
Turtle Island Study Group

All works listed have been carefully reviewed and approved for theory education espousing a 'decolonial dengist' aka real Marxist-Leninist approach applying Marxism-Leninism as it is understood by AES countries to the material conditions of indigenous peoples of Turtle Island. This list will teach the basics to get started with ML.

  • No ultraleft or right deviations to be promoted here.
  • This list excludes anti-Soviet, anti-AES, anti-China, and pro-Western sources.
  • There will be no 'Marxian' academics, no worship of academia over traditional indigenous knowledge/cosmology, no sectarian liberal political influences, and no heedless acceptance of anticommunist slander.
  • No Chicano or Mexican or Latinidad colonialism.
  • No Ward Churchills either.
  • Primary sources are valued first.

This list is intended to be read by indigenous people for indigenous people, and assumes a basic self-knowledge. This list cannot tell exactly what to do but it gives hints and a guide to action. This list is ultimately, a consciousness raiser and conversation-starter.

If you want more added to this list or see any problems, contact me

Reading List

Not included (further reading):