Editing Historical revisionism

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'''Historical revisionism''' is a phenomenon in which one revisits, reexamines, or attempts to revise the established or commonly-held view of [[Human history|historical events]].  This can be good for the historical record when the conclusions reached are fact-based and supported by the evidence; or bad when it relies on incorrect, selective, or manipulated data.
'''Historical revisionism''' is a phenomenon in which one revisits, reexamines, or attempts to revise the established or commonly-held view of historical events.  This can be positive for the study of history when the conclusions reached are fact-based and follow the scientific method; or negative when they rely on incorrect, selective, or manipulated data.

The label 'historical revisionist', much like '[[Conspiracy theory|conspiracy theorist]]', is often used by [[Liberalism|liberals]] and [[Imperialism|imperialists]] to dismiss different perspectives without examining the evidence for them.
The label 'historical revisionist', much like '[[Conspiracy theory|conspiracy theorist]]', is often used by people (whose method of "historical research" is skimming [[Wikipedia]] articles) to dismiss different perspectives without examining the evidence for them.

One modern example of historical revisionism is the way certain [[Capitalism|capitalist]] countries teach the [[Tibet Autonomous Region#Ancient history|history of Tibet]]. Tibet has been part of [[People's Republic of China|China]] since the [[Tang dynasty (618–907)|Tang dynasty]], over a thousand years ago, yet [[Bourgeois science|Western history textbooks]] imply that Tibet was only forced to join China in 1950 after [[Peaceful Liberation of Tibet|a supposed 'invasion']].  [[Bourgeoisie|Bourgeois]] historians also glorify the [[Feudalism|feudal]] era of Tibetan history when over 90% of the population were [[Slavery|slaves]] or unfree serfs<ref name=":3">{{News citation|newspaper=[[Liberation School]]|title=China, Tibet and U.S.-sponsored counterrevolution|date=2008-04-01|url=https://www.liberationschool.org/08-04-01-china-tibet-ussponsored-coun-html/|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20210619132116/https://liberationschool.org/08-04-01-china-tibet-ussponsored-coun-html/|archive-date=2021-06-19|retrieved=2022-06-20}}</ref> and living conditions were deplorable for most people. This gross mischaracterisation of Tibet's history is made by bourgeois propagandists in an attempt to lend legitimacy to separatist movements in China, which want to [[Balkanization|balkanize]] the modern Chinese [[nation-state]].
One modern example of historical revisionism is the way certain [[Capitalism|capitalist]] countries teach the [[Tibet Autonomous Region#Ancient history|history of Tibet]]. Tibet has been part of [[People's Republic of China|China]] since the Tang dynasty, over a thousand years ago. Yet it is described in [[Bourgois science|western history textbooks]] as being "invaded" by the CPC and forced to join modern China in the 1950s. This gross mischaracterization of Tibet's history is an example of [[Imperialism|imperialist countries]] supporting Chinese separatists, in an effort to balkanize the modern Chinese [[nation-state]].
== References ==
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