Editing People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

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{{Message box/Stub}}{{Infobox organization|name=People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics|native_name=Народный комиссариат внутренних дел Союза Советских Социалистических Республик|founded_date=7 December 1934|dissolved_date=15 March 1945|logo=NKVD logo.svg|logo_size=150}}
The '''People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs'''<ref group=lower-alpha>Russian: Наро́дный комиссариа́т вну́тренних дел (Abbreviation: Нквд (NKVD))</ref> (abbreviated to '''PCIA''') was the interior ministry of the [[USSR]].
The '''People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the [[Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1922–1991)|Union of Soviet Socialist Republics]]''' ([[Russian language|Russian]]: ''Народный комиссариат внутренних дел СССР''), abbreviated as the '''NKVD SSSR''' (''НКВД СССР'') or just the '''NKVD''' (''НКВД''), was the interior ministry of the [[USSR]] from 7 December 1934 to 15 March 1945.

== History ==
== References ==

=== Purges ===
=== Notes ===
[[Genrikh Yagoda]] oversaw the trial of [[Grigory Zinoviev|Zinoviev]] and his supporters in August 1936. Yagoda was supported by [[Joseph Stalin|Stalin]] and restricted the scope of purges following the trial. [[Nikolai Yezhov|Yezhov]], who was more extreme, became Yagoda's second-in-command. In September 1936, following the sabotage of several Siberian mines, Yezhov became chief of the NKVD and Yagoda became People's Commissar of Communications.<ref name=":0223">{{Citation|author=Ludo Martens|year=1996|title=Another View of Stalin|chapter=The Great Purge|isbn=9782872620814|publisher=Editions EPO|pdf=https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/bafykbzaceab64vxtxpqt2cdl4zsrsftmedqidn4foq74gr25qkd35z5nwogdi?filename=Ludo%20Martens%20-%20Another%20View%20of%20Stalin-Editions%20EPO%20%281996%29.pdf|page=124–125}}</ref>
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The NKVD began executions as part of the [[Soviet purges of 1937–1938|Great Purge]] in July 1937. Yezhov approved Stalin and [[Vyacheslav Molotov|Molotov]]'s list of 75,950 known criminals and wreckers to be executed. In January 1938, the Central Committee released a resolution criticizing "false vigilance" that was causing excessive persecution. In the fall of 1938, [[Lavrentiy Beria|Beria]] claimed that Yezhov was a [[National Socialist German Workers' Party|Nazi]] agent who turned NKVD offices into [[Fascism|fascist]] breeding grounds.<ref name=":022332">{{Citation|author=Ludo Martens|year=1996|title=Another View of Stalin|chapter=The Great Purge|isbn=9782872620814|publisher=Editions EPO|pdf=https://gateway.ipfs.io/ipfs/bafykbzaceab64vxtxpqt2cdl4zsrsftmedqidn4foq74gr25qkd35z5nwogdi?filename=Ludo%20Martens%20-%20Another%20View%20of%20Stalin-Editions%20EPO%20%281996%29.pdf|page=164–167}}</ref>
=== Assassination of Leon Trotsky ===
On 21 August 1940 in Mexico City, [[Mexican United States|Mexico]], an NKVD agent assassinated [[Leon Trotsky]].
== References ==
[[Category:Union of Soviet Socialist Republics]]
<references />
[[Category:Socialist intelligence agencies]]
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