Editing History of China

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The Japanese plan was to let both groups meet at Wuhan, which they expected to happen fairly quickly in a blitzkrieg invasion. This did not work out however, as the resistance put up by the Chinese was much more intense than the Japanese had anticipated.<ref name=":033" />
The Japanese plan was to let both groups meet at Wuhan, which they expected to happen fairly quickly in a blitzkrieg invasion. This did not work out however, as the resistance put up by the Chinese was much more intense than the Japanese had anticipated.<ref name=":033" />

Nonetheless, the nationalist government was forced to retreat from Nanjing to Wuhan, and eventually out of Wuhan to Chongqing. When the Japanese reached Nanjing, which was the KMT's capital, they committed the [[Rape of Nanjing]]: hundreds of thousands of people were killed and many women were raped.<ref name=":033" /> To this day, the Japanese government has not apologized for it and formally denied the massace even took place in 1990.<ref>{{Web citation|newspaper=Nanking Massacre: the untold story|title=Denials|date=2007|url=https://depts.washington.edu/triolive/quest/2007/TTQ07032/yuen/denials.html|archive-url=https://archive.ph/gH66B|archive-date=2024-04-15}}</ref>
Nonetheless, the nationalist government was forced to retreat from Nanjing to Wuhan, and eventually out of Wuhan to Chongqing. When the Japanese reached Nanjing, which was the KMT's capital, they committed the [[Rape of Nanjing]]: hundreds of thousands of people were killed and many women were raped.<ref name=":033" /> To this day, the Japanese government has not apologized for it and formally denied the massace even took place in 1990.<ref>{{Web citation|title=Nanking Massacre: the untold story|url=https://depts.washington.edu/triolive/quest/2007/TTQ07032/yuen/denials.html|archive-url=https://archive.ph/wip/gH66B}}</ref>

While this event was meant to terrorize the Chinese, it actually galvanized the resistance. After the first two years of the war, the front stabilized. The KMT had their main center of operations in Chongqing and another in Kunming. The Japanese did not occupy all of South China, and pockets of KMT forces continued to operate there long after the initial invasion.<ref name=":033" />
While this event was meant to terrorize the Chinese, it actually galvanized the resistance. After the first two years of the war, the front stabilized. The KMT had their main center of operations in Chongqing and another in Kunming. The Japanese did not occupy all of South China, and pockets of KMT forces continued to operate there long after the initial invasion.<ref name=":033" />
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