivization of agriculture, which helped to transform the Soviet Union from a backward agrarian society into a modern industrial power.
Stalin also played a key role in leading the Soviet Union during World War II, which was one of the most important events in the 20th century. Under his leadership, the Soviet Union was able to defeat Nazi Germany and secure a victory for the Allied powers.
His policies helped to greatly improve the living standards of the working class, and his leadership helped to further the cause of international socialism. He was a staunch defender of the principles of Marxism-Leninism and a tireless advocate for the working class.
Overall, I believe that Joseph Stalin was a great leader who played an important and positive role in the history of the Soviet Union and the world.
6. My understanding of gender is that it is a social construct, created and perpetuated by capitalist society to divide and oppress the working class. Gender roles and expectations are used to control and exploit people based on their assigned sex, and to justify patriarchal societies.
Marxists should support the LGBT community as they are also part of the working class and are also facing the effects of capitalist oppression. The LGBT community has been fighting for their rights and equality, which is in line with Marxist principles of fighting against all forms of oppression.
(Discord: F.F#3060)
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