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- Fix Christianity page and pages like it.
- Autim & Neurodiversity article
- Fix Liberia page, problem with last leader
- Pan-African non-Marxist socialists
- Most of these orgs are not Marxists
- It would not be smart to push them out. They are the Black Left
- Tanzania page - somebody cited VJ Prashad who has inaccuracies e.g. "failed to combat patriarchy" because Tanzania is a matriarchy and Tanzania's ruling party champion women's organization in fact the party is majority women
- Garveyism is progressive and anti-imperialist, anti-colonial, be sure to distinguish from American Colonization Society and Liberia wasn't settler-colonial it was a neocolony of the white US bourgeosie with Amero-African settlers as the compradors. The presence of settlers doesn't automatically make a country settler-colonial.
- Yeshitela as far as we know isn't in any way comparable to opportunist Gazi (BH), Yeshitela is comparable to Nkrumah
- Uhuru's ideological contradictions with pan-Africanist parties are minor
- The correct line on New Afrika / Black Belt Thesis is still debated, so the correct position in this moment is neutrality and upholding self-determination and nationhood for both Indigenous and Black people of Turtle Island in whatever form it takes with the consent of the Indigenous and Black people in the affected region.
- All religions (religious dogmatism) are created as a result of class contradictions.
- Sek Toure - Islam for the Benefit of the People's Movement
- Indigenous people of Turtle Island can learn a lot from the Pan-African Socialist movement.
- Many articles are too polemic in ways that alienate Black people. (Cultural sensitivity)
- Too many pages devoted to YouTubers.
- Colonialism didn't start from Christianity, it started from class
- Essay: Indigenous Internationalism, Indigenous Socialism
- JUST BECAUSE someone thinks something doesnt mean that thought is derived from white people lol
- The contradictoryness of indigenous anarchism and anarchist idea of the idealized indigenous anarchist society somewhere far off in the past
- LGBT rights in China
Dogmatism can be avoided by continuously studying and observing and analyzing Private subjects and taking any evidence which contradicts erroneous perceptions of “false commonalities” into consideration. This will simultaneously deepen our understanding of the Private while improving our understanding of the Common. For example: Sally might observe a few red apples and arrive at the conclusion: “all apples are red.” If Sally is then presented with a green apple, yet refuses to acknowledge it by continuing to insist that “all apples are red,” then Sally is engaging in dogmatism.
According to Vietnam’s Curriculum of the Philosophy of Marxism-Leninism For University and College Students Specializing in Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought, the opposite of Dogmatism is Revisionism. Revisionism occurs when we overestimate the Private and fail to recognize commonalities. In failing to recognize common attributes and features between and within things, phenomena, and ideas, the Revisionist faces confusion and disorientation whenever they encounter any new things, phenomena, and ideas, because they lack any insight into essential characteristics of the subject and its relations with other subjects.
For example: if Sally has spent a lot of time studying a red apple, she may start to become confident that she understands everything there is to know about apples. If she is then presented with a green apple, she might become confused and disoriented and draw the conclusion that she has to start all over again with her analysis, from scratch, thinking: “this can’t possibly be an apple because it’s not red. It must be something else entirely.” Sally can avoid this revisionist confusion by examining the other common features which the red and green apples share before making any conclusions.
In Vietnamese political philosophy, “left-sided thinking” is a form of dogmatic idealism which upholds unrealistic conceptions of change and development. Left-sided thinkers don’t have the patience for quantity accumulation which are prerequisite to quality shifts, or expect to skip entire stages of development which are necessary to precipitate change in the real world. An example of left-sided thinking would be believing that a capitalist society can instantly transition into a stateless, classless, communist society, skipping over the transitions in quantity and quality which are required to bring such a massive transformation in human society to fruition.
“Right-sided thinking,” on the other hand, is conservate resistance to change.
Right-sided thinkers resist quality changes to human society; they either want to preserve society as it exists right now, or reverse development to some previous (real or imagined) stage of development. Right-sided thinkers also refuse to acknowledge quality shifts once they’ve occurred, idealistically pretending that changes in material conditions have not occurred. For example, right-sided thinkers may refuse to recognize advances which have been made in the liberation of women, or even attempt to reverse those advances in hopes of returning to previous stages of development when women had fewer freedoms. Here is a practical example of these concepts in use, from the Vietnam Encyclopedia, published by the Ministry of Culture and Information of Vietnam:
Opportunism is a system of political views that do not follow a clear direction nor a clear line, do not have a definite stance, and are inclined toward the immediate personal gain of the opportunist. In the proletarian revolutionary movement, opportunism is a politics of compromise, reform, and unprincipled collaboration with the enemy which run contrary to the basic interests of the working class and the working people. In practice, opportunism has two main trends, stemming from right-sided thinking and from left-sided thinking, respectively: Right-wing opportunism is reformist, favors undue compromise, and aims to peacefully “convert” capitalism into socialism while abandoning the struggle for meaningful victory of the working class. Right-wing opportunism, typified by Eduard Bernstein and Karl Kautsky, has its origins in the Workers’ Parties of the Second International era and exists to this day.
Left-wing opportunism is a mixture of extremism and adventurism, dogmatism, arrogance, subjectivity, cults of violence, and disregard for the objective situation.
Both “right” and “left” opportunism push the workers’ movement to futile sacrifice and failure.