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Joined 15 October 2024
Revision as of 13:32, 15 October 2024 by CriticalResist (talk | contribs) (Creating user page for new user.)
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First set:

I became familiar with ProleWiki through a reddit post, but i don't remember what subreddit it was on. I am interested in contributing to pages relating to reactionary political parties in Europe, such as National Rally or AfD. I'm also interested in contributing to pages relating to the Baltic states and their history.

I currently follow the Marxist-Leninist school of thought. I used to be a pro-Ukraine Social-Democrat till i started watching youtubers like Vaush, Lonerbox, and other breadtubers. I soon abandoned these people's way of thought after i discovered Hakim, Yugopnik and Second Thought and started reading Marxist literature.

I like the policy of repressing reactionary language. I have been consistently bothered by that kind of language being used on forums i regular, and would very much prefer to not see any that kind of ableist, racist, homophobic or misogynist language being directed at me or anyone else.

Although i am not too well versed on LGBTQ+ literature, i am in full support. I have, thanks to the ProleWiki library's LGBTQ+ section, picked out 'Transgender Liberation: A Marxist View' and 'Towards a Scientific Analysis of the Gay Question' to my reading list and will hopefully get to read them soon.

I regard both Stalin and Mao as important revolutionaries, made mistakes, as we all do. (Most of these mistakes cannot be attributed to them personally, as both the PRC and the USSR had forms of collective leadership) Stalin's biggest mistakes, in my opinion, was supporting the excessive deportations of tatars, chechens, etc, banning of abortion and not striving further to prevent opportunists like Khrushchev, Beria, Yezhov and others into positions of power. Mao's biggest mistake was aligning China closer to the USA due to the Sino-Soviet split, as the Soviet Union was by far the lesser evil between them and the US. (This cannot be blamed on Mao and China more generally, as the Soviet Union obviously had a big role in creating the Sino-Soviet split)

I'm in full belief that the DPRK, Laos, China, Cuba and Vietnam are all ideologically Marxist-Leninist states and are Socialist. Socialist, as in they're in the primary stage of the development of socialism.

Settler colonialism is, basically, imperialism directed inward rather than outward. Settler colonialism sees a native population systematically destroyed and foreign colonialists put in their place. Examples of settler colonial states are "Israel", the US, Australia, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia and so on. I am in favor of indigenous landback and support all decolonial struggles around the world. While do not live in a settler colony, my country treats refugees extremely badly as they are forced to work in low paying gig jobs and often face racial discrimination.

October 7 was a Warsaw ghetto-esque attack on "Israel", which would be followed by "Israel" deciding to respond respond to the event by killing, at this point, 200-300 thousand innocent Palestinians, indiscriminately bombing civilians. Hamas, PIJ, PFLP, DFLP and all the other resistance groups fighting against "Israel" are fighting an anti-colonial anti-imperialist war against the genocidal Zionist regime and its allies in the west. I am in full support of the Palestinian resistance.

Second set:

Dialectical materialism is a scientific framework, it views existence as a constant process of contradiction and change, that material conditions and social relations within society determine the character and direction of its development, that ideas and culture are shaped by these material conditions.

The main difference between Marxism and other anti-capitalist movements is often seen in how these movements differ from Marxism in its solutions. A lot of mainstream anti-capitalist movements can often provide a good critique of capitalism, but nearly always fail to present a valid alternative besides plain adventurism or the reform of capitalism. Non Marxist anti-capitalists also lack a proper theoretical framework to analyse the world.

The most pressing issue for communists in my country is the complete lack of a principled vanguard party. My country utterly lacks any leftist organizing besides a pro-NATO democratic socialist party, which has left mainstream politics to be dominated by the far-right and the "moderate" right. We see nazi monuments being erected, whilst at the same time monuments to the heroes of the great patriotic war are torn down. We face the slow privatization of schooling and destruction of social safety nets in a vain attempt at fixing the 'deficit'. Our political landscape is shifting more and more to the right.

I am in full support of all decolonial, anti-imperialist national liberation struggles around the world. Whether the liberation struggle is led by a Marxist group or not doesn't matter to me, as imperialism is the primary contradiction. Without imperialism being defeated in subjugated nations no socialist state can be created, non-Marxist groups like Hezbollah and Hamas are fighting against imperialism, therefore i support them.

Imperialism is the end result of capitalism's desire for constant growth and the competition inherent in capitalism. The capitalists realized they could exploit foreign markets, resources and labor to undercut their local competitors. Their local competitors caught on and soon massive swathes of territory were being divided by the capitalist powers to plunder. These territories would then be dominated by hyper militaristic imperialist rule. The IMF is used to implement austerity measures so the western imperialist states can keep global south nations poor and easy to exploit. The IMF implements these measures through their predatory loans which are attached with "Structural Adjustment Programmes". The World Bank functions in much the same way. The BRI will help to usher in a new unipolar world through reducing the global south's imperialistic ties with US and the west in general. It will help "poor" countries to not rely on the IMF and finally have some modicum of independence.