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Joined 18 August 2024
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1. I found ProleWiki while randomly browsing online for communist and socialist literature so that I could learn more about socialist theory and history. I'd like to help edit where I am needed and help keep modern communist pages up-to-date if anything relevant happens, or add pages for interesting and relevant Marxist figures that don't already have them if I come across them. 2. I would consider myself a Marxist, and I agree with Maoist and Marxist-Leninist views such as the need for a vanguard party and an anti-fascist united front. In my opinion under the dictatorship of the proletariat, the ideal economic system to lead the people to socialism would involve a collectivist economy rather than a market socialist one, but I do not have hostilities towards people who disagree as long as we agree on the core principles of Marxist communism. 3. I take no issues with anything being said in the principles on the website. The closest thing I have to a criticism is my personal dislike of Putin's government for being oppressive of LGBTQ people, although I understand the concept of critical support and hate NATO imperialism even more. 4. I am a transgender woman and my understanding of gender in my life is that it doesn't always align with your assigned sex at birth, and that is okay. Marxists should always uphold queer liberation and so-called "patriotic socialist" right-wingers should be shunned in leftist spaces for being fascist revisionists. 5. Mao Zedong was a hero whose rule modernized the feudal nation of China into a modern superpower and stopped western and Japanese imperialism from subjugating the Chinese proletariat. He also ended slavery in Tibet and his inspiration brought socialist ideas all across Asia. Joseph Stalin was a worthy successor to Lenin who upheld socialism despite the hardships of his situation (western interference and WW2) and after the end of the war, the Soviet Union and its associated states in the Warsaw Pact made great strides towards socialism and defending against American and NATO imperialism. 6. I know very little about Laos, so I have no reason to assume it is not socialist. Even though China and Vietnam have adopted market economies which I disagree with, I still consider them dictatorships of the proletariat. The DPRK is a DOTP with patriotic tendencies, and unlike South Korea is a fully independent nation. And Cuba is a socialist dictatorship of the proletariat as well, and the people of Cuba have done tremendously great things despite western blockades and attempted coups. 7. Settler-colonialism is the violent replacement of a native people with ones own people in order to create their own state, most likely a capitalist or fascist one with genocidal tendencies or at least apartheid wishes. Settler-colonialism is absolutely despicable and oppressed indigenous people and minorities should rise up and fight for self-determination against their colonial government until the colonial entity has been destroyed. In my country, I believe that the treatment of Native Americans is abhorrent and disgusting and that Indigenous Americans have every right to rise up and enforce control over the means of production being used to subjugate them. Also, African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, LGBTQ Americans, and other minorities are all also violently oppressed even after the borgousie "civil rights act" due to the inherent discrimination found in the capitalist system and must rise up and destroy the system which keeps us all unequal and replace it with a dictatorship of the proletariat which suffocates racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia at every opportunity, as well as eliminates the class system which keeps workers of color and disabled people oppressed and economically crippled. There should be no such thing as "immigration controls", on stolen land. 8. The Palestinian resistance had every right to strike the fascist state of Israel and I stand in solidarity with the people of Palestine in the ongoing brutal genocide of their people on their own territory.

2. The concept of national liberation and landback are right and just, especially in colonial states like the U.S., Australia, Canada, or Israel. Oppressed peoples should have the right to control their OWN means of production and not have it controlled by a "socialized" colonial authority like how patsocs and other revisionists of the sort believe.

3. I have read (or rather listened, I really need glasses) multiple Leslie Feinberg works and many of the friends I have who are part of the socialist movement are also staunch feminists. I believe that true feminist justice can only happen under socialism, and that capitalist reformist "feminism" is nothing more than an appropriation of the movement, and that without a Marxist material analysis the movement inevitably devolves into bastardizations such as the "TERF" movement.

6. I believe that other leftist ideologies that advocate for different types of socialist society are frankly unrealistic and utopian. Anarchism wishes to skip over the necessary DOTP to get to stateless communism, Trotskyism is a militarist nightmare which would cause any revolution to go down like Napoleon's, democratic socialism is either very idealist and impossible or just social democracy in disguise, and other niche left-wing ideologies that have no real support base only serve to divide the working class against itself.

8. In the past couple of years, I have read many socialist works, especially by Marx and Lenin. (State & Revolution, What Is To Be Done, Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism, Capital, the Manifesto, etc.) I especially liked Lenin's writings in State & Revolution, which was one of the first socialist literature pieces I read through, and still remember being unsurprisingly surprised to hear just how accurate everything in it applied to our modern world over 100 years later. They both essentially predicted the future of capitalism and gave us a guide on how to establish socialism, and it's incredibly frustrating to know how many people do not believe that socialism is possible or works due to capitalist propaganda when the solution is literally *right there*! I plan on continuing studying more theory once I get some health problems under control, and then I will read more on Mao, Stalin, and whoever my friends suggest that I read. I especially know I need to read some non-western/third-world literature to gain more perspective on that sphere of the world, so perhaps I could read something from an African or Hispanic socialist such as Che or Sankara.

1. My comments and feedback is that it's a bit lengthy and takes a lot of writing, although maybe I just went overboard writing a lot. Not that I mind though, I literally write entire essay-length roleplay fantasy stuff for an RP server I'm a part of so I'm used to writing a lot. :) 2. I have recently edited many times on IIWiki and also a bit on Wikipedia, and formerly Fandom a long time ago, so I believe I have a pretty solid grasp on at least the basics.