Editing White supremacy

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[[File:2017 Nazi rally.png|thumb|White supremacists in [[Unite the Right rally|Charlottesville in 2017]]]]
'''White supremacy''' is a [[Racism|racist]] ideology that believes that [[White people|whites]] are biologically, culturally, or politically superior to other people.<ref name=":0">{{Web citation|author=Ajamu Baraka|newspaper=[[Black Agenda Report]]|title=The Issue is Not Racism But the Pan European White Supremacist Colonial/Capitalist Patriarchy!|date=2023-11-15|url=https://www.blackagendareport.net/news/1685/33/The-Issue-is-Not-Racism-But-the-Pan-European-White-Supremacist-ColonialCapitalist-Patriarchy|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20231120003549/https://www.blackagendareport.net/news/1685/33/The-Issue-is-Not-Racism-But-the-Pan-European-White-Supremacist-ColonialCapitalist-Patriarchy|archive-date=2023-11-20}}</ref> It is closely connected to [[capitalism]] and [[patriarchy]]. White supremacy began in the 15th century at the start of [[Europe|European]] [[Colonialism|colonial]] expansion, the [[Slavery|enslavement]] of Africans, and the [[Settler colonialism|settler]] occupation of indigenous [[Americas|Americans]]. [[Imperial core|Western]] race pseudoscience in the early 19th century promoted the idea that white people were superior to justify [[imperialism]] and colonialism.<ref>{{Web citation|author=Jemima Pierre, Aisha M. Beliso-De Jesús|newspaper=[[Black Agenda Report]]|title=White Supremacy|date=2023-01-18|url=https://blackagendareport.com/white-supremacy-0|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230118214502/https://blackagendareport.com/white-supremacy-0|archive-date=2023-01-18|retrieved=2023-01-22}}</ref>

White supremacy is not just individual attitudes, and it is possible for non-white people to be ideological white supremacists. Global structures that reinforce white supremacy include the [[International Monetary Fund|IMF]], [[North Atlantic Treaty Organization|NATO]], [[The World Bank|World Bank]], [[World Trade Organization|WTO]], and [[Bourgeois media|mainstream media]].<ref name=":0" />
'''White supremacy''' is the [[Racism|racist]] belief and or practice of the idea that white people are superior or more legitimate as a person than those of other skin tones. It is closely connected to [[capitalism]] and [[patriarchy]]. White supremacy began in the 15th century at the start of [[Europe|European]] [[Colonialism|colonial]] expansion, the [[Slavery|enslavement]] of Africans, and the [[Settler colonialism|settler]] occupation of indigenous [[Americas|Americans]]. [[Imperial core|Western]] race pseudoscience in the early 19th century promoted the idea that white people were superior to justify [[imperialism]] and colonialism.<ref>{{Web citation|author=Jemima Pierre, Aisha M. Beliso-De Jesús|newspaper=[[Black Agenda Report]]|title=White Supremacy|date=2023-01-18|url=https://blackagendareport.com/white-supremacy-0|archive-url=https://web.archive.org/web/20230118214502/https://blackagendareport.com/white-supremacy-0|archive-date=2023-01-18|retrieved=2023-01-22}}</ref>

== References ==
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