Topic on Library discussion:Human Rights in the Soviet Union

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LocalEldritchComrade (talkcontribs)

When I was uploading this book I came across a lot of citations that were listed in the references section of each chapter but did not show up in the text at all. This was true in every version of the book I've come across; even the version I was using to upload this even acknowledges this in its editor notes. These citations I skipped entirely when uploading it until i can find a version that corrects these errors. Here is the list of the missing citations:

Chapter 1, Citation 11 "Zolberg, 1978, pp. 262-3."

Chapter 2, Citation 19 "Roy Medvedev, 1980, p. 48."

Chapter 2, Citation 49 "Nove and Newth, 1967, p. 84."

Chapter 4, Citation 5 "George and Manning, 1980, p. 51."

Chapter 4, Citation 20 "Ibid., p. 60; Conquest, 1967, p. 136; George and Manning, 1980, p. 82."

Chapter 7, Citation 56 (This one is missing entirely from citations list, it literally just skips to 57.)

Chapter 7, Citation 159 "Ibid., pp. 503, 511."

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