
Stuff useful for library work

stuff useful for library work has been moved here

Other sandbox stuff for my own use

Title Type Written in
Anarchism or socialism?
The foundations of Leninism
Trotskyism or Leninism?
Economic problems of socialism in the USSR
Marxism and the National Question
Stalin interview with H. G. Wells
Stalin interview with Emil Ludwig
History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
The International Character of the October Revolution
Dialectical and historical materialism
Marxism and problems of linguistics
On the shortcomings of party work and measures to eliminate Trotskyist and other double-dealers
Armed Insurrection and Our Tactics
The Present Situation and the Unity Congress of the Workers' Party
The Class Struggle
The London Congress of the Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party
Stalin interview with Roy Howard
Concerning the International Situation

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