Editing Mongolian People's Republic (1924–1992)

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==== Third Five-Year Plan (1961–1965) ====
==== Third Five-Year Plan (1961–1965) ====
During the Third Five-Year Plan, geologists began an extensive survey of Mongolia that lasted for 10 to 15 years. Secondary education became mandatory.<ref name=":033" /><sup>:442</sup> Mongolia adopted a new criminal code in 1963, replacing the 1952 code.<ref name=":033" /><sup>:453</sup>
During the Third Five-Year Plan, geologists began an extensive survey of Mongolia that lasted for 10 to 15 years.<ref name=":033" /><sup>:442</sup>

===== Agriculture =====
===== Agriculture =====
The Third Five-Year Plan was scheduled to increase the number of tractors by 180% and the number of combine harvesters by 120% and began farming in previously uncultivated land. By 1964, the number of tractors had increased by 130% and combines by 60%. The area used to farm fodder crops increased by 2.5 times. Agricultural associations began organizing labor by teams, sectors, and branches and using labor cards to track asset contributions, work time, and payments. Mongolia had 29 state farms that covered 71.5% of the country's farmland and had 764,300 livestock.<ref name=":033" /><sup>:440–8</sup>
The Third Five-Year Plan was scheduled to increase the number of tractors by 180% and the number of combine harvesters by 120% and began farming in previously uncultivated land.<ref name=":033" /><sup>:440–1</sup>

===== Industry =====
===== Industry =====
Mongolia planned to increase industrial production by 2.1 times over five years, with average annual growth of 16%. In 1965, 56% of industrial output was [[means of production]]. Freight transportation was scheduled to increase by 90%. Radio and telephone connections were planned between all agricultural associations and population centers and their administrative centers. Industrial output actually increased by only 60%, and electrical power generation increased by 42%. Mongolia began exporting industrial products for the first time.<ref name=":033" /><sup>:441–51</sup>
Mongolia planned to increase industrial production by 2.1 times over five years, with average annual growth of 16%. In 1965, 56% of industrial output was [[means of production]]. Freight transportation was scheduled to increase by 90%.<ref name=":033" /><sup>:441</sup>

===== Livestock =====
===== Livestock =====
The plan set the goal of increasing animal fodder by 33% and cattle population by 11%. It planned to increase the number of cross-bred livestock by 7.2 times and purebred by 2.5 times. About 2,000 centers for animal breeding were created, and pig and chicken farming began for the first time. Many heated animal sheds were created to protect livestock from the cold.<ref name=":033" /><sup>:439–40</sup>
The plan set the goal of increasing animal fodder by 33% and cattle population by 11%. It planned to increase the number of cross-bred livestock by 7.2 times and purebred by 2.5 times. About 2,000 centers for animal breeding were created, and pig and chicken farming began for the first time. Many heated animal sheds were created to protect livestock from the cold.<ref name=":033" /><sup>:439–40</sup>

50 million of Mongolia's 137 million hectares of pasture land had no water supply, and irrigation was scheduled to provide water to 75% of the country's pastures or 103 million hectares. The herdsman [[Ochir]] promoted fattening livestock to help them survive the winter, leading the mass of sheep to increase by 39,500 tons over the course of 1963 and 1964. By the end of the plan, 5,400 wells were dug and 30 million hectares of pasture lands were irrigated. Overall livestock population increased by 4% from 1960 to 1964 despite natural disasters in 1964 that exceeded the famine of 1944 in some areas.<ref name=":033" /><sup>:440–7</sup>
50 million of Mongolia's 137 million hectares of pasture land had no water supply, and irrigation was scheduled to provide water to 75% of the country's pastures or 103 million hectares.<ref name=":033" /><sup>:440</sup>

=== Counterrevolution ===
=== Counterrevolution ===
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In 1949, Mongolia introduced the secret ballot and replaced all indirect elections with direct ones.<ref name=":032" /><sup>:401</sup>
In 1949, Mongolia introduced the secret ballot and replaced all indirect elections with direct ones.<ref name=":032" /><sup>:401</sup>
== Demographics ==
Between 1921 and 1973, Mongolia's population almost doubled to reach 1,339,000. 40% of the population was urban and 60% was rural.<ref name=":033" /><sup>:450</sup>

== Trade ==
== Trade ==
Mongolia joined the [[Council for Mutual Economic Assistance]] in 1962 July. In addition to trading with other socialist countries, it traded with [[Arab Republic of Egypt|Egypt]], [[Republic of Finland|Finland]], [[French Republic|France]], [[Republic of India|India]], [[Japan]], [[Kingdom of Sweden|Sweden]], [[Swiss Confederation|Switzerland]], and the [[United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland|UK]].<ref name=":033">{{Citation|author=A. A. Guber, et al.|year=1973|title=History of the Mongolian People's Republic|title-url=https://archive.org/details/HistoryOfTheMPR/page/n202/mode/1up|chapter=The Fight of the Mongolian People for the Victory of Socialism|page=}}</ref><sup>:407–8</sup>
Mongolia joined the [[Council for Mutual Economic Assistance]] in 1962 July. In addition to trading with other socialist countries, it traded with [[Arab Republic of Egypt|Egypt]], [[Republic of Finland|Finland]], [[French Republic|France]], [[Republic of India|India]], [[Japan]], [[Kingdom of Sweden|Sweden]], [[Swiss Confederation|Switzerland]], and the [[United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland|UK]].<ref name=":033">{{Citation|author=A. A. Guber, et al.|year=1973|title=History of the Mongolian People's Republic|title-url=https://archive.org/details/HistoryOfTheMPR/page/n202/mode/1up|chapter=The Fight of the Mongolian People for the Victory of Socialism|page=}}</ref>

== Education ==
== Education ==
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