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Joined 17 September 2024
Revision as of 07:42, 17 September 2024 by CriticalResist (talk | contribs) (Creating user page for new user.)
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1.1 I've been lurking in lemmygrad for a few years and seen some posts mentioning prolewiki and using it as a source on occasion when discussing theory, siting works and essays etc. I have read some articles when i have been in the mood and i feel like there is still much to add and perhaps fix. As a Finn researching on the workers movement here in Finland and history in general, i think it would be great to add in here. There is shadowed anti-fascist and working class history that could be add in here about Finland. There are also various works from Finnish marxists, socialists etc like Tuure Lehén, Nestori Parkkari, Otto Wille Kuusinen and so on that could be translated into English.

1.2 Marxism-Leninism, though there is much to learn and thus i identify more as a socialist until i deem my knowledge ample. My journey to this point was quite narrow. Being an apolitical atheist i got fascinated about our eastern neighbours history about six years ago i somehow stumbled upon Marxist channels offering me an opposite view of the one i was taught. Also living in rural Finland really helps seeing the shitty mess that is neo-liberalism which made it easier to agree with the positions. In short being a poor atheist who agrees with the materialist positions led me to Marxism-Leninism.

1.3 Yes, i agree with all positions listed. Though i am bit conflicted even in supporting Russia critically. Blow to western imperialism is a good thing but it does not seem like Ukraine has good options. For the Russian speaking population sure, but Russia is still quite reactionary.

1.4 Gender is a social construct. Traditional gender roles need to be shattered, people regardless of gender are and should be equal. Yes Marxists should support the LGBTQ+ community as they too are oppressed by capitalist structures and need liberation. Liberation for all.

1.5 Both very important historical figures who wrote important works. Good revolutionary leaders who have been heavily propagandized. During Stalin era the USSR turned from an agricultural economy to an industrial one and developed heavily. He was such a powerful icon that west fear him to this day, telling he did everything even asleep great man theory is quite the drug. Not perfect but no one is. Same with Mao, China developed much for the better being liberated from fascism and imperialism.

1.6 All lead by communist parties that are developing socialism accordance to their material conditions. China, Cuba, Vietnam and Laos have taken market reforms to develop productive forces Cuba though being the most centrally planned out of the four. The DPRK though has most central planning and focuses a lot on independence and sovereignty to maintain socialism. All provide healthcare, good education, services and focus on the needs of their people.

1.7 Settler-colonialism means settling the land and expulsion of its original populace. The new inhabitants usually exploit the ones kicked out and genocide them. Fitting of such description include USA, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Israel, Nazi Germany, the UK in Ireland and Nordic countries againts the Sámi peoples. Many examples. Settlers should pay reparations, return land and homes, and grant the colonized populace self-determination. Settler colonial states need to be dissolved as in the case of Israel. The Karelian and Sámi for one should have reparations and their languages protected and ensured the right to education in the language. Immigrants and minorities should always have the right to study in their language.

1.8 Genocide has been going too long and now has gone to yet another stage. Settler colonialism and fascism. Israel definitely knew of what was going to happen and let it happen. Victim card for an excuse to do genocide. The Palestinians are not in the wrong to fight againts genocide.

2.1 Formed by dialectics and materialism. Due to contradictions the world changes be it class struggle for example. The world is materialistic consisting of matter and that matter is in constant motion.

2.2 National liberation is good in all cases. People have the right for self-determination and should not be the victims of foreign repression and imperialism.

2.5 The lack of support due to recent history and the collapse of the communist party due to factionalism and revisionism. Cooperation between the parties is not the best. The Communist Party of Finland is revisionist to extent but do hold correct lines like supporting China, then there is The Communist Workers Party and their line is the same as that of KKE so not a fan. Lastly there is The League of Communists which is holding the correct lines of Marxism-Leninism and also holding the same principles as prolewiki. Consists of people kicked out of The Communist Workers party and now cooperate with the main communist party and also participating in the Finnish Workers Party. People are also pretty old due to the prevalence of socialism in the 20th century while now the youth either support the liberal left or populists depending on where you are from of course. The parties are more urban centered understandably.

2.6 Marxism is scientific. Marxism is more than anti-capitalism and explains how the world works and how it will continue. Anti-capitalist movements include more than Marxists ones be that anarchists for example.

2.7 Imperialism in short means the exploitation of natural resources and work force of another country and people. The IMF is one of many imperialist institutions that is used to debt trap countries and force them to privatize and sell assets so shock therapy basically. Same with the world bank. But on the opposite there is the Belt and Road Initiative which seeks to actually develop countries infrastructure so the mentioned countries can develop.