Editing Palestinian genocide

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{{Main article|Operation Flood of Al-Aqsa}}
{{Main article|Operation Flood of Al-Aqsa}}

== Apartheid ==
== Genocidal activity ==
=== Apartheid ===
The Israeli state uses [[apartheid]]-like [[segregation]] in order to systematically oppress the Palestinians, treating them like lesser beings and stripping them of many human rights.<ref name=":0">[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWUt1OByfKc How a Zionist Defamed Me, How 'Leftist' Creators Helped Her Do It, and Why It Will Happen Again]</ref>
The Israeli state uses [[apartheid]]-like [[segregation]] in order to systematically oppress the Palestinians, treating them like lesser beings and stripping them of many human rights.<ref name=":0">[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWUt1OByfKc How a Zionist Defamed Me, How 'Leftist' Creators Helped Her Do It, and Why It Will Happen Again]</ref>

== Mass incarceration ==
=== Ethnostatism ===
Since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Flood, the occupier has imprisoned another 5,000 Palestinians, increasing the total prisoners to 10,000, including 170 children. The occupier has arrested 40% of Palestinian men at some point in their lives and prosecutes 500 to 700 children every year. Some are as young as 12.<ref>{{Web citation|author=Sameena Rahman|newspaper=[[Liberation News]]|title=Free the other hostages: 10,000 Palestinians jailed by Israel|date=2023-10-27|url=https://www.liberationnews.org/free-the-other-hostages-palestinians-jailed-by-israel/|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20231101182656/https://www.liberationnews.org/free-the-other-hostages-palestinians-jailed-by-israel/|archive-date=2023-11-01}}</ref>
== Ethnostatism ==
[[File:Zionist Nazis.png|thumb|Zionists with a sign saying "Israel über alles," a variation of the [[National Socialist German Workers' Party|Nazi]] slogan "[[German Reich (1933–1945)|Deutschland]] über alles."]]
[[File:Zionist Nazis.png|thumb|Zionists with a sign saying "Israel über alles," a variation of the [[National Socialist German Workers' Party|Nazi]] slogan "[[German Reich (1933–1945)|Deutschland]] über alles."]]
A large part of of the Palestinian genocide is the existence of Israel as a [[Judaism|Jewish]] [[ethnostate]]. Due to this ethnostatism, the Palestinians living in land occupied by "Israel" are often treated as second-class citizens in their very own homes.<ref name=":0" />
A large part of of the Palestinian genocide is the existence of Israel as a [[Judaism|Jewish]] [[ethnostate]]. Due to this ethnostatism, the Palestinians living in land occupied by "Israel" are often treated as second-class citizens in their very own homes.<ref name=":0" />
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