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FIRST VERIFICATION QUESTIONS (please answer all 6 of them):
Juchari amponhaskua ka eratsikua máreksïrhénini 🪶🏳️‍🌈⚢
Enkaksï no xenchaaka juchari iretarhu anapuechani, naenaksï uá iámentu parhakpeni anapuechani xénchani. Ji jirhinhaxaka ma nanaka enkari libristi. Uantajpari @ 💌 Discord: @charhapiti

1. **Where did you find ProleWiki?** My comrades invited me.
I also call myself a dialectical materialist, mainly to distance myself from Marx as a person, but it's all the same method. Any proper application of dialectical materialism would bring someone to 'Marxist-Leninist' conclusions by any name.

2. **What current of Marxist thought do you uphold? Describe as thoroughly as needed your path towards your current political perspective.** Indigenous Marxist Leninist. I also call myself a dialectical materialist, they're the same because any proper application of dialectical materialism would bring someone to Marxist Leninist conclusions and diamat helps understand culture throughout the ages. How did I get here: it would take me a whole book. 😱 My view is that indigenous epistemology is dialectical materialist if correctly applied, diamat offers the best way to understand and preserve culture. Fighting colonialism and imperialism certainly went on since the day Colombus set foot on Turtle Island, as people fought valiantly to liberate their individual nations but it was when imperialist *capitalism* reached a global scale of development that the world saw Lenin codify Marxist-Leninism, an anti-imperialist science that seeks to liberate entire multinational/multiethnic countries through proletarian revolution. History has shown us that the working class is the driver of unity between all groups oppressed by capitalist imperialism, especially unity within and between ethnic groups.
What this means is that for the global south, the struggle for liberation evolved dialectically towards Marxist-Leninism in response to global economic shifts caused by settler colonialism and imperialism in general. (Settler-colonialism is a subcategory of imperialism.)
In my opinion every sincere person who wants to fight for their people's liberation will naturally become inclined to support Marxist-Leninism. There are many global examples in the 20th century of this being so, worldwide Marxist Leninism is the political method chosen by every people fighting imperialism.
1. **Have you read our principles? Comment your agreements or objections to our principles** Yes. I love the support for AES, anti-imperialist countries, and democratic socialistic organizing. I love the opposition to settler-colonialism and this is the reason I have chosen to merge my research into ProleWiki. No objections.
2. **What is your understanding of gender? Should Marxists support the LGBT community?** There has always been more than two genders, worldwide. Only with imperialism, colonialism, and maybe early empires(?) was there any attack upon gender, because gender diverse bodies are inconvenient to imperialist ambitions. Marxists should support the LGBT community because if you don't then you would probably purge a lot of Marxists. It's hard not to be Marxist if you are LGBT, look at the way gender and sexuality were colonized. It's the imperialism question again, and Marxist Leninism is the answer to that question. Dialectical materialism also proves there are more than 2 genders and people can change their gender.
3. **What is your position on Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong? How would you describe their historical role? Share any comments or critiques you have regarding them.** Stalin was 'the man of steel' and lived up to that name. Every figure after him was weak by comparison. He was Lenin's successor. Did he make a few mistakes? I think people blame the figurehead rather than looking at the complexity of the system as a whole. They also forget that the Bolsheviks organized their party under democratic centralism. Stalin did his job well, and was consistently chosen to serve. And he left us some insightful writings. Mao Zedong was also a heroic leader and consistently inspires the global south especially those affected by settler-colonialism. He made mistakes during the Cultural Revolution, and the party later corrected course. The cultural damage done during the Cultural Revolution is still outweighed by the colonialism attempts by Japan and Britain.
4. **What are your thoughts on China, Vietnam, Cuba, DPRK and Laos? Do you believe any of these countries is socialist? Why or why not?** They are all socialist. Long live! Inspiring!
1. **In your own words, how would you describe dialectical materialism?**
2. **What subjects or topics you would like to contribute to ProleWiki?** Information relevant to indigenous peoples about Marxism-Leninism and anti-imperialism.
3. **What feature do you think ProleWiki is currently missing?**
4. **What is a page that you would like to change, and what would you like to change on it?** I want to make a page something along the lines of an Indigenous People's Introduction to Marxism-Leninism
5. **What are your thoughts on national liberation and the concept of land back?** It's my whole life.
6. **Have you read anything on Marxist feminism? What are your perspectives on it?**
7. **Do you think abolishing the family should be a goal of the communist movement? If so, how would it be abolished?**
8. **What in your opinion is the most pressing matter for communists in your country?** The preservation and strengthening of indigenous people's political autonomy, economic prosperity, cultural education and language rights.
9. **What do you believe is the main difference between Marxism and other anti-capitalist movements?**

Latest revision as of 23:05, 2 June 2024

Juchari amponhaskua ka eratsikua máreksïrhénini 🪶🏳️‍🌈⚢ 🦅🐢🌎 Enkaksï no xenchaaka juchari iretarhu anapuechani, naenaksï uá iámentu parhakpeni anapuechani xénchani. Ji jirhinhaxaka ma nanaka enkari libristi. Uantajpari @ 💌 Discord: @charhapiti

I also call myself a dialectical materialist, mainly to distance myself from Marx as a person, but it's all the same method. Any proper application of dialectical materialism would bring someone to 'Marxist-Leninist' conclusions by any name.
