Editing Labour Party (UK)

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{{Infobox political party|name=Labour Party|logo=Labour party logo.png|founded=27 February, 1900|leader1_title=Party Leader|leader1_name=[[Keir Starmer]]|youth_wing=Young Labour|political_orientation=[[Social Democracy]]<br>[[Social Liberalism]]<br>[[Democratic Socialism]]<br>[[Neoliberalism]]|website=https://labour.org.uk/}}
{{Infobox political party|name=Labour Party|logo=Labour party logo.png|founded=27 February, 1900|leader1_title=Party Leader|leader1_name=[[Keir Starmer]]|youth_wing=Young Labour|political_orientation=[[Social Democracy]]<br>[[Social Liberalism]]<br>[[Democratic Socialism]]|website=https://labour.org.uk/}}

The '''Labour Party''' is a [[Bourgeoisie|bourgeois]] and [[Social fascism|social fascist]] political party<ref>{{Citation|author=Vladimir Lenin|title=V. I. Lenin: Collected Works-Volume 31: April-December 1920|title-url=https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1920/jul/x03.htm|chapter=Speech On Affiliation To The British Labour Party|quote=Of course, most of the Labour Party’s members are working men. However, whether or not a party is really a political party of the workers does not depend solely upon a membership of workers but also upon the men that lead it, and the content of its actions and its political tactics. Only that determines whether we really have before us a political party of the proletariat. Regarded from this, the only correct point of view, the Labour Party is a thoroughly bourgeois party, because, although made up of workers, it is led by reactionaries, and the worst kind of reactionaries at that, who act quite in the spirit of the bourgeoisie. It is an organisation of the bourgeoisie, which exists to systematically dupe the workers with the aid of the British Noses and Scheidemanns.|lg=https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=7C5A2899D40CE21335BB23D5BD939F02|mia=https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/cw/volume31.htm|chapter-url=https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1920/jul/x03.htm}}</ref><ref>{{Citation|author=Henry Mayers Hyndman|year=1912|title=Further Reminiscences|title-url=https://www.marxists.org/archive/hyndman/1912/further/index.html|chapter=The Dependent Labour Party|chapter-url=https://www.marxists.org/archive/hyndman/1912/further/ch11.html|quote=[On the Labour Representation Committee's rejection of the resolution that its "ultimate object [be] the socialisation of the means of production, distribution, and exchange"] At any rate the 53 to 39 was accepted as a final and decisive vote, and the non-Socialist political Labour Party was duly constituted.|mia=https://www.marxists.org/archive/hyndman/1912/further/index.html}}</ref> in the [[United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland|United Kingdom]]. First established in 1900, it grew out of the [[labor aristocracy|labour aristocracy]] of the 18th century.<ref>{{Citation|author=Karl Marx, Frederick Engels|year=1993|title=Collected Works, Vol. 46: Marx and Engels: 1880-1883|chapter=Engels to Marx. 11 August|page=121|quote=I couldn't remain on the staff of a paper which lends itself to writing up these German Trade Unions, comparable only to those very worst English ones which allow themselves to be led by men sold to, or at least paid by the middle class.|isbn=9780717805464|lg=https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=4895955E97BC739D970BC228FE88DC4E}}</ref><ref>{{Citation|author=Karl Marx, Frederick Engels|year=2002|title=Collected Works, Vol. 49: Engels: 1890-1892|chapter=Engels to Friedrich Adolph Sorge. 14 September|page=238|quote=The old Unions with the textile workers at their head, together with the entire reactionary party that exists among the workers, had mustered all their forces in order to overturn the eight hours resolution of 1890. [...] There is still much confusion, but there's no stopping things now and the bourgeois papers fully recognise the defeat of the bourgeois labour party [the Independent Labour Party].|publisher=International Publishers|isbn=9780717805495|lg=https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=62E59B459F42E549E84B5A0E611EF124}}</ref><ref>{{Citation|author=Vladimir Lenin|year=1916|title=Imperialism and the Split in Socialism|title-url=https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1916/oct/x01.htm|quote=Formerly a “bourgeois labour party”, to use Engels’s remarkably profound expression, could arise only in one country, because it alone enjoyed a monopoly, but, on the other hand, it could exist for a long time. Now a “bourgeois labour party” is inevitable and typical in all imperialist countries|mia=https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1916/oct/x01.htm}}</ref><ref>{{News citation|author=Jason Turvey|newspaper=Workers Party of Britain|title=Affiliate to Labour? Not us…|date=2022-05-31|url=https://workerspartybritain.org/2022/05/31/affiliate-to-labour-not-us/|quote=The trade union movement as it was in 1900 was not one of the entire working class: It was in fact an organisation formed from and working on behalf of a privileged layer of workers who created modern trade unions through the merger of ‘craft unions’}}</ref> It supported the imperialist [[First World War]], betrayed both the 1926 general strike<ref>{{Citation|author=Joseph Stalin|year=1926|title=The British Strike and the Events in Poland|title-url=https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1926/06/08bp.htm|quote=the general staff of the labour movement—the T.U.C. General Council and its “political committee,” the Labour Party—proved to be internally demoralised and corrupted. As we know, the heads of this general staff proved to be either downright traitors to the miners and the British working class in general (Thomas, Henderson, MacDonald and Co.), or spineless fellow-travellers of these traitors who feared a struggle and still more a victory of the working class (Purcell, Hicks and others).}}</ref><ref>{{News citation|newspaper=BBC|title=Lessons from Labour's first economic crisis|date=2009-06-04|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8079962.stm|quote=They [the trade unions] had a difficult relationship with Ramsay MacDonald [then Labour leader] who had disapproved of that strike.}}</ref> and the 1984 miners' strike,<ref name=":1">{{News citation|author=Harpal Brar|newspaper=Proletarian|title=History: The 1984/85 miners’ strike|date=2009-02-01|url=https://thecommunists.org/2009/02/01/news/history-the-198485-miners-strike/|quote=Just as during the strike, so now, 25 years later, bourgeois journalists, despicable Labour party bigwigs, contemptible members of the labour aristocracy – all of whom weighed in on the side of the ruling class to defeat the miners, supporting every government, police and judicial outrage against the strikers – instead of blaming the latter’s enemies, continue to blame the miners for the rundown of the industry.}}</ref> and has launched major imperialist wars; most principally, the [[Iraq War]], under the leadership of the war criminal [[Tony Blair]]. While it can be credited with the nationalization of major industries following the [[Second World War]], including the central bank, coal, steel, railways, gas, and electricity, these actions do nothing to prove Labour's claims of being socialist once put into context, given that nationalization is not only done by socialist parties.<ref>{{Citation|author=Various authors|year=2018|title=Public ownership of industries and services|title-url=https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-8325/|chapter=A brief history of public ownership in the UK|section=Post-War nationalisations|page=6|pdf=https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-8325/CBP-8325.pdf|city=London|publisher=House of Commons Library}}</ref>
The '''Labour Party''' is a [[Bourgeoisie|bourgeois]] and [[Social fascism|social fascist]] political party<ref>{{Citation|author=Vladimir Lenin|title=V. I. Lenin: Collected Works-Volume 31: April-December 1920|title-url=https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1920/jul/x03.htm|chapter=Speech On Affiliation To The British Labour Party|quote=Of course, most of the Labour Party’s members are working men. However, whether or not a party is really a political party of the workers does not depend solely upon a membership of workers but also upon the men that lead it, and the content of its actions and its political tactics. Only that determines whether we really have before us a political party of the proletariat. Regarded from this, the only correct point of view, the Labour Party is a thoroughly bourgeois party, because, although made up of workers, it is led by reactionaries, and the worst kind of reactionaries at that, who act quite in the spirit of the bourgeoisie. It is an organisation of the bourgeoisie, which exists to systematically dupe the workers with the aid of the British Noses and Scheidemanns.|lg=https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=7C5A2899D40CE21335BB23D5BD939F02|mia=https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/cw/volume31.htm|chapter-url=https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1920/jul/x03.htm}}</ref><ref>{{Citation|author=Henry Mayers Hyndman|year=1912|title=Further Reminiscences|title-url=https://www.marxists.org/archive/hyndman/1912/further/index.html|chapter=The Dependent Labour Party|chapter-url=https://www.marxists.org/archive/hyndman/1912/further/ch11.html|quote=[On the Labour Representation Committee's rejection of the resolution that its "ultimate object [be] the socialisation of the means of production, distribution, and exchange"] At any rate the 53 to 39 was accepted as a final and decisive vote, and the non-Socialist political Labour Party was duly constituted.|mia=https://www.marxists.org/archive/hyndman/1912/further/index.html}}</ref> in the [[United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland|United Kingdom]]. First established in 1900, it grew out of the [[labor aristocracy|labour aristocracy]] of the 18th century.<ref>{{Citation|author=Karl Marx, Frederick Engels|year=1993|title=Collected Works, Vol. 46: Marx and Engels: 1880-1883|chapter=Engels to Marx. 11 August|page=121|quote=I couldn't remain on the staff of a paper which lends itself to writing up these German Trade Unions, comparable only to those very worst English ones which allow themselves to be led by men sold to, or at least paid by the middle class.|isbn=9780717805464|lg=https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=4895955E97BC739D970BC228FE88DC4E}}</ref><ref>{{Citation|author=Karl Marx, Frederick Engels|year=2002|title=Collected Works, Vol. 49: Engels: 1890-1892|chapter=Engels to Friedrich Adolph Sorge. 14 September|page=238|quote=The old Unions with the textile workers at their head, together with the entire reactionary party that exists among the workers, had mustered all their forces in order to overturn the eight hours resolution of 1890. [...] There is still much confusion, but there's no stopping things now and the bourgeois papers fully recognise the defeat of the bourgeois labour party [the Independent Labour Party].|publisher=International Publishers|isbn=9780717805495|lg=https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=62E59B459F42E549E84B5A0E611EF124}}</ref><ref>{{Citation|author=Vladimir Lenin|year=1916|title=Imperialism and the Split in Socialism|title-url=https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1916/oct/x01.htm|quote=Formerly a “bourgeois labour party”, to use Engels’s remarkably profound expression, could arise only in one country, because it alone enjoyed a monopoly, but, on the other hand, it could exist for a long time. Now a “bourgeois labour party” is inevitable and typical in all imperialist countries|mia=https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1916/oct/x01.htm}}</ref><ref>{{News citation|author=Jason Turvey|newspaper=Workers Party of Britain|title=Affiliate to Labour? Not us…|date=2022-05-31|url=https://workerspartybritain.org/2022/05/31/affiliate-to-labour-not-us/|quote=The trade union movement as it was in 1900 was not one of the entire working class: It was in fact an organisation formed from and working on behalf of a privileged layer of workers who created modern trade unions through the merger of ‘craft unions’}}</ref> It supported the imperialist [[First World War]], betrayed both the 1926 general strike<ref>{{Citation|author=Joseph Stalin|year=1926|title=The British Strike and the Events in Poland|title-url=https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/stalin/works/1926/06/08bp.htm|quote=the general staff of the labour movement—the T.U.C. General Council and its “political committee,” the Labour Party—proved to be internally demoralised and corrupted. As we know, the heads of this general staff proved to be either downright traitors to the miners and the British working class in general (Thomas, Henderson, MacDonald and Co.), or spineless fellow-travellers of these traitors who feared a struggle and still more a victory of the working class (Purcell, Hicks and others).}}</ref><ref>{{News citation|newspaper=BBC|title=Lessons from Labour's first economic crisis|date=2009-06-04|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8079962.stm|quote=They [the trade unions] had a difficult relationship with Ramsay MacDonald [then Labour leader] who had disapproved of that strike.}}</ref> and the 1984 miners' strike,<ref name=":1">{{News citation|author=Harpal Brar|newspaper=Proletarian|title=History: The 1984/85 miners’ strike|date=2009-02-01|url=https://thecommunists.org/2009/02/01/news/history-the-198485-miners-strike/|quote=Just as during the strike, so now, 25 years later, bourgeois journalists, despicable Labour party bigwigs, contemptible members of the labour aristocracy – all of whom weighed in on the side of the ruling class to defeat the miners, supporting every government, police and judicial outrage against the strikers – instead of blaming the latter’s enemies, continue to blame the miners for the rundown of the industry.}}</ref> and has launched major imperialist wars; most principally, the [[Iraq War]], under the leadership of the war criminal [[Tony Blair]]. While it can be credited with the nationalization of major industries following the [[Second World War]], including the central bank, coal, steel, railways, gas, and electricity,<ref>{{Citation|author=Various authors|year=2018|title=Public ownership of industries and services|title-url=https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-8325/|chapter=A brief history of public ownership in the UK|section=Post-War nationalisations|page=6|pdf=https://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/CBP-8325/CBP-8325.pdf|city=London|publisher=House of Commons Library}}</ref> it should be noted that nationalization is not necessarily the characteristic of a socialist government.

The Labour Party is a "broad-church" party meaning that it accepts members from many different regions of the political spectrum, both left and right. This leads to a clash of views in which the right, which has the backing of the bourgeois, usually wins.<ref>{{Citation|author=Ralph Miliband|year=2015|title=Class War Conservatism: And Other Essays date of writing|title-url=https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22246119-class-war-conservatism|quote=Pious references to the Labour Party being a ‘broad church’ which has always incorporated many different strands of thought fail to take account of a crucial fact, namely that the ‘broad church’ of Labour only functioned effectively in the past because one side — the right and centre — determined the nature of the services that were to be held, and excluded or threatened with exclusion any clergy too deviant in its dissent|publisher=Verso|isbn=9781781687703}}</ref>
The Labour Party is a "broad-church" party meaning that it accepts members from many different regions of the political spectrum, both left and right. This leads to a clash of views with the right, which has the backing of the bourgeois, usually winning out.<ref>{{Citation|author=Ralph Miliband|year=2015|title=Class War Conservatism: And Other Essays date of writing|title-url=https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/22246119-class-war-conservatism|quote=Pious references to the Labour Party being a ‘broad church’ which has always incorporated many different strands of thought fail to take account of a crucial fact, namely that the ‘broad church’ of Labour only functioned effectively in the past because one side — the right and centre — determined the nature of the services that were to be held, and excluded or threatened with exclusion any clergy too deviant in its dissent|publisher=Verso|isbn=9781781687703}}</ref>

== History ==
== History ==

=== Formation ===
=== Formation ===
The Labour Representative Committee won 29 seats in the 1906 election and changed its name to the Labour Party. Its early members were [[Trade union|trade unionists]], most of which were highly religious, as well as [[Fabian Society|Fabian]] style '[[Socialism|socialists]]'. It was part of the [[Second International]], but supported British imperialism and its role in the First World War and broke strikes during the war for the benefit of the ruling class.<ref name=":0">{{Web citation|author=Subversion|newspaper=Libcom.org|title=Labouring in vain: a critical history of the Labour Party|date=2009-12-08|url=https://libcom.org/article/labouring-vain-critical-history-labour-party|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220715114849/https://libcom.org/article/labouring-vain-critical-history-labour-party|archive-date=2022-07-15|retrieved=2022-08-07}}</ref>
The Labour Representative Committee won 29 seats in the 1906 election and changed its name to the Labour Party. Its early members were [[Trade union|trade unionists]], most of which were highly religious. It was part of the [[Second International]], but supported the First World War and broke strikes during the war.<ref name=":0">{{Web citation|author=Subversion|newspaper=Libcom.org|title=Labouring in vain: a critical history of the Labour Party|date=2009-12-08|url=https://libcom.org/article/labouring-vain-critical-history-labour-party|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20220715114849/https://libcom.org/article/labouring-vain-critical-history-labour-party|archive-date=2022-07-15|retrieved=2022-08-07}}</ref>

=== First world war ===
=== First world war ===
The Labour Party, along with other social democratic and labour parties, supported the ruling class in their imperialist war against other imperialist powers at the cost of the working classes. In May 1915 [[Herbert Asquith|Asquith]], the [[Liberal Party (UK)|Liberal]] Party prime minister, invited [[Arthur Henderson]], leader of the Labour Party, to join the cabinet in a coalition government. In return for power the Labour party supported the conscription of the working class and the deskilling of industry.<ref name=":0" />
The Labour Party, along with other social democratic and labour parties, supported the ruling class in their imperialist war against other imperialist powers at the cost of the working classes. In May 1915 [[Herbert Asquith|Asquith]], the [[Liberal Party (UK)|Liberal]] Party prime minister, invited [[Arthur Henderson]], leader of the Labour Party, to join the cabinet in a coalition government. In return for power the Labour party supported the conscription of the working class and the deskilling of industry.

In 1918, Labour adopted what they claimed to be a 'socialist' constitution inspired by the [[Russian revolution]]. This constitution proposed radical sounding policies whilst in reality it enshrined the control of the party to the unions bureaucrats. The constitution also allowed individual membership of the party for the first time. <ref name=":0" />
In 1918, Labour adopted what they claimed to be a '[[Socialism|socialist]]' constitution inspired by the [[Russian revolution]]. This constitution proposed radical sounding policies whilst in reality it enshrined the control of the party to the unions bureaucrats. The constitution also allowed individual membership of the party for the first time. <ref name=":0" />

=== Interwar period ===
=== Interwar period ===

==== Government of 1924 ====
==== Government of 1924 ====
The Labour Party was the second largest party in the UK after the December 1923 election allowing [[Ramsay Macdonald]] to become the first Labour Party Prime Minister, the first Prime Minister from a working class background. However this government only lasted from January to November 1924 before being replaced by the [[Conservative and Unionist Party|Conservative]] Party, in this time the Labour Party achieved almost nothing.<ref name=":0" />
The Labour Party was the second largest party in the UK after the December 1923 election allowing [[Ramsay Macdonald]] to become the first Labour Party Prime Minister, the first Prime Minister from a working class background. However this government only lasted from January to November 1924 before being replaced by the [[Conservative and Unionist Party|Conservative]] Party, in this time the Labour Party achieved almost nothing.  

Labour opposed the dockers strike in February 1924 and the tramway workers strike in March. Macdonald's response to the latter, after railway workers attempted to come out in solidarity, was to invoke the 1920 Emergency powers act declaring a state of emergency if the strikes were not called off. In this time the Labour government also continued with rearmament, the bombing of indigenous people in [[Republic of Iraq|Iraq]] and shooting strikers in [[Republic of India|India]].<ref name=":0" />
Labour opposed the dockers strike in February 1924 and the tramway workers strike in March. Macdonald's response to the latter, after railway workers attempted to come out in solidarity, was to invoke the 1920 Emergency powers act declaring a state of emergency if the strikes were not called off. In this time the Labour government also continued with rearmament, the bombing of indigenous people in [[Republic of Iraq|Iraq]] and shooting strikers in [[Republic of India|India]].<ref name=":0" />
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=== Second world war ===
=== Second world war ===
When war broke out the Labour party, under leader [[Clement Atlee]], supported the British ruling classes. In 1940 Labour entered into coalition with the Conservatives and Attlee joined the war Cabinet. Atlee introduced the [[Emergency Powers Bill]] which gave the government the power to control every aspect of life with [[Ernest Bevin]], Labour Minister of Labour to direct provision of services.<ref name=":0" />
When war broke out the Labour party, under leader [[Clement Atlee]], supported the British ruling classes. In 1940 Labour entered into coalition with the Conservatives and Attlee joined the war Cabinet. Atlee introduced the [[Emergency Powers Bill]] which gave the government the power to control every aspect of life with [[Ernest Bevin]], Labour Minister of Labour to direct provision of services.

Throughout the war there was many strikes in protest of the decrease in living standards the war had brought. Labour supported the capitalists against the strikers, refusing to fight for workers rights because the war effort was seen as more important.<ref name=":0" />
Throughout the war there was many strikes in protest of the decrease in living standards the war had brought. Labour supported the capitalists against the strikers, refusing to fight for workers rights because the war effort was seen as more important.<ref name=":0" />
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[[Category:Political parties]]
[[Category:Political parties]]
[[Category:British political parties]]
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