Editing Republic of the Congo

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== History ==
== History ==
The "Republic of the Congo" gets its start first off with a deal between the French and Teke/Tio Kingdom on the north bank of the [[Congo River|Congo River.]]<ref>{{Citation|year=2011|title=Oxford Dictionary of African Biography|title-url=https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/acref/9780195382075.001.0001/acref-9780195382075-e-1533?rskey=IawgSn&result=1535|section=Ngalifourou (1864–1956)}}</ref><ref>{{Citation|author=Jan Vansina|year=1973|title=The Tio Kingdom of the Middle Congo, 1880-1892|title-url=https://archive.org/details/tiokingdomofmidd0000vans/page/n17/mode/2up?q=Iloo|chapter=Preface|page=n18}}</ref> This particular state establishes itself in the whirlwind of Central Africa's formal "decolonization" in response to [[Gaullist 1958 Referendum]]<ref>{{Web citation|newspaper=Journal officiel de la République française|title=PROCLAMATION des resultats des votes emis par le peuple francais a l'occasion de sa consultation par voie de referendum, le 28 septembre 1958.|date=1958-09-28|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=UxAkAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA9177#v=onepage&q&f=false|retrieved=2024-07-03}}</ref> and declaration of independence in 1960.<ref name=":0" /> The original deal made with the Teke, or Anziku Kingdom, coalesced within these borders, around Brazzaville as its mouthpiece. The state, still "[[Francafrique]]" when it comes to currency<ref>{{Citation|author=Walter Rodney|year=1972|title=How Europe Underdeveloped Africa|title-url=http://www.marxists.org/subject/africa/rodney-walter/how-europe/ch05.htm|page=254|quote=The Bank of British West Africa (which became the Bank of West
The "Republic of the Congo" gets its start first off with a deal between the French and Teke Kingdom on the north bank of the [[Congo River|Congo River.]]<ref>{{Citation|year=2011|title=Oxford Dictionary of African Biography|title-url=https://www.oxfordreference.com/display/10.1093/acref/9780195382075.001.0001/acref-9780195382075-e-1533?rskey=IawgSn&result=1535|section=Ngalifourou (1864–1956)}}</ref> This particular state establishes itself in the whirlwind of Central Africa's formal "decolonization" in response to [[Gaullist 1958 Referendum]]<ref>{{Web citation|newspaper=Journal officiel de la République française|title=PROCLAMATION des resultats des votes emis par le peuple francais a l'occasion de sa consultation par voie de referendum, le 28 septembre 1958.|date=1958-09-28|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=UxAkAQAAMAAJ&pg=PA9177#v=onepage&q&f=false|retrieved=2024-07-03}}</ref> and declaration of independence in 1960.<ref name=":0" /> The original deal made with the Teke, or Anziku Kingdom, coalesced within these borders, around Brazzaville as its mouthpiece. The state, still "[[Francafrique]]" when it comes to currency<ref>{{Citation|author=Walter Rodney|year=1972|title=How Europe Underdeveloped Africa|title-url=http://www.marxists.org/subject/africa/rodney-walter/how-europe/ch05.htm|page=254|quote=The Bank of British West Africa (which became the Bank of West
Africa in 1957) and Barclays held between them the lion’s share of the
Africa in 1957) and Barclays held between them the lion’s share of the
banking business of British West Africa, just as French West and
banking business of British West Africa, just as French West and
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