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=== Fourth and fifth republics (1945–present) ===
=== Fourth and fifth republics (1945–present) ===
After the Allies liberated France from Nazi Germany, France sent troops to reconquer its colonies in [[Socialist Republic of Vietnam|Vietnam]], [[Africa]], and the [[West Indies]]. Relying on US support, it fought against Vietnamese freedom fighters led by [[Ho Chi Minh]] until its defeat at Dien Bien Phu in 1954.<ref>{{Citation|author=[[Vijay Prashad]]|year=2008|title=The Darker Nations: A People's History of the Third World|chapter=Paris|page=3–4|pdf=https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/bafykbzaceascnzh26r5d6uitjjs2z7rflhaxlt7rboz5whzdf76qg6xxvecqq?filename=%28A%20New%20Press%20People%27s%20history%29%20Vijay%20Prashad%20-%20The%20darker%20nations_%20a%20people%27s%20history%20of%20the%20third%20world-The%20New%20Press%20%282008%29.pdf|publisher=The New Press|isbn=9781595583420|lg=https://libgen.rs/book/index.php?md5=9B40B96E830128A7FE0E0E887C06829F}}</ref>
After France's liberation from Nazi Germany, the French Communist Party formed strong [[Trade union|unions]] and ran for office in bourgeois elections. The [[United States of America|United States]] sent members of the [[American Federation of Labor|AFL]] to France to import [[Strike breaker|strike breakers]] from [[Italian Republic|Italy]] and paid Corsican gangs to break [[Strike action|strikes]] and murder party members. The USA forced France to dismiss Communist ministers in order to receive economic aid.<ref>{{Citation|author=William Blum|year=2002|title=Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower|chapter=A Concise History of United States Global Interventions,
After the war, the French Communist Party formed strong [[Trade union|unions]] and ran for office in bourgeois elections. The [[United States of America|United States]] sent members of the [[American Federation of Labor|AFL]] to France to import [[Strike breaker|strike breakers]] from [[Italian Republic|Italy]] and paid Corsican gangs to break [[Strike action|strikes]] and murder party members. The USA forced France to dismiss Communist ministers in order to receive economic aid.<ref>{{Citation|author=William Blum|year=2002|title=Rogue State: A Guide to the World's Only Superpower|chapter=A Concise History of United States Global Interventions,
1945 to the Present|page=109|pdf=https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/bafykbzacedas5bwprytpzcih6tof3ipede5uzmcvt47tfzwp4cptdau6vmjpy?filename=William%20Blum%20-%20Rogue%20State_%20A%20Guide%20to%20the%20World%27s%20Only%20Superpower-Zed%20Books%20Ltd%20%282002%29.pdf|publisher=Zed Books Ltd|isbn=9781842772201|lg=https://libgen.rs/book/index.php?md5=29EED3C6906FF165E08303B9EAF66B4F}}</ref>
1945 to the Present|page=109|pdf=https://cloudflare-ipfs.com/ipfs/bafykbzacedas5bwprytpzcih6tof3ipede5uzmcvt47tfzwp4cptdau6vmjpy?filename=William%20Blum%20-%20Rogue%20State_%20A%20Guide%20to%20the%20World%27s%20Only%20Superpower-Zed%20Books%20Ltd%20%282002%29.pdf|publisher=Zed Books Ltd|isbn=9781842772201|lg=https://libgen.rs/book/index.php?md5=29EED3C6906FF165E08303B9EAF66B4F}}</ref>

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