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All works by Friedrich Engels

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Established the ground work of Marxism through an examination of the rise of capitalism, the history of society, and critique of many prevalent philosophies. Established the First International Workers' organisation.

All library works by Friedrich Engels on ProleWiki.

Title Author Published Type Summary
Marx & Engels Collected Works
The principles of communism Friedrich Engels Pamphlet
A contribution to the history of primitive Christianity Friedrich Engels Article
Anti-Dühring Friedrich Engels Book
The origin of the family, private property and the state Friedrich Engels Book analyzes the historical development of family structures, private property, and the state, tracing their origins to the emergence of class divisions and the exploitation of one class by another within society.
The part played by labour in the transition from ape to man Friedrich Engels Article
Socialism: utopian and scientific Friedrich Engels
The conditions of the working class in England Friedrich Engels Book
Ludwig Feuerbach and the end of classical German philosophy Friedrich Engels Book
The peasant war in Germany Friedrich Engels Article
Revolution and counter-revolution in Germany Friedrich Engels Book
Engels' burial speech Frederick Engels Speech
The Housing Question/Part 1
The Housing Question/Part 2
The Housing Question/Part 3
Friedrich Engels
Letter from Engels to Marx. November 19, 1844
Marx & Engels letters
The holy family Karl Marx 1845 Book critical examination of various philosophical and political movements in Germany during the early 19th century, focusing on their role in shaping social thought and historical development. Marx and Engels scrutinize the ideological conflicts within these movements, highlighting their limitations and advocating for a materialist understanding of history.
Manifesto of the Communist Party Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 1848-02 Manifesto Outlines the historical development of class struggle and calls for the revolutionary overthrow of capitalist systems, advocating for the establishment of a classless society based on collective ownership of the means of production..
The civil war in the United States Karl Marx 1861 detailed analysis of the American Civil War, contextualizing it within the broader framework of global capitalist development and the struggle for emancipation. Marx examines the economic and social forces at play, highlighting the significance of slavery, class conflict, and revolutionary potential in shaping the trajectory of American history during this pivotal period.
The Bakuninists at work K. Marx, F. Engels 1873-11-2
On authority Friedrich Engels 1874 Article
The Mark Friedrich Engels 1892
Dialectics of nature Friedrich Engels 1925 (posthumous) Book
The German ideology Karl Marx 1932 Book critiquing idealist philosophy and laying the foundation for historical materialism. Through a materialist analysis of history, Marx and Engels argue that social consciousness is shaped by material conditions, challenging prevailing philosophical notions and providing a framework for understanding societal change and revolutionary praxis.
A Critique of the Draft Social-Democratic Programme of 1891 Friedrich Engels 1936 Engels' critique of the Social Democratic Party of Germany's 1891 Erfurt programme
History of Ireland Friedrich Engels 1948 Book draft
Marx & Engels Collected Works/Volume 27 Friedrich Engels 1990 Book
The Housing Question Friedrich Engels Der Volksstaat, Leipzig 1872, Nos. 51, 52, 53, 103 and 104 for June 26 and 29, July 3 and December 25 and 28, 1872; Nos. 2, 3, 12, 13, 15 and 16 for January 4 and 8, February 8, 12, 19 and 22, 1873. Also re-published as a pamphlet. Reprinted by the Co-operative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers; Article
Friedrich Engels/The defeat of the Piedmontese Friedrich Engels March 31 to April 4, 1849 Newspaper article