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Revision as of 12:20, 3 October 2023 by CriticalResist (talk | contribs) (Creating user page for new user.)
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FIRST VERIFICATION QUESTIONS: 1. From a YouTube video (I cannot recall the name). 2. Marxism-Leninism (in extension, Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, 3 Represents, Scientific Outlook on Development (probably, I haven't read anything) and Xi Jinping Thought). It is quite amazing that 4 years ago I was a conservative-liberal (a New Democrat, the current governing party in Greece which is where I live). I started, however, questioning stuff, thus I became a communist. It took me long to form my ideology, as I hadn't studied about China that much, causing me to say it is a capitalist/imperialist country to vent out of criticism. It also took me long to understand the difference between centralised and decentralised planning. I previously said that I am pro-decentralized economy. Now that I get what both mean, I meant I want a (central) planning that benefits both peasants (rural areas) and workers (urban areas). I mean, decentralization leads to chaos, as Khruschev proved. If I did the planning for the USSR, I would not need more than 20 planning committees (they are too many already). 3. Yes. I have seen that you are lenient on this, but I do not think that Russia is explicitly anti-imperialist (although it opposes NATO and also isn't imperialist by Lenin's definition). I am neutral on the Russo-Ukrainian conflict, don't think I am pro-Ukraine, because that'd mean I am in favor of Nazis. And I hate them more than anything else. I agree on everything else, though. 4. Gender is really a personal preference. I am very pro-LGBTQ+ and I think us, Marxists, should all be as well. AES countries should really modernize on that issue, as LGBTQ+ rights are human rights and LGBTQ+ liberation can pave the way to proletarian liberation. 5. Stalin is so demonized. Like he did some mistakes (somewhat prohibition of same-sex relations, although they were prohibited in most countries at the time and maybe at first that he was against the creation of the USSR but rather for the incorporation of other Soviet republics into the RSFSR), but he obviously didn't plan a whole famine to kill Ukrainians. He didn't even endorse a cult of personality against him, he denounced it instead (same with Lenin and Mao). The Great Purge was also exaggerated by the NKVD under Yezhov. Stalin also kept the country in prosperity and stability, unlike his successors. Mao is even more innocent, he wasn't responsible for the Great Chinese Famine (which didn't even kill 45-65M people), same goes for the excesses of the failed Cultural Revolution. They also made Marxism-Leninism a broad, strong movement and thanks to them, workers' rights improved in Western countries since Western governments were forced to do it. I also like Mao's Mass Line policy. It should also be noted that both fought against fascism and without them, the Axis might have won. But as a Soviet Army official said (I think Molotov), "they will never forgive us for that". 6. China: Now that I have studied, I can say that China is socialist. They aren't perfect socialism, but since they are a developed country, with massive productive forces, who really cares? There are two arguments for that: first, 60% of the Chinese GDP is produced by S-OEs, so from the socialist mode of production. Second, they have class struggle (core component of Marxism). Billionaires get executed, imprisoned of at least fined if they do bad or illegal things, unlike the slap on the wrist they get in Western countries. They also have less money than Western billionaires (something ultra-leftists don't seem to care about). "Chinese Imperialism" is also a stupid concept. The Belt and Road Initiative is quite good in my opinion, as it helps the development of African countries and no, it isn't "debt trap policy", Varoufakis (a Greek economist) has debunked this and I can tell you this as well, as I am from a country that has suffered from the neocolonial IMF for 10 years. So, 光荣的中国万岁! DPRK: I am pretty sure it isn't as bad as it is portrayed to be. Their isolation is indeed bad, but it comes from outside sanctions that have been imposed to them since their inception, not inside policies. I would also like to be able to call it simply Korea, without North. Not only because of socialism, but because I like to see nations united and liberated from (neo)colonialism, which is EXACTLY the case of ROK / South Korea. I won't say anything else as I haven't studied about it and I believe the "no investigation, no right to speak" rule. Vietnam / Laos: Both countries are similar to each other and to China, although Laos is not really being discussed among MLs, I don't know why. But their respective reforms were also needed, so why not? Cuba: My favorite socialist country along with China. A planned economy and has contributed many things to the world (5 whole vaccines). Statesians who cannot afford medications in the US go to Cuba (eat shit capitalism). They also have a higher life expectancy that the US. And all this while they have been on embargo for 60+ years. SECONDARY VERIFICATION QUESTIONS 2. I would like to write about my country, communist parties across the world and political theories (maybe debunk myths as well). I would also like to help comrades to improve pages. I can help with the French version as I know some French, too. 3. National liberation can be the precursor of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, to be honest. So, if it comes to real national liberation (not land back), I am full for it. Examples, Palestine, struggle against neocolonialism, Native Americans. 6. The most pressing matter for communists in my country (Greece) is some positions of the KKE itself. Although self-identifying as Marxist-Leninist, it considers China as capitalist and, even worse, imperialist. I don't know if they are against Dengism itself as Koutsoumpas said that he visited China during the early days of Reform and Opening Up and said it was more OK but he said that present-day China is imperialist, so they might disagree with the 3rd Generation. I can also see this with my uncle, who votes for KKE, he regards China as imperialist. KKE co-operates with some AES countries, mostly Cuba, while their positions for the rest are unclear, especially the DPRK (which I believe they do not recognize as socialist). I mean, we need to pass through a primary stage of socialism as we have little to no productive forces and I don't know if going to full-on socialism will help us. Also, if we break off relations with the US, who are we going to co-operate with if we consider China as imperialist? The matter isn't even ideological anymore, it's practical. 7. Probably that Marxism deeply analyzes the problems of capitalist society instead of just randomly trying to find a solution. In other works, Marxism is scientific, as it works like a science (with experiments and with theory and "laws"). Trust me, I like math / physics / chemistry. 8. Simple. Israel is an ethnostate, direct product of neocolonialism. It commits horrible acts of genocide against Palestinian people, of course concealed or made under the excuse of war against terrorism. It is obviously the frontline of the US so that they can somewhat control the MENA area, hence the funding. So, full-on solidarity with Palestine! Hope you had a good time reading this, have a nice day!