Topic on Talk:Climate change

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Urshanabi (talkcontribs)

I'm thinking of adding some landmark works to give a small timeline of developments in the scientific community and the mounting recognition.

Limits to Growth is one that comes to mind, there was a paper in the late 1800s too I believe. I'll scrounge around for others too...

Urshanabi (talkcontribs)

Ok got a crappy timeline, gonna verify the dates and sources and I'll try to work it into the wiki page.

I'll post the prospective timeline here for posterity's sake.

1824: Fourier's Greenhouse Effect Theory – 🌍 Fourier Proposes the Earth's atmosphere retains heat, suggesting a natural "greenhouse effect"

1896: Svante Arrhenius's Research – πŸ“ˆ Arrhenius calculates the impart of CO2 on Earth's temperature, pioneering climate change science

1958: Keeling Curve Begins – πŸ“Š Charles David Keeling starts recording atmospheric CO2 levels, showing a steady rise over time

1988: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Formation – 🌐 The IPCC is established to assess climate change science and provide guidance to governents

1997: Kyoto Protocol Adoption – πŸ“œ Countries adopt the Kyoto Protocol, an international treaty to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

2006: "An Inconvenient Truth" – πŸŽ₯ Al Gore's documentary raises public awareness about climate change

2015: Paris Agreement – 🀝 The Paris Agreement is signed, aiming to limit global warming to well below 2ΒΊC

2021: IPCC Sixth Assessment Report – πŸ” The IPCC's comprehensive report warns of increasingly severe climate impacts without significant emissions reductions

Urshanabi (talkcontribs)

Some more timeline stuff...

1998: API's Global Climate Science Communications Plan – πŸ“œ The American Petroleum Institute (API) devises a plan to challenge the scientific consensus on climate change and emphasize uncertainty

2004: Invention of the Carbon Footprint Calculator – πŸ“Š BP popularizes the term 'carbon footprint' and introduces a calculator, shifting focus to individual responsibility for climate change

2008: "Cool It" Campaign – πŸ”„ The API launches the "Cool It" campaign, suggesting that individuals can significantly impact climate change by making small lifestyle changes

Appendix – API Memo

Urshanabi (talkcontribs)

AGAIN, this is speculative, I need to verify ALL the dates and claims, NONE of this is verified, treat it all as conjecture or brainstorming.

1959: American Petroleum Institute Acknowledges Climate Risks – 🌍 The American Petroleum Institute (API) receives a report warning that fossil fuels could lead to global warming

1988: Formation of the Global Climate Coalition – 🏭 Major fossil fuel companies form the Global Climate Coalition (GCC) to cast doubt on climate science

1995: IPCC Second Assessment Report – πŸ“Š The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concludes that human activities are influencing the climate, which the GCC disputes

1998: American Petroleum Institute's "Victory" Memo – πŸ“ API's leaked memo outlines a strategy to make climate science uncertain among the public and decision-makers

2000: GCC Disbands – πŸ›‘ Under public pressure, the Global Climate Coalition disbands, but individual companies continue misinformation efforts

2007: Union of Concerned Scientists Report – πŸ” The Union of Concerned Scientists exposes how ExxonMobil funded organizations to misrepresent climate science

2010: Citizens United v. FEC – πŸ’Ό The Supreme Court decision increases corporate influence in politics, affecting climate change legislation

2015: "Exxon Knew" Investigations – πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™‚οΈ Investigations reveal that ExxonMobil knew about climate change for decades but funded denial campaigns

2019: Big Oil's Climate Denial Machine – πŸ“’ Reports show that oil companies continue to fund climate denial despite public commitments to address climate change

Urshanabi (talkcontribs)

I think I'll try to find some of the publications and memos and add them to the library first.

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