Editing Zhou Enlai

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Comrade Zhou Enlai is an outstanding model of loyalty to the party and safeguarding the overall situation. Comrade Zhou Enlai has made great contributions to the party and the people, but he never cared about his personal status and gains and losses. He can correctly handle the relationship between individuals and organizations at any time, and is always absolutely loyal to the party. The party's overall political situation as its own code of conduct. Comrade Zhou Enlai always insisted on the party's absolute leadership over all work. In order to be vigilant and "opposed to treating the regions and departments under his leadership as independent kingdoms and against putting individuals above organizations", Comrade Zhou Enlai emphasized when he was the main leader of the Red Army during the war years, "The leadership role of the party must be absolutely improved. In the Red Army There can only be leadership by the party, and the party must use the principle of centralized guidance to establish authority.” When he was in charge of government work during the period of socialist construction, Comrade Zhou Enlai proposed that "the work of the party groups in various departments" must be strengthened, and the "reporting system to the Party Central Committee" must be strengthened. Comrade Zhou Enlai always consciously safeguarded the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership, consciously safeguarded Comrade Mao Zedong’s leadership position, and resolutely opposed and resisted speeches and actions that were not conducive to the unity of the Party and damaged the authority of the Party Central Committee. Comrade Zhou Enlai opposed any factional thinking, small group habits, localism, hilltopism, and egoism. He never formed small cliques or cliques, and required party members and leading cadres to first pass political barriers under any conditions.
Comrade Zhou Enlai is an outstanding model of loyalty to the party and safeguarding the overall situation. Comrade Zhou Enlai has made great contributions to the party and the people, but he never cared about his personal status and gains and losses. He can correctly handle the relationship between individuals and organizations at any time, and is always absolutely loyal to the party. The party's overall political situation as its own code of conduct. Comrade Zhou Enlai always insisted on the party's absolute leadership over all work. In order to be vigilant and "opposed to treating the regions and departments under his leadership as independent kingdoms and against putting individuals above organizations", Comrade Zhou Enlai emphasized when he was the main leader of the Red Army during the war years, "The leadership role of the party must be absolutely improved. In the Red Army There can only be leadership by the party, and the party must use the principle of centralized guidance to establish authority.” When he was in charge of government work during the period of socialist construction, Comrade Zhou Enlai proposed that "the work of the party groups in various departments" must be strengthened, and the "reporting system to the Party Central Committee" must be strengthened. Comrade Zhou Enlai always consciously safeguarded the authority of the Party Central Committee and centralized and unified leadership, consciously safeguarded Comrade Mao Zedong’s leadership position, and resolutely opposed and resisted speeches and actions that were not conducive to the unity of the Party and damaged the authority of the Party Central Committee. Comrade Zhou Enlai opposed any factional thinking, small group habits, localism, hilltopism, and egoism. He never formed small cliques or cliques, and required party members and leading cadres to first pass political barriers under any conditions.

Comrade Zhou Enlai is an outstanding model who loves the people and works diligently for the people. Comrade Zhou Enlai said a very vivid saying: "When going down the mountain, don't forget the mountain, and when you go to the city, don't forget the hometown", "If you forget, you will forget the origin." What Comrade Zhou Enlai said is the people. He said: "We came from the people. Our past victories were all achieved with the support of the people. We must not forget our roots." "If we are separated from our basic class masses, we will lose the foundation of the party." As the "general servant" of the people, he insists that the interests of the people are above all else, cares about the people, maintains a high degree of love for the people, is anxious about the urgency of the people, and worries about the worries of the people. As long as it is related to the safety and well-being of the people, he is always caring and considerate, and has achieved the same joys and sorrows, fate, sorrows and joys and forge ahead with the people. Comrade Zhou Enlai attached great importance to investigation and research, and often went deep into the masses and the frontline for investigation and research. He said: "Investigation and research must seek truth from facts and not mess around." "To understand the real situation, you must treat the common people as equals." Practical actions have set a shining example for the whole party to serve the people wholeheartedly. "The people's premier loves the people, and the people loves the people's premier." The people expressed their most sincere feelings for Comrade Zhou Enlai in plain language.
Comrade Zhou Enlai is an outstanding model who loves the people and works diligently for the people. Comrade Zhou Enlai said a very vivid saying: "When going down the mountain, don't forget the mountain, and when you go to the city, don't forget the hometown", "If you forget, you will forget the origin." What Comrade Zhou Enlai said is the people. He said: "We came from the people. Our past victories were all achieved with the support of the people. We must not forget our roots." "If we are separated from our basic class masses, we will lose the foundation of the party." As the "general servant" of the people, he insists that the interests of the people are above all else, cares about the people, maintains a high degree of love for the people, is anxious about the urgency of the people, and worries about the worries of the people. As long as it is related to the safety and well-being of the people, he is always caring and considerate, and has achieved the same joys and sorrows, fate, sorrows and joys and forge ahead with the people. Comrade Zhou Enlai attached great importance to investigation and research, and often went deep into the masses and the frontline for investigation and research. He said: "Investigation and research must seek truth from facts and not mess around." "To understand the real situation, you must treat the common people as equals." Practical actions have set a shining example for the whole party to serve the people wholeheartedly. "The people's premier loves the people, and the people's premier loves the people." The people expressed their most sincere feelings for Comrade Zhou Enlai in plain language.

Comrade Zhou Enlai is an outstanding model of self-revolution and eternal struggle. Comrade Zhou Enlai has held important leadership positions of the party and the country for a long time, but he has always been modest, modest and prudent, neither arrogant nor impetuous. The motto he set for himself is "live, learn, and reform". Comrade Zhou Enlai regarded thought remolding as air, and it must be there. He often said: "Every party member should have such an understanding from the moment he joins the Communist Party: Prepare to reform his mind until he grows old." A good Communist Party member." "Leadership prestige is not improved by covering up mistakes but by correcting them; it is not cultivated by boasting but by working hard." Facing different tasks and requirements of the times, Comrade Zhou Enlai always met new challenges with the spirit of self-revolution, participated in leading and promoting the great social revolution carried out by the Communist Party of China, and made himself always advance together with the cause of the party and the people. Throughout his life, Comrade Zhou Enlai practiced these vows of self-revolution and eternal struggle with his own practical actions.
Comrade Zhou Enlai is an outstanding model of self-revolution and eternal struggle. Comrade Zhou Enlai has held important leadership positions of the party and the country for a long time, but he has always been modest, modest and prudent, neither arrogant nor impetuous. The motto he set for himself is "live, learn, and reform". Comrade Zhou Enlai regarded thought remolding as air, and it must be there. He often said: "Every party member should have such an understanding from the moment he joins the Communist Party: Prepare to reform his mind until he grows old." A good Communist Party member." "Leadership prestige is not improved by covering up mistakes but by correcting them; it is not cultivated by boasting but by working hard." Facing different tasks and requirements of the times, Comrade Zhou Enlai always met new challenges with the spirit of self-revolution, participated in leading and promoting the great social revolution carried out by the Communist Party of China, and made himself always advance together with the cause of the party and the people. Throughout his life, Comrade Zhou Enlai practiced these vows of self-revolution and eternal struggle with his own practical actions.
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