Editing Western Asia

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#REDIRECT [[West Asia]]
'''Western Asia''', is a region located between Europe and Africa and is known for its rich cultural and historical heritage. The region is home to a diverse array of [[ethnic]] and [[religious]] groups, including [[Arabs]], [[Kurds]], [[Persians]], and [[Turkmens]].
Western Asia has also been a target of [[colonization]] by [[Imperial core|Western]] [[Imperialism|imperialists]] for centuries. The region has been a strategic and economic prize for imperial powers, with its vast oil reserves, strategic location, and historical significance.
Western Asia's colonization by Western imperialists can be understood in the context of imperialism and [[Capitalism|capitalist]] [[exploitation]]. The imperial powers sought to control the resources and [[labor]] of the region in order to further their own economic and political interests.<ref>Lenin, V.I. (1902). Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism. New York: International Publishers.</ref>
This [[exploitation]] has led to the subjugation of local peoples, the erosion of indigenous cultures and identities, and the imposition of Western political and economic systems. This is known as [[cultural hegemony]] where imperial nations impose their own culture and way of life over the colonies.<ref>Gramsci, A. (1971). Selections from the Prison Notebooks. New York: International Publishers.</ref>
Additionally, the Western imperialists have also supported and propped up dictatorial regimes in the region in order to maintain control and access to resources. This is known also known as [[dependency]] where imperial nations exploit their colonies for their economic gain.<ref>Foster, J.B. (1997). Imperialism and the Law of Value. New York: Monthly Review</ref>
== References ==
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