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1 editJoined 28 September 2024
Revision as of 08:28, 28 September 2024 by CriticalResist (talk | contribs) (Creating user page for new user.)
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First Set 1. I discovered ProleWiki via Reddit via Lemmy given the promotion of the project, so I've witnessed the internal struggles against bourgeoisie infiltrators like "Patriot Socialists" and the Hoxhaist attack done in solidarity with those "Patriotic Sosialists", my reasoning for saying they act in solidarity is for the same reason Stalin equated right opportunism and ultra leftism. Given how long I've followed this Wiki, I am familiar with the current state of things and my most immediate practices of contribution would be on the pages related to Norway, something this Wiki and admin will recognise because spoke of this in the Discord once and the struggle of the only communist party in Norway. The Red Party and Socialist Left are social democratic, minor actual communist factions that do manage to organise get purged.

2. I am a Marxist-Leninist, been so since mid 2021 and a former classical social democrat (not neoliberal), done extensive reading, publishing and public speeches since. Was in the Labour Party for at least 3/4 years where I always was sceptical of their attacks on fellow "left-wing" parties and the equation of those to the USSR and "stalinism", my work there was mostly in campaigning and was active in Extinction Rebellion too. The books Bullshit Jobs, Blackshirts and Reds by Micheal Parenti and State & Revolution/Imperialism by Lenin were the reasoning for my deprogramming. Also, the Labour Party lacked much ordinary workers and their political school was to advanced for a working class guy with no university education, but their free food during my unemployment helped saving. Aside from my ML stance, I do say I have an Ludo Martens tendency regarding a theory of unity of marxists and do support some Maoist revolutions in the global south, just don't think Maoism is applicable to the western world in general.

3. I've read and re-read after every update, the only topic of concern here I have is actually Markets vs Planning, because the Hoxhaist and Maoist lines ironically equate markets with capitalism today on terms that might as well be called neoliberal. Eve more ironic given that one can cite the Volumes of Lenin/Stalin during NEP on the faction of those, Mao during New Democracy and even works by Hoxha with similar policies to build up the productive forces while maintaining a DOTP that's protectionist and laying the groundworks for eliminating the NEPmen/NDmen and the remains of the capitalist class as a class. My anser is yes, just think this needs to be addressed given the solidarity between reactionaries and ultra leftists against AES states.

4/5. Two in one here: The thoughts on Stalin and Mao is that that their leadership as representatives for the working class created two of the most power workers states in the past (USSR) and China , so with the USSR it went from a feudal tsardom with constant famines to the first successful workers state and modern democracy and a critique I have is that while it was the most progressive state of its era, its policy and theory of LGBT as a bourgeoisie "value", rights are privileges (Lenin quote) in bourguisisie class society and there their upholding of these values were a theoretical and practical mistake while being still more progressive than all bourgeoisie states of the time. So yes, they were the most progressive leaders and their upholding of gender was wrong, the Family Code from Cuba today however is the best example of working towards abolishing the family as its structured in capitalist society.

6. Fully support, I defer to my reasoning above to answer the questions as they already address this. Although as a small country with less resources and trade dependant, the ML thoughts I consider most relevant to learn the most from is DPKR and Cuba, with a personal preference for DPKR given they have the most classical ML economy. Take their Special Economic Zones, from what I've read is that it is much shorter but still manages to gain the needed research and resources to develop.

7. The occupation and genocide of the indigenous population to replace the population during the development of a mode of production, Isreal, USA Australia, Canada, and the northers parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia that is indigenous to the Sami people without a nation and who's "parliaments" have no say of policies of any of the nations. A revolution in Norway would have to include the liberation of the Sami people, if they require an urban revolution or a farmer relocation is an ongoing question in communist circles in Norway. Immigrants and minority workers only have privileges and need to be thought that these privileges are a class compromise, much like social democracy, that's only temporary until capitalism is threatened and fascism needs to be implemented to save it. I am gay myself btw.

8. A struggle for a right to self determination and national liberation against settler-colonialism and imperialism, lead by a coalition of bourgeoisie factions and a communist party that has been going on against Isreal for at least 70 years. My party support a 1 state solution and the resistance.

Second Set

1. A materialist view in contrast to idealism and an application of dialects turned on its head from Hagel, a study of the contradictions and various constant changes to anything in society from one form to another, there's nothing in isolation. An example from Engels I always like to cite is his explanation of how the natural development of a plant itself is a dialectical development of itself as a material.

5. Housing, despite calming to have as much housing ownership as China, the real percentage is way lower when loans are considered and rents. We have large coalitions of anti-war and anti-imperialist movements but some parts of its leadership can be described as bougisie pasifist, so its a hindrance to progressing the movement further. There is only one communist party in Norway, NKP, the two mainstream "communist" parties are social democrats and the Maoist/Hoxhaist only have registered orgs and are not registered as parties at all nor participate in elections. Speaking of elections, the recent election law (Election Law 45L) has practically banned all small parties from future elections, including my own that I am chairman for in Bergen.

2. See previous 7 & 8.

6. Idealism and bourgeoisie pacifism, that even caused the split in the Labour Party of Norway that caused the Norwegian Communist Party to be founded, got the LPoN out of Comintern and a leading unionist basically called of a off revolution in the making in Norway despite the organised working class being armed and outside the parliament in the capital in protests. Social democrats betrayed Norway prior to any theory of Social Fascism, so the comintern advice to the early NKP to go in coalition with them was a mistake before and after WW2.

8. See previous 2.


1. Generally satisfied but found it a bit repetitive on some topics and would advise to change that to avoid my clever "See previous #" answers, found it a simple exploit given the first questions are about specific enough topics to cover the general second set. The second set in turns becomes a set of questions in a poorer form because they already are answered, basic stuff like asking my own workplace experience and union activity would itself get applying communist editors to discuss more than general concepts and methods of socialism in development.

2. Basic Web Development (CSS, HTML & Javascript) course and Assassins Creed Wiki editor experience (profile: ACsenior), made probably around 12 years ago so I have some embarrassing liberal chat history.