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Library:Exposition of the Principles of Juche Idea/Songun Opens the Door of Independence and Prosperity

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"The permanent strategy of our revolution and its final victory lie in marching straight along the road of independence, the road of Songun and the road of socialism, as indicated by President Kim Il Sung and General Kim Jong Il."

Kim Jong Un

In the world, there are over 200 countries with different political views, religious beliefs, social systems and levels of development.

Beyond these differences, the people in all continents unanimously desire for independence and prosperity down through generations. In this sense, independence and prosperity is the universal desire.

However, the method of achieving the independence and prosperity is different from country to country and from people to people.

Some people think the countries with big territory or population can achieve prosperity easily and some think the economy and technology is the criterion that characterizes the prosperity and development.

We can see those countries with big territory and population and developed economy and technology still suffering from turns and twists in the building of a new society under the domination and subjugation of the foreign forces.

How to achieve independence and prosperity?

What is the guarantee for independence and prosperity?

This is very important issue concerning the survival or fall of humanity.

This is answered by the Songun idea clarified by the Juche idea.

Let's open the door of independence and prosperity by the help of Songun.

1. Force of Arms and Independence

"It is the force of arms on which hinge the victory of the revolutionary cause, independence and sovereignty, and the prosperity of a country or a nation."

Kim Jong Il

Independence is life and soul of a social man, a country and nation. People build a country to materialize their demand for independence. The country without independence, therefore, is meaningless.

The present world is more complicated and troublesome than the period of the Cold War.

Many events take place in the international community such as the destruction of the world peace and safety and the disturbance of free development and prosperity of countries and nations, due to the moves of the imperialists.

At present, the imperialists commit aggression, war, intervention and pressure against the sovereign states on the basis of the gangster theory of domination by power.

Under this condition, the strong force of arms is the fundamental  guarantee for achieving national development and prosperity against the imperialists' moves of war and aggression.

Pascal, the mathematician and philosopher of France in the 17th century said "The justice without power is invalid and the power without justice is tyrannical."

The main in the struggle for independence is force of arms. After all, force of arms and independence are in close relations.

The Songun idea clarifies and proceeds from a new revolutionary principle, the Songun revolutionary principle that combines force of arms with independence.

Man must know the fundamental principle of all things and phenomena and proceed from this. Only then, can he make rational thinking and practice.

It is necessary to know the Songun revolutionary principle, the fundamental principle, in order to open the door of independence and prosperity with the help of Songun.

Now, we start from the Songun revolutionary principle.

1) Force of Arms Is the Main in Revolution

The Songun revolutionary principle is based on the philosophy of arms that clarifies the interrelations of force of arms and revolution.

Great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il said.

"The idea and line of giving importance to force of arms and military affairs, advanced and consistently maintained by President Kim Il Sung, constitute the basis and starting point of our Party's Songun politics."

The revolution to materialize the people's independence is the struggle to cover the untrodden road.

There are many factors in this process, among which force of arms is the main. That is because the revolution accompanies fierce confrontation of power against the imperialists and the counterrevolutionary forces.

Revolution is carved out by force of arms.

Revolution begins with the struggle to overthrow the exploiter class and the exploiter system and establish the new social system. The exploiter class and the ruling class do not give up their political rule of their own accord but infringe upon people's rights to independence by means of counterrevolutionary violence.

The slave-holder society and feudal society had huge suppressive mechanism like army, to mercilessly oppress the struggle of the people demanding for the transformation of the old social system.

Spartacus slave's riot in ancient Rome in about B. C. 1st century, Stepan Razin Peasant War in Russia in the mid 17th century and Kabo Peasant War in Korea in the late 19th century opposed the exploiter class and the old society but ended in failure at last.

Revolution is started by force of arms. This was proved by the history of the working-class revolutionary struggle.

The Korean revolution was successfully started by force of arms.

After establishing colonial rule over Korea by fabricating the gangster-like Ulsa five-point treaty in 1905, the Japanese imperialists wildly oppressed by force the Korean people's struggle for national independence.

In the March 1 Popular Uprising in 1919, the Japanese imperialists killed over 100 000 people and imprisoned about 46 700 patriots.

One can not win by the means of petition, strike or dialogue in the fight against the enemy that has swords or guns. The most right method to defeat the armed enemy is the armed struggle.

Great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung was handed over two pistols as heritage by his father in the early period of his revolutionary movement. These two pistols had the meaning that one must fight with arms against the armed enemy.

Always keeping this in mind, the great leader formed the Down-with Imperialism Union, on October 17, 1926, whose programme is to defeat the Japanese imperialists and achieve the independence and liberation of Korea and to build socialism and communism in Korea and finally defeat all imperialisms and build communism in the world. He set forth the revolutionary slogan "Weapons are our life and soul! Arms for arms!" This slogan reflects the philosophy of arms that the only way to defeat the armed enemy and liberate the country and to lead the Juche-oriented revolution to victory hinges on force of arms.

Keeping this philosophy as conviction, the Korean people could fulfil the historic cause of liberating the country, after defeating the Japanese imperialists, militarily strong in the world and especially in Asia.

Victory in the revolution made in Russia, China, Cuba and other countries, to say nothing of Korea was the result of the struggle started with force of arms.

Revolution is advanced and completed by force of arms.

Revolution is arduous struggle to overcome all challenges and trials. It is arduous not only to start the revolution but to advance straight and complete the revolution successfully, without derailing it.

The imperialists and the reactionary forces resort to every move to obliterate the cause of socialism. Under this condition, one must be powerful to win victory in the showdown with them and defend the achievement of the revolution.

Force of arms is the most powerful means for the people to smash the enemy's moves and safeguard the revolution.

This is well proved by the present reality of the DPRK.

Her situation was very grave, after the sudden death of great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il.

The imperialists and the reactionary forces that trumpeted about the "sudden turn of events" and the "system change" ran more wildly with the moves of military aggression in coalition to suffocate the DPRK.

It is absurd to expect "mercy" or "leniency" from the armed enemy. We must mercilessly smash them with powerful strength.

Under the banner of giving priority to force of arms, respected Comrade Kim Jong Un frustrated the enemy's suffocation moves against the DPRK and safeguarded the country's dignity and safety, demonstrating the spirit of Songun Korea.

Visiting the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su Guards 105th Tank Division, in the morning of January 1, 2012, the unit where leader Kim Jong Il set the first footprint of Songun leadership, respected Kim Jong Un demonstrated his conviction and will to strengthen force of arms without the slightest concession.

It is his steadfast will to defeat the US imperialists and its followers and defend the sovereignty by strengthening the revolutionary armed force by all means.

Respected Kim Jong Un further strengthened the revolutionary force of arms, while visiting Panmunjom, the venue of acute military confrontation in the early March 2012 and the Cho islet defence detachment in the outpost in the West coast and Ryo islet defence detachment in the outpost in the East coast in the early April 2012.

From January 2012 to March 2013, he visited the units of the Korean People's Army on tens of occasions to train the soldiers to be strong one-match-for-a-hundred combatants.

As a result, the DPRK can consolidate the position of satellite and nuclear possessor and safeguard the national sovereignty, chastising the imperialists that are running wild for aggressive war.

Without strengthening and depending on force of arms, it is impossible to defend the gains of the revolution. This is well proved by over 70-year history of the former Soviet Union.

History knows valuable experience, lesson and truth gained in the protracted struggle of the people to shape their destiny. Gorki, the famous Soviet writer said "Without knowing the past, it is impossible to know the true meaning of the present and the goal of the future."

As is well known, the red flag fluttering on the top of Kremlin, Moscow was hoisted down on December 25, 1991. This put an end to the Soviet Union, the first socialist state in human history, which had existed over 70 years, occupying one sixth of the world territory.

There can be many reasons of her collapse but the main reason is that force of arms is not prepared well enough to defend the gains of the revolution.

The Soviet Union could win in the October Revolution and in the war against the fascist German aggression, because she had the strong revolutionary arms.

However, the red army that had played an important role in building the Soviet Union and in defending the country's sovereignty and the revolutionary gains, defeating the fascist invaders began to be ideologically disintegrated by the revisionists and contemporary social democrats.

They disturbed the soldiers' class consciousness and anti-imperialist spirit, spreading the war-weariness, and the bourgeois ideological and cultural infiltration paralyzed the army's revolutionary character and combat capability.

In August 1991, the progressive personnel in the Soviet leadership organized the Emergency Committee and tried to save the falling Soviet Union by depending on the army but failed.

At that time, a high-ranking general who received an order confirmed to the anti-socialist force that his unit would not storm into the city. Meanwhile, the units that rushed into Moscow by order went over to the side of the renegades of socialism. After all, without the support of the army, the August event ended in failure in three days, and in November 6 that year the Communist Party of the Soviet Union was disintegrated and on December 25 the Soviet Union collapsed.

This event gave a lesson that force of arms without ideology, the rusty rifles can not prevent the fall of the country that had demonstrated its power and the achievement gained with blood and sweat.

Over this event, the VOA reported on January 9, 1998 that the Soviet army soldiers were stumbling fully drunken at the critical time in which the country fell, even being deprived of the name of their army. They did not understand at all that it was their death. After all, drunken by the poison of Gorbachev who asked to stand in neutral, they left the Soviet Union to be fully collapsed, becoming no better than beggars.

The 70-year-odd history of the Soviet Union mixed with successes and setbacks proves that the destiny of the struggle for independence rests on force of arms.

Victory of revolution is victory of force of arms. When force of arms is strengthened, revolution can be victorious.

Force of arms is the powerful weapon that guarantees the successful start, victorious advance and completion of revolution.

2) Army Is the Party, State and People

The Songun idea clarifies the principle that the army is the Party, the state and the people.

Great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il said that it is particularly necessary to make the Party members and the working people understand that the unique Songun principle that the army is the Party, the state and the people is based on the Juche idea.

This principle tells that the destiny of the Party, the state and the people that assume important significance in fulfilling the cause of socialism hinges on force of arms of the revolutionary army.

That the army is the Party means that the Party's destiny is decided by the revolutionary army.

The first target of the imperialists and the reactionaries who resort to counterrevolutionary moves to check the people's cause of independence is the revolutionary party, the political guide of the cause. They resort to all sorts of moves such as the plot to collapse the revolutionary parties and defame their prestige and dignity to check in hold the forward movement of the revolution.

Revolutionary army is the only powerful weapon to safeguard the existence and prestige of political party against these moves.

Without army, political party can not fulfil its duty properly, to say nothing of political leadership over society, eventually failing to exist.

The Korean revolution is recorded as the most arduous and complicated revolution in the history of the people's struggle for independence.

Two revolutionary wars against the vicious US and Japanese imperialists, two stages of social revolution and the building of socialism taken place under the condition in which the country was divided by the foreign force, the struggles to defend the country and build a thriving country, overcoming difficulties caused by the fall of socialism in many countries and the successive natural disasters—this tells the arduousness of the Korean revolution.

This arduousness might collapse other countries.

The Workers' Party of Korea led the Korean revolution to victory. This is attributed to the fact that the People's Army as the army of the Party remained faithful to the cause of the Party, the cause of socialism.

With the visit to the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su Guards 105th Tank Division of the Korean People's Army on August 25, 1960, great leader Kim Jong Il began the Songun revolutionary leadership.

Giving his guidance over the unit affairs for a long time, he gave valuable instructions concerning defending and further developing the revolutionary tradition, strengthening the combat capability, adding that the People's Army should play an important role in the building of socialism.

That day, he stressed to hold the slogan "Let us defend with our very lives the Party Central Committee headed by the respected Comrade Kim Il Sung!"

Saying that it is the basic mission and tradition of the People's Army to defend the Party and the leader with its very lives, he encouraged the soldiers to hastening the ultimate victory of the Korean revolution with this slogan. Visiting many other army units since then, he made immortal exploits to the history of building the revolutionary armed force and realized Songun leadership over the revolution and construction since the end of the 1960s.

As a result, the People's Army developed into the army of the leader and the Party, and the Korean revolution started by President Kim Il Sung with force of arms could successfully advance with force of arms.

Since then, the People's Army has upheld the slogans of defending the leader in all periods of the revolution.

The slogans are "Let us fight devotedly for the great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung!" "The whole army, let us be the 7th regiment of today that devotedly defending the headquarters of the revolution!" "Let us defend with our very lives the leadership of the revolution headed by the great Comrade Kim Jong Il!" and "Let us defend with our very lives the Party Central Committee headed by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un!"

Only the Party that has the powerful revolutionary arms as faithful comrades can guide the revolution to the last, maintaining its existence amidst storms. This is proved by the reality of the DPRK.

That the army is the state means that the government is maintained by force of arms.

The struggle to defend the state power is the fierce showdown of power between the masses of the people and the reactionary forces. The reactionary forces do not give up their power, leaving the people becoming masters of the power.

Without the powerful revolutionary armed forces, it is impossible to defend the power against the desperate resistance of the counterrevolution.

This is well proved by the case of Allende, the former president of Chile.

After being elected the president on September 4, 1970, Allende enforced progressive social and economic reforms to strengthen the national sovereignty of Chile and improve the people's status, after liquidating the domination of the US imperialists and oligarchy.

Through land reform, Chile distributed the land possessed by landlords to the peasants and abolished the plantation system. And he nationalized important factories, mines, banks and telecommunications sector including the copper mine seized by the US monopolies. He abolished the US aggressive military bases and its economic and cultural aggressive mechanism in Chile and made efforts to promote friendship and cooperation with the progressive countries including the socialist countries.

When the flames of the socialist revolution swept over Chile, the US hatched plots to overthrow Allende regime, crying about the rise of the "Second Cuba" in Latin America.

For this, the US spent USD 10 million and deployed weapons worth of USD 50 million in Chile. The US instigated the anti-government forces to adopt the Act of Weapon Control and confiscated all the weapons possessed by the organizations affiliated to the Coalition of the People's Unity.

Allende should have taken all the measures to defend the gains of the victorious revolution under this situation. Lost in social and economic reforms, however, he neglected the issue of seizing the army and police.

At last, he was deprived of the power on September 11, 1973, failing to prevent the military coup made by pro-American Pinochet, the Army Commander.

65-year-old Allende bravely fought personally holding an automatic rifle in his hands at the presidential palace for 7 hours, saying that surrender belongs only to the cowards and was killed. If Allende had seized the army, he could have prevented and checked the military coup attempt of the reactionaries and the intervention of the US imperialists.

As the whole process of the birth and development of the revolutionary power hinges on force of arms, we can say that the army is the state.

That the army is the people means that the revolutionary army guarantees the independent and creative life of the people.

The important mission of the revolutionary army is to defend the gains of the revolution, the country and the people from the enemy's invasion.

Under the present condition in which the imperialists' arbitrariness and tyranny get ever-overt, the strong military power is the first criterion of the independent people.

This is well proved by the situation of Iraq on which the US imperialists imposed slave's fate, mercilessly trampling down her sovereignty.

After occupying Iraq in March 2003, the US imperialists were steeped in murder and pillage.

In Iraq, the US aggressors murdered innocent people, insulted their religious belief and plundered valuable cultural asset. The US aggressors did not hesitate to commit unimaginably barbarous acts such as stripping, harassing, beating and raping the prisoners.

As one of the cradles of the ancient civilization, Iraq has long cultural traditions. Mesopotamia in Iraq is one of the places where the ancient civilization was created.

The Iraqi people led rich material and economic life, depending on rich petroleum resources.

Saddam Hussein and Iraqi military commanders, however, weakened military power, giving concession to the vicious demand of the imperialists after the Gulf War, without gut and will to resist the US. After all, the US imperialists occupied the country, enslaving the people.

The reality tells that if the military power is weak, the country becomes victim and modern colony of the imperialist aggression and pillage, whatever long historical tradition and big economic potentials it has.

People deprived of their country, as the Korean saying goes, are worse than the dog of the dead. This means the ruined nation suffers from oppression, exploitation and humiliation.

The lesson of Iraqi people proves this.

The destiny of the army is immediately the destiny of the Party, the state and the people.

2. The Way to Strengthen Force of Arms

"By dint of Songun politics we have smashed the anti-DPRK, anti-socialist machinations of the imperialists step by step, defended the country and the revolution and exalted the dignity and prestige of socialist Korea in the eyes of the world."

Kim Jong Il

This Songun revolutionary principle tells the fundamental principle of realizing the people's independence depending on force of arms.

In general, the principle is scientific and lawful but it is not adhered to of its own accord. If a scientific principle is to be applied, we need scientific method suiting to it.

Likewise, we can score success in the struggle to realize independence by means of force of arms, only on the basis of the proper method suiting to it.

What is necessary to strengthen force of arms, the fundamental guarantee for realizing independence?

On the basis of the clarification of the Songun revolutionary principle, the Songun idea clarifies the fundamental ways to achieve independence, justice and prosperity suiting to it.

Now, we come to the Songun revolutionary principle clarified by the Songun idea.

1) Giving Precedence to Military Affairs

Great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il said.

"Our officials and working masses must organize and conduct all work on the principle of giving precedence to military affairs, and make energetic efforts to build up the military might of the country."

The issue of defending independence, justice and peace has been regarded as cardinal issue as it is related with the destiny of humanity. The independence, justice and peace have been violated in the world, owing to the aggression and war imposed by the exploiter class.

According to data, relatively peaceful environment lasted for 227 years and people were engaged in war for 3 130 years in the world from B. C. 1496 to A. D. 1861.

The struggle to defend independence, justice and peace in the world became more acute issue after the emergence of imperialism in the historical arena. For the imperialists, "war is the blood-shedding politics" and "politics is bloodless war."

The US, the chieftain of imperialism committed aggressive wars on 114 occasions up to the early 20th century since its foundation.

"The Pacific and Asia ought to be possessed by the US like Texas and California and the indigenous people there ought to be expelled like Mexicans or killed like Indians." This was often on the lips of the Americans.

War cannot be avoided as long as imperialism exists on the earth.

In the revolution and construction, we must found the Party, establish the state and build economy, etc. However important they are, the military that decides the destiny of the revolution is of prior importance.

The DPRK founded the army first and on that military basis advanced the revolution and construction, adhering to the principle of giving precedence to military affairs.

Great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung who had originally solved all problems arising in the revolution, proceeding from the actual requirement of Korea, issued the line of armed struggle in Kalun Meeting held on June 30, 1930.

And he founded the Anti-Japanese People's Guerrilla Army on April 25, 1932.

The Anti-Japanese People's Guerrilla Army was the genuine revolutionary army of Juche type that has the immortal Juche idea as the guideline. It was the people's army fighting in the people's interests and the revolutionary armed force that aimed at immediately achieving the national liberation after defeating the Japanese aggressors and further building socialism after liquidating all sorts of class oppression and exploitation.

It was reorganized into the Korean People's Revolutionary Army in 1934, taking the leadership position and playing the pivotal role in the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. Comrade Kim Il Sung finally achieved the historic cause of the national liberation after defeating the Japanese imperialists that were armed to the teeth and then founded the Party and the state.

Even after the liberation, he constantly developed the revolutionary armed force and guaranteed victory of the revolution militarily, while paying primary attention to the military affairs.

Depending on force of arms, Comrade Kim Il Sung won victory in the Fatherland Liberation War against the US imperialists in the 1950s. This was the miracle performed by his military idea in human history.

The US army was the strong enemy that boasted itself of the army that had never been defeated in the 100-odd-year aggressive wars. It was too strong for the young Korean army. The Korean People's Army was reorganized into the regular army only over two years before.

The Korean people, however, won victory in the fierce Fatherland Liberation War against the US imperialists and the aggressors of 15 satellite countries, thanks to the far-sighted wisdom and the outstanding military  strategy and leadership of Comrade Kim Il Sung who had given precedence to force of arms.

The progressive peoples over the world called the Korean people who pushed the US imperialists to the downfall the heroic people. This is the praise of the Songun exploits of Comrade Kim Il Sung, the iron-willed brilliant commander.

Afterwards, he constantly maintained the line of giving precedence to force of arms and military affairs in the post-war rehabilitation and the socialist construction and thus established the superior socialist system independent in politics, self-sufficient in economy and self-reliant in defence.

In this process, the People's Army developed into an invincible army and the independent and modern munitions industry was built.

The DPRK gained valuable experience in the building of socialism, giving precedence to the military affairs, following the special line of building socialism while simultaneously developing the building of economy and defence.

The Korean experience tells that the military affairs must come to the fore of the revolution, as the destiny of a country and nation depends on force of arms.

There may be situations in which the imperialists talk of "dialogue," "negotiation" or "peace" or the tension relatively eased.

It is intolerable, however, to move the military affairs from the 1st place to the 2nd one.

Giving precedence to military affairs does not mean doing this in the revolution and construction.

The development of society is made in all fields such as politics, economy and culture. It is important, therefore, to harmoniously develop all these fields, while giving priority to force of arms.

That the principle of giving precedence to the military affairs regards it as the main of the revolution and construction and, paying attention to it does not aim only at the development of the military affairs.

This is well proved by the relations between the defence industry and the heavy industry. As the defence industry is based on the heavy industry, the development of the former is inconceivable, apart from the development of the latter.

The armament industry, the key in the defence industry is the machine industry. So is the case of other sectors of heavy industry such as metallurgical or chemical industry.

The defence industry is the integral whole of the modern industry. It requires high level of science and technology, production equipment, raw materials and fuel and thus the primary development of the defence industry propels the overall development of the national science, technology and industry.

When priority is given to the defence industry in building the economy, the light industry and agriculture can develop rapidly on the basis of its success.

While signing the document concerning the development of the defence capability, great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il said that he felt pain to make decision at the time in which the people's living standard was not so high.

Easing his painful mind, he said that when they win victory, the people would understand why they had to tighten their belt.

In the period of the Arduous March, the Korean people had difficulties in the building of economy and in their life. Factories stopped production from lack of raw materials and energy and the people felt lack of food.

With a firm conviction that the only way to save the revolution against the difficulties is to adhere to the principle of giving precedence to military affairs, leader Kim Jong Il pushed ahead with the strengthening of the military capability first of all.

He advanced the revolution and construction, giving precedence to military affairs under any hard conditions.

Thanks to his leadership, force of arms of the Korean revolution was further developed, opening vista for the prosperity of the country.

For this, he visited 14 296 units.

To the last moment of his great life, he defended the country, the revolution and socialism in the unprecedented difficulties, having the forced march of 669 847 km and thus ushered in the new history for the building of a thriving country.

This distance is tantamount to nearly 17 times of the circumference of the earth, that is, 40 055 km.

Thanks to him, the Korean people could make a big progress in building the economic giant and in promoting the people's living standard.

We can not far-see even an inch on the land where there is no force of arms but we can see through bright future on the self-defensive fortress.

Now, the DPRK is making considerable change in all fields of politics, economy, ideology and culture. This proud reality tells that a small country can become strong country of the world when it gives precedence to military affairs.

2) Army Comes Before Working Class

In the former socialist countries, it was a formula to conduct the revolution and construction, depending on the working class regarding it as a vanguard. This was the requirement of Marxist theory of revolution.

On the analysis of the reality of the developed Western capitalist countries in the mid 19th century, Marx defined the working class as the main force of the revolution, after clarifying that it is the most progressive and revolutionary class that had the mission to realize socialism and communism after liquidating domination of the capital and the exploiter system.

In "Communist Manifesto," Marx and Engels said that what the proletariats would lose is the chain and what they would gain is the whole world, thinking that the proletariats are revolutionary class among other classes that were in confrontation with the bourgeoisies.

This theory that reflected the then capitalist reality played positive role in the revolutionary struggle of the working class in that period and a certain afterward period. This was proved by the historical fact that the Paris Commune was born and the October Revolution won victory in Russia.

In fulfilling the cause of socialism, it was recognized as a formula to conduct the revolution and construction with the working class as the hard core, the main force.

As a lot of changes occur with the passage of time, all things and phenomena are not fixed and immutable but constantly change.

A hundred and several tens of years have passed since the evolution of Marxist theory of revolution. Now, social environment, class relations and the status of the working class changed a lot.

With the development of society, science and technology made high development, and in the era of IT industry, the basis of the working-class life changed and the labour is getting technical and intellectual.

With the intellectualization of the working class, the manual workers give way to technical, intellectual and mental workers.

With the development of capitalism, the domination of the monopoly capital is more strengthened and the reactionary bourgeois ideology and culture more rampant, oppressing the consciousness and revolutionization of the working class.

This being the case, the theory evolved by Marx and Engels one and half a century ago is meaningless.

The issue of the main force of the revolution is not fixed and immutable anytime and anywhere nor solved on the basis of the class relations.

The main criterion that defines the main force of the revolution is not the existing formula but the reality.

Without binding himself to the existing theory or formula, great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il set the People's Army as the main force of the revolution, the pillar of the country, proceeding from the Korean reality.

Great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il said.

"The underlying aspects of Songun politics are that military affairs are of paramount importance, that the army is the hard core and main force of the revolution, and that the army must be strengthened in every way."

The Korean People's Army is the revolutionary force that defends the country's sovereignty and the people's right to survival.

It defends with arms the destiny of socialism, the revolution and the people against the strong imperialist enemy.

Peace, victory of socialism and the people's happy life rest on force of arms of the People's Army.

Due to the military aggressive moves of the US imperialists, the Korean peninsula turns into the hottest spot where there is constant tension. Deploying huge aggressive forces in south Korea and its surroundings, the US imperialists persistently resort to the moves of the north-targeted war.

"Operation Plan 5027" and "Operation Plan 5027-98" in the 1990s are the aggressive war plans that actualized the preemptive nuclear strike against the DPRK.

In the new century, they prepared a number of war scenarios such as "Operation Plan 5027-04" that embodied "intensive surprise offensive strategy," "Contingent Plan" aimed at "neutralizing the strike of the north," "New Operation Plan 5026" to preemptively strike the nuclear facilities of the north, "Operation Plan 5030" that "leads" someone to "agitation and collapse," "Nuclear Posture Review" that defined the DPRK as the target of preemptive nuclear strike and "Operation Plan 5029-05" and "Operation Plan 8022-02," etc.

This fact tells that the US imperialists are seeking the opportunity to start another Korean war.

The Korean People's Army, the invincible revolutionary armed force is flatly smashing any aggressive moves of the enemy.

The Korean People's Army reliably defends the country's sovereignty, with the diversified tactics and strategies to counter any combat or surprise aggressive war and with all sorts of offensive and defensive means such as self-defensive nuclear deterrent.

Indian newspaper "J. M. D. Barat" wrote "the DPRK has the strongest military force in the world. It has not only strong defensive but strong offensive capability. Herein lies the reason why the US that used bombs and missiles at random in the Gulf War and on the Balkans dares not to strike this country."

The Korean People's Army's strike has no limit, and there is no place on this planet to avoid its strike. If a war breaks out, the US and its following forces will be mercilessly smashed.

The US that tried to depress Korea's spirit, therefore, retreated, fearful of the power of the Korean People's Army.

Meaningful is the reality of the DPRK that destroyed every war provocation move of the US imperialists and their following forces.

Without fear of the US, we must counter the US exercise of power, with power. Although we do not want war but must not be afraid of war.

The imperialists have never bestowed peace on humanity. The imperialists never give up their aggressive nature. Aggression and domination over a country is the mode of survival and profession of the imperialists.

Struggle against the imperialism is the only way, and only through this struggle, can we defend the country's sovereignty and dignity and achieve peace and prosperity.

We must obtain peace not with concession but achieve with power.

A historian said "If we want peace, we must be prepared for war."

He is right. Peace and security is ensured on the Korean peninsula, the hottest spot in the world, as she has military power built by dint of Songun.

The power of the Korean People's Army is demonstrated not only in the anti-imperialist military field but in all fields of the revolution and construction.

In order to accelerate the building of socialism, it is necessary to find out the main point and concentrate efforts on it to make a breakthrough.

In the difficult period of the Arduous March and the forced march, the Korean People's Army successfully fulfilled its duty to defend the country and at the same time proved its heroic merit in the van of creation and construction.

Under the slogan "Let us take charge of both the defending of the country and the socialist construction!" the Korean People's Army soldiers made breakthrough in the difficult sectors of the socialist construction with the revolutionary soldier spirit.

On October 23, 1997, great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il made the Korean People's Army, the main force of the revolution take charge of increasing the production of electricity in the Pukchang Thermal Power Complex, the large power base of the country.

To solve the electricity problem, it is necessary to increase the production of electricity in the thermal power stations, especially in the Pukchang Thermal Power Complex.

The Korean People's Army soldiers produced and transported coal in the mines under their charge in a competitive way.

A shovel of coal and a watt of electricity gained in these days were associated with blood and sweat of the Korean People's Army soldiers who made a breakthrough in the difficult sectors.

The production of coal was boosted and in the end of the year, the Pukchang Thermal Power Complex considerably increased the electricity production.

They built over 1 000 small- or medium-size hydro power stations in many parts of the country, to solve the electricity problem.

They proved merits in all sectors and fields of building a thriving country.

Chongryu Bridge (2nd stage,) Kumnung Tunnel-2, Pyongyang-Hyangsan Tourist Road, Anbyon Youth Power Station (1st and 2nd stages,) Thaechon Power Station-5, the Project to turn Mt. Jongbang and Mt. Kuwol into people's cultural resorts, Ryongmun Cavern, reconstruction of King Tangun's Mausoleum, April 25 Hotel, Hwangju Chicken Farm, Land Administration in Kangwon and North Phyongan Provinces—these are some of the projects done by the Korean People's Army soldiers from 1995 to 2000.

A foreign media reported "the look of the present DPRK is the reflection of the special army-centred politics of Supreme Commander Kim Jong Il. His army is not only the main force to defend the socialist politics of the country but also the shock brigade of the Supreme Commander that overcomes all the economic difficulties of the country."

As the revolutionary collective strong in revolutionary and organizational character and combat capability, the Korean People's Army takes core position and plays active role in the revolution and construction.

In this sense, we can say that rifle comes before hammer and sickle.

3. Songun—the Powerful Mode of Politics in Contemporary Era

"A country or a nation can emerge victorious in the revolution and defend the revolution, and carve out its destiny independently only when it has its own powerful revolutionary armed forces."

Kim Jong Il

Politics plays decisive role for the prosperity and future of a country. Songun politics means the politics that places military affairs to the fore, the politics where politics and military affairs are closely combined.

Did this kind of politics begin for the first time in Songun politics?

In the history of human politics, the politics and military have been closely combined. This did not begin in Songun politics.

The ancient Sparta set forth the politics in which it managed the society by military means. In the 20th century, some countries established military junta.

Sparta ended without developing the society and the military junta gave way to democracy, because this kind of politics in the exploiter society was reactionary one that infringed upon the independence of the people and resorted to aggression and pillage.

The Songun politics, however, is for the people, defending their destiny by military means. The Songun politics closely combines the politics and military for the people.

Now, we come to the Songun politics.

1) Confrontation or Subjugation

In the middle of the 1990s, the Korean situation was very grave and complicated.

The Berlin Wall, the symbol of the Cold War between the West and the East fell in November 1989. This was followed by great political upheavals in which socialism fell and capitalism was restored in the East European countries.

This being the situation, the US set it as the major strategic goal to establish the US-led "new world order," boasting itself of being the "only super power."

In January 1991, Bush I, the then US president said in his written speech in the parliament that the long-awaiting opportunity to establish the new world order had come and that it was time to set this order for market and democracy free from the danger of the cold war.

Regarding the DPRK as the biggest obstacle in setting the US-led unipolar world, it resorted viciously and persistently to the anti-DPRK campaign in all fields like military, politics, economy, ideology and culture, putting stress on aggression and war depending on military force.

After the end of the cold war, the US moved its aggressive armed forces from Europe to the Korean peninsula and its surroundings and ran wild to modernize the US army that occupied south Korea.

Meanwhile, it continuously conducted military exercise.

Its suffocation moves got more rampant when the Korean people suffered from the biggest national misfortune.

On July 19, 1994, the mourning day when the Korean people bid the last parting from great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, the US imperialists launched provocative "air strike exercise" on the south Korean territory, mobilizing the planes affiliated to the Pacific Fleet.

In 1995, the US mobilized not only the US troops stationed in south Korea but numerous overseas aggressive forces in the joint military exercise "Foal Eagle."

In 1996, the US continuously conducted the provocative north-targeted war exercises "Foal Eagle," "Ulji Focus Lens," "Hoguk 96," "RSOI," "Hwarang" and "Freedom Banner" in south Korea.

This is available only just before the war. This tells to what extent the US and its puppets had gone in their reckless war mania.

The US imperialists conducted cunning move of ideological and cultural infiltration. This move was one of the important means for its world supremacy conducted against the socialist countries.

History knows that the US resorted to two ways for its supremacy; one is the military aggression and the other is the disintegration through the ideological and cultural infiltration.

The US made persistent efforts to disintegrate the DPRK, saying that 10 "apostles" can substitute 100 fighter-bombers.

Interested in falling socialism through the Radio Free Europe established in 1949, the US set the Radio Free Asia in 1996 and began its radio in 1997 against the DPRK, spending USD 10 million every year.

Along with this, it put persistent economic sanctions and blockade on her.

In the past, the DPRK depended almost on the socialist markets. After the fall of the socialist markets, the DPRK lost the market for petroleum, coke coal and other necessary raw materials and fuel.

Taking this opportunity, the US began overall blockade to suffocate the DPRK economically.

It intensified the economic sanctions against the DPRK, depending on all evil acts like the Wassenaar Arrangement that inherits the COCOM.

Worse still, after the biggest national loss, the Korean people suffered from severe natural disasters such as flood, drought, typhoon and tsunami for several years.

In the military aspect, we must have solid rear for the human and material supply and reliable flanks for strategic cooperation to win victory in the battle or operation. Otherwise, we will be defeated.

So was the situation in the DPRK in the 1990s.

The imperialists used merciless ways and means, intensifying their encirclement against the DPRK.

The Korean people and army had to choose either confrontation or submission.

The first option was the way of independence and conviction to defend the sovereignty and dignity and win victory but arduous struggle that accompanied sacrifice in the difficult fight against the strong enemy.

The other option was the way of submission and national ruin that accompanied the pains of being slaves of the imperialists.

The Korean people suffered from miserable slave's fate for over 40 years, being deprived of the country by the Japanese imperialists in the early 20th century. Sufferings of slaves could not be understood by those who have no such bitter experience.

In these years, the Japanese imperialists conscripted about 8.4 million Korean young- and middle-aged people and kidnapped 200 000 women for sex slaves for the Japanese soldiers, committing the unprecedented anti-human crime. They plundered a lot of natural resources in Korea and viciously acted to deprive Korea of its soul, obliterating Korean language and alphabets under the pretext of "one and the same ancestry and roots" and "oneness of Japan and Korea."

The Korean people fought for over a decade against the gangster-like Japanese imperialists and liberated the country.

This gave the Korean people and army the lesson that without the strong military, they become the slaves of the imperialists and that a country is ruined in a moment but it takes long time to restore its independence.

The only way for Korea to survive and win is not to submit to but to fight against the imperialism, with force of arms.

Keeping this deep in the minds, the Korean people and army rose as one in the death-defying struggle under the worst conditions, without tolerating the imperialists' move to impose the slave's fate.

Reflecting this conviction and will of the Korean people and army, great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il took the option of defending the dignity of the independent people.

On January 1, 1995, he inspected a company of the People's Army dense with dwarf pine trees.

On his arrival, he sent happy New Year greetings to the company soldiers and saw their firing drill.

He said that as long as he has the strong People's Army boundlessly faithful to the Party, the country will surely be reunified and the revolutionary cause of Juche consummated.

Looking round the education rooms and bedrooms, he acquainted himself with the ideological education and the material and cultural life of the company.

He told the concrete tasks and ways to prepare the Korean People's Army politically and ideologically and improve the combat preparedness and soldier's life conditions.

In the evening of the day of his inspection to the company, he said to the personnel concerned in the Party, the state and the army that the main in the revolutionary struggle is force of arms. He added that if the army is weak, it can not defeat the counterrevolutionary offensive of the enemy, falling in a day. He further said confidently that the imperialists and the reactionaries make every effort to suffocate the DPRK that advances under the banner of socialism amidst upheavals but there is nothing to fear, if the Korean People's Army is strong and that the enemy dares not to strike the DPRK because the Korean People's Army is strong.

His inspection to the company dense with dwarf pine trees was not a simple inspection but historic declaration that announced the overall start of the powerful Songun politics.

His inspection was the fundamental turning point in comprehensively enforcing the Songun politics on a higher stage.

2) Regarding Military Affairs as the Top State Affair and Army as the Main Force

Great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il said.

"Our Party's Songun-based revolutionary leadership, Songun-based politics, is a revolutionary mode of leadership and socialist mode of politics that gives top priority to military affairs, and defends the country, the revolution and socialism and dynamically pushes ahead with overall socialist construction by dint of the revolutionary mettle and combat capabilities of the People's Army."

The Songun politics is, in essence, the mode of politics that makes it possible to solve all the problems arising in fulfilling the people's cause of independence on the principle of giving precedence to military affairs and to push ahead with the overall cause of independence depending on the army, regarding it as the pillar of the revolution.

One aspect of the essence of the Songun politics is to regard the military affairs as the top state affair.

As the politics embraces the overall aspect of social life, the diversified issues are included in the policy-making.

The Songun politics regards the issue of military affairs, the issue of cementing the defence capability as the most important issue deciding the destiny of a country and pays deep attention to its solution.

As one sector of state and social life, the military embraces all the fields concerning the defence of the country such as the army, defence industry and war.

The military affairs include the building and development of the army, military drill, military activities like war, war supplies industry for producing and supplying military equipment and strategic materials, the preparing of the paramilitary force, the building of the trench, tunnels and military facilities.

The military affairs seem to be remote to the people's daily life.

On the contrary, the other fields of social life including the economy seemed to be more urgent.

This is wrong. The military affairs are more fundamentally and directly linked with the people's life than other fields.

As the strong foundation can support the building against the earthquake and typhoon, a country can make substantial development of the economy and culture under the stable conditions, when it has strong military capability.

Proceeding from this, the Songun politics regards it as the main to strengthen the army and pays special attention to enhancing the political and ideological superiority and the military and technical power of the army to the maximum. It also pays deep attention to the development of the strong defence industry.

If a country is trampled down by the foreign forces because of the weak military power, all the members of the country suffer from the humiliation and misfortunes.

The US invasion to Grenada proves this.

In March 1979, the Grenada people overthrew the pro-American dictatorship regime and established the revolutionary people's government. The revolutionary government nationalized the industries and natural resources and enforced the land reform and the equal right of sex.

The US imperialists that had aggressive ambition for a long time sent 2 000 US soldiers to Grenada under the support of the aircraft carrier loaded with 70 aircrafts and 11 warships on October 25, 1983.

After occupying a small island country with the population of about 110 000, the US aggressive army killed numerous patriots and innocent civilians and imprisoned over 2 000 patriots.

They set up their puppet government and abolished all the acts enforced by the revolutionary government, depriving the Grenada people of the democratic freedom and rights.

The invasion against Grenada tells that the US imperialists are the vicious aggressors.

This was the tragic result caused by the weak arms.

It is the same old trick of the US imperialists, the international police to press and overthrow the government that does not follow it.

The reality tells that the military affairs are the most important one that decides the destiny of a country and its members.

Being faithful to this principle, the Songun politics pays primary attention to the strengthening of the military power, regarding the military affairs as the top state affair.

The other aspect of the essence of the Songun politics is to regard the revolutionary army as the core and the main force.

This means that the Songun politics defends the country, the revolution and the socialism with the army as the exemplary collective and accelerates the building of socialism by enhancing its vanguard role.

The Songun politics defends the country, the revolution and socialism relying on the revolutionary spirit and combat capability of the People's Army.

Historically, the ruling class and the exploiting class have built the aggressive and barbarous characters of the army, using it as the tools for the rule, oppression, genocide and pillage.

Even now, the recruits of the US aggressive army read "You must be merciless and skillful murderers." on the first page of their pamphlets, and read the article under the title "What is soldier?" that mentions that the state pays USD 30 000 for a GI and that they must compensate this by killing human beings under their charge.

The US army's genocide conducted and is being conducted in Afghanistan and Pakistan's borders tells that the inhumane and anti-popular character is the very nature and barbarous quality of the imperialist reactionary army.

The revolutionary army of the working class that serves the cause of liberating the people is fundamentally different from this.

By the revolutionary army, we do not simply mean the army that participates in the revolution or the army in the socialist countries.

Even the army in the socialist country loses its revolutionary and organizational character, unity and combat capability and fails to defend the gains of socialism, being used as the tools of the counterrevolution, if it is not under the proper political leadership.

The revolutionary army can be born and fulfill its mission only under the condition of being led by the political party and the leader.

It is the Songun politics that trains such revolutionary army and defends the country, the revolution and the socialism, depending on its revolutionary spirit and combat capability.

The Korean People's Army frustrated every military move of the US imperialists. This fact proves that the Songun politics is the powerful weapon that enables to defend the country, the revolution and the cause of socialism.

In December 1994, the Korean People's Army brought down at a shot the sophisticated US reconnaissance helicopter that intruded into the territorial air of the DPRK.

At the beginning of 2003, the Korean People's Army's  fighter plane controlled the USAF reconnaissance plane "RC-135" above the East Sea of Korea. This demonstrated that its answer was not empty talks.

The Songun politics pushes ahead with the overall building of socialism, by placing the Korean People's Army in the van.

In the DPRK, the Korean People's Army took charge of the building of modern poultry farms, pig farms and basic foodstuff factories and the projects of developing Mts. Chilbo and Kuwol, the Ryongmun Cavern and the Ullim Falls, etc. into the cultural resorts for the people.

Recently, the Korean People's Army built on the highest level the theatres, cinema halls, restaurants and folk parks for the people's cultural life.

As a sip of sea water tells it is salty, this fact tells that the Korean People's Army plays vanguard role in the building of the socialist economy.

There is an old saying "Train soldiers for a thousand days to use them for a day." This means that the army is used only for war or combat, stressing the importance of building army.

In the DPRK, however, the Korean People's Army not only defends the country, the revolution and the socialism with its life but also takes charge of the work for the people's welfare. This can be described as "Use soldiers for all affairs."

The Songun politics enables the Korean People's Army to play the vanguard role in all sectors of the building of socialism, thus providing the working people with the example of ideological traits and combat capability.

Learning after its example, all the members of the Korean society make rapid development in all fields of social life such as economy, culture, science, education, sports, arts, etc.

The DPRK is now making efforts to break through the cutting edge.

On the basis of the experience of having got the upper hand in the CNC technology, the DPRK is conducting grandiose project to build the economic giant befitting the knowledge-based economy, by reaching the world level in science and technology in all fields. Under the slogan "Break through the cutting edge!" the Korean people score big successes.

In Chollima Steel Complex, the workers built the UHP electric arc furnace by their own efforts in a short span of time to modernize the steel production. The DPRK built factories into models of the 21st century to produce any sophisticated CNC equipment including the 3- or 4-axis CNC machine tools, crankshaft grinder, 9-axis in-process turning tools, 11-axis compound in-process turning tools, etc.

These successes could be scored, thanks to the Songun politics that enables to push ahead with the building of socialism by enhancing the people's mental strength with the Korean People's Army as the model and by relying on the creative initiatives of the army and the people.

3) Great Spirit of the Era

The spirit of the era is the revolutionary spirit that symbolizes and represents the era. The spirit of the era reflects the requirement of the era and life and propels the revolution and construction in that era.

Recorded in the history of the Korean revolution is the revolutionary spirit of the era in the different periods and stages of the whole process of the revolution from its beginning to the present.

The anti-Japanese armed struggle took place in the grave period in which the anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters had to smash the Japanese imperialists and achieve the country's liberation, solving all problems by their own without state rear or the support of the regular army.

In this period of sufferings, the anti-Japanese revolutionary fighters fully displayed the revolutionary sprit of Mt. Paektu.

They conducted bloody struggle to smash the Japanese imperialists and liberated the country overcoming trials, with conviction and will to complete the Korean revolution under the leadership of great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung.

The 1950s were the difficult period in which the destiny of the Korean nation was decided.

In this period, the Korean people were engaged in the war to defend the destiny of the country.

And they had to rebuild cities, rural villages and factories that had been totally destroyed by the war and conduct the socialist revolution to transform the rural economy and urban private commerce and industry in a socialist way.

They had to build the foundations of the self-sufficient economy for the country's prosperity.

These struggles accompanied the fierce class struggles against the enemy home and abroad including the US imperialists.

In this period, the Korean people displayed the fighting spirit of the 1950s, the main contents of which were the spirit of devotedly defending the leader, the spirit of defending the country and the indomitable fighting spirit.

Through their happy and worthy life for 5 years after the liberation, the Korean people felt that the great leader is precisely the country and that they become again slaves without it.

With the conviction that they would win as long as they have the great leader, therefore, they rose in the struggle to defend the country defeating the US imperialists and completed the socialist transformation in the trials and cemented the economic foundations.

The 1970s witnessed an epochal turn in the development of the Korean revolution.

In this period, the Korean people vigorously conducted the struggle to inherit and consummate the revolutionary cause of Juche under the guidance of great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il.

With the absolute worship towards Kim Jong Il, the Korean people held him in important positions of the Party and the revolution, remaining faithful to the guidance of the Party and the leader.

In the 1970s, the monolithic ideological system and the monolithic leadership system were established and the great leap was made in the great struggle of building socialism.

Displaying the revolutionary spirit of Mt. Paektu, the fighting spirit of the 1950s and the 1970s, etc, the Korean revolution could advance registering victories.

As it inspires the people in conformity with the requirement of the times, the spirit of the era holds important position and plays important role in the revolution and construction.

The spirit of this era that inspires the Korean people is the revolutionary soldier spirit.

It is the revolutionary spirit created in the Korean People's Army under the guidance of great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il.

Great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il said.

"The revolutionary soldier spirit, which was created and has been given full play within the People's Army under the leadership of the Party, is the lofty revolutionary spirit of our army, characterized mainly by a spirit of defending the leader at the risk of one's life, a spirit of carrying out tasks at all costs, and a heroic self-sacrificing spirit."

The main contents of this spirit are the spirit of defending the leader at the risk of one's life, the spirit of carrying out tasks at all costs and the heroic self-sacrificing spirit.

This spirit was created in the project of building Anbyon Youth Power Station in the period of the Arduous March.

This project was initiated by the great nature-remaking idea of great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung who tried to solve the electricity problem in Kangwon Province. It was huge project to collect the river waters in a large area for generating electricity.

For this project, they had to dig out millions of cubic metres of soil for building water tunnels and they needed large amount of concrete mixture and tens of thousands of tons of timber, steel and dynamite.

It costs two times bigger than the project of the West Sea Barrage that cost billions of USD according to the Western World calculation.

The geological structure in the area for the reservoir dam was so complicated and unfavorable that even the technician in the countries with developed civil engineering estimated it as "totally impossible and needless project."

While blaming this project as the "power station on paper," the enemies tried to destroy the project by all means.

With the firm determination to build the large-size power station at any cost, leader Kim Jong Il put this huge and arduous project under the charge of the Korean People's Army.

The Korean People's Army soldiers rose in the struggle to finish the project, with the conviction and will that there is nothing impossible and conditional in implementing the order of Kim Jong Il.

They dug tunnels under the slogan "Let us not see the blue sky of the fatherland until and unless we implement the order of the respected Comrade Supreme Commander!"

Shouting "Charge after me!" not "Charge forward!" the generals and officers rushed into the dangerous places, and the soldiers devoted themselves, shouting "Give me the most arduous job!"

Under the slogan "Let us not return to our units until and unless we fulfill our duty of transportation!" the soldier drivers carried cargo on over 670 m high steep mountain.

When they were penetrating tunnels under a river, water suddenly flooded into the tunnel before finishing the project.

Under this condition, some claimed the change of digging direction and some claimed to divide the power station into two parts.

Refusing these claims, the soldiers said that great Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il issued order to dig the water tunnel on this position and that they must do unconditionally what the Party asks, adding that there can not be a detour in fulfilling the Party's order.

They jumped into the water and blocked waterholes. They made fierce battle day and night to pump out the water and finished the project at last.

The spirit of defending the leader at the risk of one's life, the spirit of carrying out tasks at all costs and the heroic self-sacrificing spirit were displayed in all building sites.

With this conviction and will, the soldiers dug long tunnels and built high dams, huge in-take works and other structures.

On June 10, 1996, great leader Kim Jong Il gave on-the-spot guidance to the project which was nearing completion by the soldiers' heroic struggle.

In the pouring rain, he looked round all the parts built by the soldiers.

In exciting voice, he said that the soldiers performed miracles and fulfilled the order in trials, adding that this is the revolutionary soldier spirit of the Korean People's Army.

The revolutionary soldier spirit was born like this.

In the DPRK, all the members of society learn after

and apply this spirit in their work and life.

This spirit carries the ideological and mental traits that should be kept by all the members of society.

The spirit of defending the leader at the risk of one's life, the spirit of carrying out tasks at all costs, the heroic self-sacrificing spirit, mass heroism, the spirit of strenuous self-reliance, the love for the country and the people, the comradely love—this is the ideological and mental traits of the revolutionary soldier spirit.

With the imbuing of this spirit into the society, the unity of the army and people in ideology and fighting spirit was ensured, considerably changing the ideological and mental traits of the Korean people.

They are faithful to the Party and the leader and do their jobs with the revolutionary soldier spirit. They lead the cultural life in an optimistic way just like the soldiers.

This spirit enabled them to prove merits in defending the socialist system and in building a thriving country.

The process of creating and generalizing this spirit was the process of establishing and applying the Songun politics in a comprehensive way.

The creation and generalization of this spirit served as an epochal landmark in the history of the Songun politics.

4) Strong Three Pillars

Strong buildings are supported by strong pillars.

In politics, the pillars are the forces that support the politics.

The politics that stands on strong political forces achieves its goals by all means but the politics without strong forces fails to achieve its goals before difficulties.

The Songun politics can score successes, as it is supported by the strong pillars, the strong political forces—the three revolutionary forces of the revolutionary Party, the revolutionary armed force and the single-hearted unity.

In the DPRK, you can hear the song "Fly High, Our Party Flag" on TV and radio.

This song is loved by the Korean people.

Behind this guiding flag,

We can achieve any goal.

The people became heroes of the century,

Building paradise in the adversities.

Fly High, Our Party Flag,

We add glory to the ever-victorious Juche cause.

The song performed by the Moranbong Band and art troupes of dignity praises the greatness of the Workers' Party of Korea, the organizer and guide of all victories of the Korean people.

As mentioned in the song, the Korean revolution has advanced winning victories in trials, only under the wise leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea.

The Songun politics is the politics of the Workers' Party of Korea and the Songun revolutionary leadership is the leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea.

The Workers' Party of Korea is the primary pillar, the pivotal force in ensuring the Songun politics.

Great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il said.

"The Party's leadership is the lifeblood of the People's Army."

In the Songun politics, the army is the core and vanguard unit in the revolution and construction.

In this politics, however, the army is not placed above the Party nor substitutes the Party's role.

Only under the leadership of the Party, can the army become the revolutionary army and fulfill its mission and duty in the revolutionary struggle.

Not only party but state power, social organizations and revolutionary armed force participate in the politics. The party is the only political organization that gives leadership over these forces.

The Workers' Party of Korea holds leadership position and plays leadership role in ensuring the Songun politics.

The Workers' Party of Korea headed by respected Comrade Kim Jong Un is the political leadership organization that encourages the army and the people to the consummation of the revolutionary cause under the banner of Songun.

The Workers' Party of Korea sets forth the revolutionary line of giving priority to force of arms, on the basis of the Songun idea and gives leadership over all other political organizations including the state power so that they fulfill their duty under the guideline of Songun.

It also unites all the members of society including the soldiers around the leader, encouraging them to the ensuring of the Songun politics.

The Korean People's Army became the army of the Party and the leader, demonstrating its might as the strong force of the revolution that supports the leader's cause and the Party's cause in the van.

On October 10, 2010, the grand military parade took place with the participation of leader Kim Jong Il and respected Kim Jong Un at Kim Il Sung square on the occasion of the 65 anniversary of the founding of the Workers' Party of Korea.

The soldiers of the Korean People's Army, the Korean People's Internal Security Forces and the Worker-Peasant Red Guards marched on parade. They were followed by the columns of the latest guns, armoured vehicles, tanks, multiple launch rocket systems and interceptor complex.

Looking at this parade, the Korean people felt the invincible power of the strong Paektusan revolutionary army prepared to smash any strong enemies with offensive and defensive means under the wise leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea. They confirmed their conviction and will to consummate the revolutionary cause of Juche under the Party's Songun politics.

The power of Songun that is ever-growing under the wise leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea tells the truth.

The army without the Party's leadership is powerless in the revolutionary struggle.

In the DPRK, the Party is closely linked with the army which is faithful to the Party.

The Korean people are full of conviction to defend the Party flag of Juche even at the cost of their lives.

Another pillar that supports the Songun politics is the invincible Korean People's Army.

This means that the Korean People's Army is the powerful political force that guarantees the Songun politics in the van.

The Korean People's Army devotedly defends the Party and the leader against the enemy's moves.

This spirit was well demonstrated by the merits of 17 heroes of the Republic who laid their lives, defending the revolutionary slogan-bearing trees, the treasure of the Korean revolution.

These 17 soldiers jumped into the flames of fire without hesitation when the trees began to burn.

Defending the trees from the wild fire, they shouted "Let us defend to the end," "Let us safeguard the leader." The flames could burn their bodies but not their spirit of safeguarding the leader.

The Korean People's Army soldiers have such strong conviction and moral obligation.

The Korean People's Army is the most militant vanguard in implementing the idea and line of the Party and the leader.

The army soldiers do not hesitate to devote their lives to fulfill the order of the Party and the leader.

Learning after their examples, all the members of the society rose as one in the struggle to implement the idea and line of the Party and the leader, proving merits in the building of a thriving country.

Apart from the Korean People's Army, the strong Songun politics is inconceivable.

The source of the invincible power of the DPRK is the single-hearted unity of the leader, the Party, the army and the people.

United, we stand and divided, we fall. Unity is the life and soul of the revolution and sure guarantee of victory of revolution.

Single-hearted unity is made in an ideological and moral obligatory way with the leader as the centre.

In other words, the broad masses are united with the Korean People's Army as core around the Party and the leader on one ideology and noble moral obligation.

The single-hearted unity is the strong political foundation of the Songun politics and powerful driving force.

The political foundation is the fundamental foundation that guarantees a mode of politics. The single-hearted unity of the Party and the leader, the service personnel and the people is strong enough to go through any wild storms.

A poet couple wrote a letter to great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il.

"Please, trust us, the General!

Although we die of starvation, we never sell out our heart of following you. Although we die of cold, we never kneel down, casting aside your care. Although we are beaten to death, we never stop singing the song of you."

This is the conviction and will of not only the poet couple but all the army men and the people.

If a mode of politics is to be materialized, it should be guaranteed by political power.

Otherwise, it is meaningless.

Single-hearted unity is not simply mechanical or arithmetic combination.

All the members of the society accept the leader's idea and intention and the Party's policy as vital demand and are united sharing the same idea, aspiration and destiny. Only then, is it the single-hearted unity.

The single-hearted unity propels the Songun politics, by encouraging the people to the materialization of the common political goal and by enlisting their revolutionary zeal and creative initiatives.

Under the leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea headed by respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, the DPRK is pushing ahead with the revolution and construction against the imperialist moves depending on the power of the single-hearted unity.

As is recognized, the invincible power of the DPRK is the single-hearted unity of the leader, the Party and the army and the people.

An editor of the Nation's Bulletin, an Internet website of the Korean residents in the US wrote.

"The Jews do not think that a state is superior because of its strong economic power or well-being of the people...Why do they think the DPRK is strong?


Is this because the DPRK possesses nuclear weapons and missiles? No. Is this because she has large territory and population? No.

...In the world, there is not such a country with strong independence, gut and single-hearted unity as the DPRK. They know well that the DPRK has a great leader, the Juche philosophy and the power of single-hearted unity, that is, more powerful than nuclear."

People normally think nuclear weapon is the most powerful but they do not know that there is more powerful weapon than the nuclear.

It is the single-hearted unity of the DPRK that has no match.

It is the patent weapon available only in the DPRK.

By the help of this patent weapon, the Songun politics is the invincible mode of politics.

5) New Songun Leadership System

In general, a certain political mechanism is needed for ensuring politics. In other words, there should be a container that can contain politics.

The Songun politics in the DPRK is well guaranteed by the Songun leadership system.

This is the system in which the Supreme Commander is the centre of the leadership.

In the Songun politics, the Supreme Commander, not the political leaders of general type in other political systems, is the centre of the leadership and his monolithic leadership system is set up.

This is the necessary requirement of the Songun politics itself that gives priority to force of arms.

In order to set the military as the top state affair and enforce the arms-first politics, we should set the revolutionary army as the pillar and the main force.

To ensure the primary position and role of the Korean People's Army and prepare it as the pillar of the Songun politics is inconceivable, apart from the establishment of the leadership system of the Supreme Commander of the army.

With the outstanding military wisdom and by integrating the will and demand of the army, the Supreme Commander of the revolutionary army defines the general direction of the military building and activities, foresees the changing military and political situations and sets forth scientific strategy and tactics.

He also trains the able officers and soldiers strongly prepared politically, ideologically, militarily and technically.

In general, in the army is the regular military control system to fulfill the orders of the superior ranging from squad, platoon, company, battalion, regiment to division and corps.

It is wrong, however, not to pay due attention to this, thinking that his leadership system is automatically set up as long as the army has the Supreme Commander.

If disorder is permitted, the Supreme Commander's leadership system becomes meaningless.

It is, therefore, primary to establish the leadership system of the Supreme Commander.

The leadership system of the Supreme Commander is the discipline and order by which the overall revolutionary forces absolutely obey his order and instruction and move as one, according to his order and instruction.

The establishment of the revolutionary leadership system in which the army men follow the Supreme Commander's revolutionary Songun leadership in the van and solve all problems arising in the military building and activities according to his  monolithic instruction—this is the genuine look of the Songun leadership system in the DPRK.

The Songun leadership system is also the state management system that organizes the state institutions and manages the overall social life, on the principle of giving priority to arms.

Great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il said that we have chosen the mode of the Songun politics, enhanced the position of the National Defence Commission in the system of state institutions and made the army play an important role in all fields of the state and social life, in order to actively cope with the arbitrary moves of the imperialists.

For the Songun politics, the overall social system and its functions should be oriented to giving priority to defence, making all the members of society regard the military as the top state affair.

This requirement is fully met, when the state management system of giving priority to defence is set up.

The state management system of giving priority to defence has the National Defence Commission as pivot.

Defence in the socialist state is an important affair to defend the country, the people and the socialist system from the imperialist aggression.

For this, there should be the state mechanism that is in full charge of the military affairs and defence of the country.

The former socialist countries had this system, which was in the same or subordinate position comparing with other state institutions, not in the pivotal position.

As the supreme leadership organization of the state powetr, the National Defence Commission is in the leadership position as pivot in the Songun leadership system.

It, therefore, fulfils its mission to substantially ensure the Songun politics.

In this system, the National Defence Commission organizes and controls the overall state and social life in a unified way on the principle of giving priority to arms.

To defend the country's sovereignty against the imperialist aggressive forces is possible only under the unified leadership over the comprehensive political organizations and the state mechanism.

In this system, the National Defence Commission organizes and manages all the national revolutionary forces, defence industry and the overall military affairs and it organizes other state affairs and administrative and economic institutions like politics, economy and culture, on the principle of giving priority to the arms.

This system is the perfect and solid system legally fixed.

Only then, can it be solid and universal.

In this system, the National Defence Commission fully controls the activities of the other state institutions like economy and the ideological and cultural works and manages the overall state and social life in a unified way, according to the law.

The first session of the 10th Supreme People's Assembly held under the guidance of great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il adopted Kim Il Sung Constitution that stipulated the National Defence Commission as the supreme defence leadership organization, the overall defence management organization.

This new system guarantees the Songun politics by law.

Kim Il Sung Constitution enjoyed praise of the revolutionary peoples.

Krutskov, the former chairman of the State Security Committee of the Soviet Union who visited the DPRK said in an excited voice. "Kim Il Sung Constitution is one of the creations in the 20th century. It is right to clearly stipulate military issue in the Constitution. The Constitution well stipulated the essence of the military, as the politics is the power and underneath the politics is the military."

As is recognized by the world people, the state management system based on the pivotal role of the National Defence Commission is available only in the DPRK.

The Korean-style socialism in which the state management system giving priority to the arms was established thanks to Kim Il Sung Constitution is steadfast and its power is ever-growing by Songun.

4. Songun Politics and the Present Reality

"By dint of Songun politics relying on the People's Army as the main force, we were able to endure the severest 'Arduous March' and the forced march, open up a road towards building a great, prosperous and powerful socialist nation and push forward with the revolution and construction in a bold and positive way despite the difficult situation."

Kim Jong Il

A great ideology gives birth to the great politics which gives birth to the great reality.

The reality is the criteria that tell an ideology is right or not, and if right, to what extent, it displays its vitality in developing the country and achieving the national prosperity.

The Songun politics brought about great changes in the Korean people's struggle to defend socialism, build a thriving country and reunify the country.

By the power of Songun, by force of arms of justice, the DPRK created miraculous reality in defending its sovereignty and building a thriving socialist country.

By dint of the Songun politics, the DPRK plays the vanguard role leading the world towards independence, awakening that even a small country can be strong, if force of arms is strengthened.

The history of human politics witnessed that a mode of politics created a great miracle in a short span of time.

This is, therefore, the great era of Songun in which the Songun politics is fully realized.

Now, we look into the victory made in the DPRK by Songun politics and the influence of this politics upon the world.

1) DPRK-US Nuclear Confrontation

After developing the nuclear weapon for the first time in the world, the US imperialists dropped atom bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan on August 6 and 9, 1945, doing a great deal of harm.

It destroyed and damaged 13 km² of area, around 70 000 houses with about 260 000 casualties. This tells what a dangerous holocaust the nuclear weapon brings to humanity.

There is no country like the DPRK that has been under the US nuclear threat for such a long time.

Its nuclear threat became overt in the period of the Korean War.

Truman, the then US president spoke of the use of atom bombs in the Korean War in November 1950 and MacArthur, the Commander of the US Army in the Far East openly spoke of the plan to drop 30-50 atom bombs on the Korea-China border area. In September and October 1951, US Air Force bombers "B-29" had drills to drop atom bombs above Pyongyang.

The US nuclear threat was further increased after the war.

The US deployed the first tactical nuclear weapons in south Korea in 1957, and threatened to use the nuclear weapon if the DPRK did not return the US armed spy ship "Pueblo" captured by the Korean People's Army on January 23, 1968. In 1975, the then US Secretary of Defense trumpeted the use of the nuclear weapons if war breaks out in Korea.

In the period of the Cold War, the US deployed 13 000 nuclear weapons overseas among which more than 6 000 were in the surroundings of the Korean peninsula and Asia.

South Korea, therefore, was turned into the nuclear arsenal biggest in the Far East and nuclear outpost.

Over the issue of "suspect of the nuclear weapon development" and nuclear inspection in the early 1990s, the US imperialists resorted to the hard-line policy to internationally isolate the DPRK and overthrow the Korean-style socialism.

The NPT was sealed on July 1, 1968.

This treaty stipulates that the nuclear powers must not threaten the non-nuclear countries with nuclear weapons.

On this basis, with a view to withdrawing the US nuclear weapons from south Korea and its nuclear threat against the DPRK and to denuclearizing the Korean peninsula, the DPRK became a member of the NPT in December 1985.

Instead of binding itself to the duty stipulated in the NPT, the US intensified the nuclear threat against the DPRK.

The US put pressure on the IAEA to make special inspection of the DPRK's two military objects irrelevant with the nuclear activities.

Playing to the tune of the US, the IAEA adopted the resolution that imposed special inspection upon the DPRK's military objects in February 1993.

The US imperialists, mad with the doctrine of military power after the Gulf War, announced the resume of the once suspended joint military exercise "Team Spirit" on January 26, 1993 and conducted "Team Spirit 93" on the largest scale.

The US imperialists mobilized 200 000-strong aggressive armed forces including the Rapid Reaction Forces in the US mainland, Hawaii, the Guam and its military bases in Japan. It dispatched Tomahawk cruise missiles, F-117 stealth bombers, B-1B strategic bombers and even the control system for the use of nuclear weapons.

It pushed the Korean peninsula to the nuclear crisis, causing touch-and-go super tense situation.

Under this condition, it was vital how to defend the destiny of the country and socialism in the military confrontation with the US.

In this grave period, great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il issued "On Declaring a State of War Readiness for the Whole Country, All the People and the Entire Army" Order No. 0034 of the Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army on March 8, 1993.

When the whole country was in the semi-war state, the ground, navy and air forces of the Korean People's Army, and the Korean People's Security Forces defended the country's land, sea and sky in full combat readiness.

On March 12, 1993, the DPRK issued the government statement announcing its withdrawal from the NPT.

It was the natural measure to defend the sovereignty and the supreme interests of the country coping with the US nuclear blackmail and the IAEA's unfair demand of special inspection.

Being dealt a heavy blow, the US announced to suspend "Team Spirit 93" military exercise ahead of schedule and the IAEA had to abandon the special inspection.

The acute DPRK-US nuclear confrontation went over to the form of three-stage DPRK-US government-level talks.

The DPRK-US talks were fierce enough to be called a fireless war between the DPRK and the US in diplomacy.

In order to defend the fundamental interests of the revolution in the political and diplomatic confrontation with the imperialists, the DPRK must make independent diplomatic battle on a hard-line stand without the slightest concession. The independent diplomacy does not come of its own accord.

Victory here is guaranteed by one's own strong military power.

Thanks to the invincible military power built by the Songun politics, the DPRK could control the imperialists that depended on pressure and blackmail as the main tricks in the diplomatic battle between the DPRK and the US, on a hard-line stand, satisfying its demand.

As a result, on October 21, 1994, the DPRK-US Agreed Framework was adopted, reflecting the former's just stand for the settlement of the nuclear issue of the Korean peninsula.

In the framework, the DPRK guaranteed the freeze and dismantlement of the graphite-moderated reactor and its related facilities, the expression of the will to denuclearization and the reentry to the NPT.

In return, the US promised to offer the light-water reactors with the generating capacity of 2 million kw (about USD 4 billion) by 2003, and before that time it will deliver 500 000 tons of heavy oil annually, lift the trade and investment barriers, establish liaison office, establish the state relations, not use the nuclear weapons and not threaten the DPRK with the nuclear weapons.

On October 20 a day before the adoption of the framework, Clinton, the then US president expressed his respect to great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il, calling him the Supreme Leader of the DPRK and sent him the letter of confirmation. In the letter, he wrote he wished to confirm that he would use the full powers of his office to facilitate arrangements.

With the adoption of the framework, the US policy to suffocate the DPRK with the nuclear issue became meaningless, and the US boasting itself of the only super power knelt down in the nuclear confrontation with the DPRK.

The US, however, did not fulfill its duty in offering the light-water reactors. The framework stipulated that the contract would be concluded within 6 months from the date of signing the framework.

The US concluded the contract after 14 months and delayed the project of building the light-water reactor under the preposterous excuses.

Due to its wrong behaviours, the project that would be finished by 2003 was delayed, only digging the ground for foundation.

According to the article 3 of the framework, the US should give official confirmation that it would not use the nuclear weapons and not threaten with the nuclear weapons.

In the State of Union Address in the early 2002, Bush, the then US president claimed that north Korea is one of the "axis of evil" and develops the weapons of mass destruction.

After Kelly, assistant secretary of the Department of State and special envoy of the US president visited Pyongyang in the early October 2002, the US claimed that the DPRK plans to enrich Uranium and threatened that the North-South relations and the DPRK-Japan relations, to say nothing of the DPRK-US relations would be destructed, if north Korea does not give up the plan.

On November 14, the US announced that it would suspend the offering of the heavy oil that was accorded to the DPRK-US Agreed Framework and from December substantially stopped to offer it.

As a result, the enemy's moves were on the climax, nullifying the framework.

To cope with this, the DPRK took the option of strengthening its war deterrent, a kind of substantial counter measure to defend the sovereignty of the country and the life of the people. This was right.

In the past, the US attempted on many occasions to ignite the nuclear war against the DPRK. The war would break out, if the DPRK was weak.

If so, what would happen to the destiny of the Korean people and to the situation of the Korean peninsula?

The DPRK would have been like Iraq, Libya, Balkan Peninsula or Afghanistan. It would have been the most destructive nuclear war in history.

Thanks to the strong power built by Songun, the US dared not to ignite a war and therefore peace in the Korean Peninsula and the Northeast Asia could be maintained.

It is not accidental that the international community calls the DPRK's war deterrent the reliable guarantee for peace in the Korean peninsula and the Northeast Asia.

The DPRK's deterrent is able to precisely strike the aggressive bases no matter where they are.

The US is the only nuclear war criminal that brought about nuclear holocaust on this planet, and the empire of evil that made the nuclear weapons first and have most of them, while vociferating denuclearization and non-proliferation of the nuclear.

The nuclear weapon, however, is not the monopoly of the US. The time in which the US made blackmail against the DPRK with nuclear has gone for ever.

Depending on its war deterrent, the DPRK can deal a heavy blow to the US, the chieftain of aggression and war.

The aggressive ambition of the imperialists never changes, and the country's sovereignty must be defended with the strong self-defensive power instead of petition.

The nuclear confrontation between the DPRK and the US eloquently tells this.

2) Eight Famous Scenes of the Songun Era

With her beautiful mountains and clear water, Korea has been called the golden tapestry of three thousand <b>ri</b>, and the Korean people have had the custom of being proud of the eight famous scenes in their areas.

They have had many sets of the eight famous scenes in their respective areas including the eight famous scenes in Kwanso and the eight famous scenes in Kwandong areas.

This tells that the Korean people have loved their native places and country.

The eight famous scenes of the Songun era is the glorious symbol of Juche Korea that reflects the spirit of the era with which she advances under the banner of Songun.

The eight famous scenes of the Songun era are Sunrise on Mt. Paektu, Snowscape of the Dwarf Pine Post, Royal azaleas on Chol Pass, Night as bright as day on the Jangja River, Resounding Ullim Falls, Boundless Handure Plain, Sea of potato flowers at Taehongdan and Poman-ri fairyland.

The eight famous scenes of the Songun era represent new beautiful landscape in the era.

The grandiose Sunrise on Mt. Paektu that dyes the land in crimson glow in a moment, starting in the cliffs of Mt. Paektu led by the Janggun Peak and all other scenic spots are wonderful enough.

They carry the look of the era.

The Songun era is the great era in which the Korean people had death-defying struggle to defend the destiny of the country and socialism in the confrontation with the imperialists and in which they are building a thriving socialist country on a higher stage.

This era gave birth to the eight famous scenes of the Songun era that reflect the invincible power, spirit, conviction and will of Songun Korea.

Grandiose snow-capped Mt. Paektu in the northern part of Korea is kept in the mind of the Korean people as the symbol of national spirit and patriotism, along with the time-honored national history of 5 000 years.

Defending the sovereignty of the Korean nation with the bright rays of the Juche idea, Mt. Paektu stands as the sacred mountain that announces victory of the Songun revolution.

The sunrise on Mt. Paektu is the first beauty that symbolizes the greatness of General Kim Jong Il, the peerlessly great man and brilliant commander of the Songun revolution.

This reflects the grand aspiration of General Kim Jong Il to consummate the revolutionary cause of Juche started by President Kim Il Sung and to make the Korean people the most independent and happy people.

The eight famous scenes of the Songun era reflect the strong will and death-defying fighting spirit of the Korean people who are building the thriving country in adversities and the proud creations they have made in this process.

Night as bright as day on the Jangja River, one of the eight famous scenes of the Songun era reflects the Kanggye spirit with which the Korean people turned the arduous march and the forced march into the march towards the paradise through the death-defying brave offensives in the frontline of defending the socialism under the Songun leadership of the Workers' Party of Korea.

In the period of the arduous march and the forced march in the 1990s, the people in Jagang Province who are absolutely faithful to the leader rose as one in the struggle to implement the initiatives and will of the leader, instead of kneeling down before the difficulties.

Jagang Province had more difficulties than the other provinces. In this difficult period, the working class in Jagang Province asked for work, not for food. They fulfilled the tasks given by leader Kim Jong Il, working in factories with the preparedness of not leaving the machines idle by.

The working class and the people in this province newly built or reinforced 29 medium- and small-sized power stations, increasing the generating capacity in over 6 months, with the revolutionary soldier spirit. With the electricity they generated, they operated about 170 local industrial factories and heated 21 300 houses and thus created the example in building and operating the medium- and small-sized power stations.

This example served as an important factor in creating innovations in the overall socialist construction.

They have the strong national self-respect and gut that the Korean people have nothing impossible to do and the extraordinary zeal and creative working method of leaping higher and faster.

They have the invincible conviction that they surely win victory as long as they have the Songun politics and the strong gut that those who laugh last laugh best.

Leader Kim Jong Il said that Jagang Province became dear to him in the period of the arduous march and called the fighting spirit of the working class and the people in this province the Kanggye spirit.

Bright light of Kanggye city is reflected on the Jangja River, as if the constellation of stars on the night sky descended recalling the unforgettable days of the arduous march and the forced march, thus showing mysterious and picturesque scene.

Night as bright as day on the Jangja River implicitly tells the spirit of the Korean people who worked and created more for the bright future, smiling off the difficulties under the slogan "Let us go the thorny path cheerfully!"

Boundless Handure Plain tells the grand nature-remaking initiative of the Workers' Party of Korea to turn all fields into the socialist land, the granary in the Songun era for the comprehensive mechanization through land administration. It also tells the process of realizing the initiative.

When we make the paddy and non-paddy fields into standardized fields through land administration, we can free the peasants from the arduous labour through mechanization and acquire new lands. The DPRK with the limited arable land finds the reserve of increasing grain in land administration.

The DPRK administered land by the method of doing this first in Kangwon Province which was backward in the land administration and had unfavorable working condition and generalizing the experience.

The Korean People's Army soldiers and the people successfully fulfilled the plan in each stage without suspending a moment, inventing new machines creatively.

This was followed in North Phyongan Province, South Hwanghae Province, South Phyongan Province and Pyongyang City, thus making new turning history in the land administration.

Looking into the far future of 10 or 50 years ahead, the DPRK boldly administered land and thus made the fields into large-size standardized fields and acquired new lands by administering waterways and roads.

The grandiose Boundless Handure Plain made by removing small patch fields gives fresh feeling.

Sea of potato flowers at Taehongdan tells the initiative of the Workers' Party of Korea to make the DPRK the land of potato for the betterment of the people's food.

Potato flowers that begin to bloom in late June are in full blossom in mid- and late July, covering the vast Taehongdan field.

The grandiose scene of the dancing white potato flowers gives the people the hope of and optimism in the future.

Sea of potato flowers at Taehongdan was made in the building of a thriving socialist country in the northern part of the country thanks to the Songun politics.

The eight famous scenes of the Songun era are the noble fruit of the Songun politics and the noble creation made in the Songun era.

The eight famous scenes of the Songun era reflect leader Kim Jong II's warm love and devotional service for the country and people and the Korean people's patriotism.

They also reflect the strong desire and ardent socialist patriotism of the Korean people to build a thriving socialist country as soon as possible, true to the great initiative of the Workers' Party of Korea.

The eight famous scenes of the Songun era are the proud treasure of the Korean nation. The eight famous scenes of the Songun era give great national pride and self-respect to the Korean people who live and work in the Songun era and encourage them to the building of a thriving country.

The eight famous scenes of the Songun era are added with new successes achieved in the building of a thriving country, creating the ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth famous scenes of the Songun era.

At 46 second, 49 minute, 9 a.m. on December 12, 2012, satellite Kwangmyongsong 3-2 flied soaring into the space.

In 9 minutes and 27 seconds after its launch, Kwangmyongsong 3-2 separated from vehicle Unha-3 and entered its orbit, sending the immortal revolutionary songs "Song of General Kim Il Sung" and "Song of General Kim Jong I1."

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said.

"That we successfully manufactured and launched the scientific and technological satellite by entirely relying on our own efforts, technology and wisdom was an event of national jubilation that raised the dignity and honour of the Sun's nation onto the highest level and a great event which inspired all the service personnel and people with confidence in sure victory and courage and clearly showed that Korea does what it is determined to do."

The satellite is equipped with all available products of the modern economy, science and technology at their highest sophistication.

The whole process of manufacturing and launching the satellite is the combination of modern application science and technology including electronic, mechanic, controlling, outer space, electronic element and system engineering.

To launch a satellite, we need metallurgical industry and machine industry, computer industry, software industry and communications equipment.

Without the developed economy, science and technology, it is impossible to manufacture and launch a satellite.

Kwangmyongsong 3-2 is the earth observation satellite. It is the polar orbit satellite with the perigee of 499.7 km, the apogee of 584.18 km, the cycle of 95 minutes and 29 seconds and the slope angle of 97.4°.

It is flying along the solar synchronous polar orbit.

The solar synchronous polar orbit is one of the special orbits. It is widely used and requires high level of technology that tells the level of technological development of a country.

The successful launch of Kwangmyongsong 3-2 is the historic event that demonstrated the power of Juche industry and the country's scientific and technological potentials and proved the prestige of the DPRK that makes fast advances.

With the launch of this satellite, Kwangmyongsong is well known as the representative of the DPRK's state power.

The blue sky in which Kwangmyongsong 3-2 is flying is a new scenic spot created in the Songun era.

The DPRK has the satellite flying in the sky and is building paradise on land.

This fact tells the bright future of the DPRK.

New famous scenes representing the Songun era will be created more and more.

The future of a thriving country where the state power is strong, everything is bountiful and the people live an unenviable happy life will be hastened, creating new scenic spots in the Songun era.

3) Era of June 15 Reunification

The Korean nation is a homogeneous nation that has created brilliant culture, for 5 000 years.

The Korean nation was divided into north and south by the foreign forces in the 1940s, suffering for a long time.

Due to the division imposed by the foreign forces, completely different social systems were set up and huge human and material resources of the nation are spent to the political and military confrontation, laying obstacles to the common development and prosperity of the nation for more than half a century.

The reunification of Korea is the great desire and top task for the Korean nation.

Since the day of division, the Korean people have made vigorous struggle for national reunification.

However, a decisive turn was not made in the Korean people's struggle for national reunification, owing to the vicious moves of the US imperialists and anti-reunification forces.

When the DPRK was in the arduous march, the US and the south Korean authorities trumpeted that the DPRK would collapse within 3 days or 3 months or 3 years.

When the DPRK overcame the arduous march and strengthened the state power on the basis of the military power, the enemies began to talk of the doctrine of soft landing. This doctrine was a cunning trick to collapse the DPRK gradually, while maintaining moderate relations with the DPRK.

When the DPRK strengthened its arms with Songun, the US imperialists and their allied forces had to have relations with the DPRK, recognizing their setback in the strategy of collapsing her.

This trend made the south Korean conservative politicians and ruling class talk of the issue of the national reunification and the improvement of the north-south relation to maintain their ruling power. And the south Korean authority had to visit Pyongyang.

Between June 13 and 15, 2000, North-South Summit Talks were held in Pyongyang after 55 years of the national division.

The world mass media reported on a large scale great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il receiving Kim Dae Jung at the airport and passing honour guards of the ground, navy and air forces of the Korean People's Army.

CNN and NHK and other media reported this news as the special event and the miracle in the 20th century, even delaying their planned news-report.

In a press centre in Seoul, 1 275 pressmen among which 503 foreign pressmen from 289 mass media among which 173 foreign media were busy since the early morning, covering this news.

On this day leader Kim Jong Il accompanied Kim Dae Jung to his guest house amidst the warm welcome of 600 000 Pyongyang citizens and had talks and posed souvenir photo with him.

In the exclusive talks with Kim Dae Jung, leader Kim Jong Il proposed to conclude a declaration that can give 70 million Korean people the hope for the national reunification and optimism for the future.

Leader Kim Jong Il actively proposed the principled and important issues for national reunification such as the issue of reunifying the country independently by the efforts of the Korean nation, the issue of the ways of reunification, the issue of repatriation of the long-term unconverted prisoners, the issue of exchange of the visiting groups of the separated families and relatives and the issue of the north-south talks, leading the talks towards the settlement of the issues.

As a result, the North-South Joint Declaration with 5 items with By Our Nation Itself as the core was adopted.

Great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il said that the historic Pyongyang meeting and the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration ushered in a new era for the great national unity and the independent reunification.

The North-South Joint Declaration was the declaration of independent reunification that declared to reunify the country independently By Our Nation Itself, the master of the reunification. And it was the reunification-oriented declaration that made it possible to put an end to the confrontation and threat of war between the north and south and to build confidence among the compatriots.

The June 15 North-South Joint Declaration carries the truth that the independence only is the life of the nation and is full of love for the compatriots who are linked with one nation and one bloodline that can not be divided by any physical barriers or the passage of time.

It also carries the ardent desire to unite all the compatriots, removing the shameful history of national division.

The birth of this declaration was a historic national event made by the Songun politics of leader Kim Jong II.

According to a senior researcher in Hawaii Institute for the Research of East and West, the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration is the product of the Songun politics. The Pyongyang meeting was made by the power of Songun force of arms of the north. With the north's line of independent reunification supported by the military power, the historic declaration of the independent reunification that promised to reunify the country by the Korean nation itself.

After the Pyongyang meeting and the adoption of the North-South Joint Declaration, it became the main trend in south Korea to praise, trust and follow leader Kim Jong Il

Thanks to the will and firm decision of leader Kim Jong Il, the landmark of the reunification was provided in less than three days. Feeling his great quality, the south Korean people and the overseas compatriots respected him, saying "general of the generals," "the man with the ocean-wide character" and "the man with distinguished decision."

Radio-1 in south Korea reported "The north and the south adopted the joint declaration in the limelight of the world and thus wonderfully decorated the first stage of independence. To conclude the unexpected agreement so soon is enough to demonstrate the reserved power of Kim Jong IlI, Chairman of the National Defence Commission."

According to the poll against 995 students conducted by a university institute in Seoul, 900 students, 90 % of the opinion poll volunteers answered "General Kim Jong Il is the leader of the great hope for the national reunification."

In the past, the south Korean people worshipped and feared the US.

But now they understand that the US imperialists are aggressors and plunders not liberators and helpers, and the root cause of the national sufferings and colonial slavery.

The south Korean people who understand that the US is the main obstacle to Korea's reunification not ally or friend conduct anti-US independent struggle, under the slogan "Let's regain with anti-US the land ruined with pro-US!"

After the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration came into force, a lot of events unprecedented in the history of the national division took place in the inter-Korean relations, promoting reconciliation and cooperation in different fields.

Amidst the disturbing moves of the US and reactionary conservatives, the north-south ministerial talks took place on over 10 occasions, special envoy's visits and talks on 3 occasion, the North-South Economic Cooperation and Promotion Committee meetings on 4 occasions and its working level talks on 19 occasions, between July 29, 2000 and April 2003.

In this process, inter-Korean contacts and visits were activated on a civilian level.

The DPRK sent its sports teams and supporting groups to the 14th Asia Athletic Game held in Pusan, south Korea in autumn 2002 and the 22th World University Students' Sports Game in Taegu, south Korea in summer 2003, creating reunification atmosphere.

The north and south teams marched together in the opening ceremony of the 15th Asia Athletic Game held in Doha, Qatar in December, 2006, creating the reunification and reconciliation atmosphere.

On the occasion of the 3rd anniversary of adopting the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration, the ceremony of connecting the railways in the East and the West coasts in the north and south took place on June 14, 2003.

The North-South Summit Meeting took place again in Pyongyang in October 2007.

After the adoption of the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration, the struggle to implement it faced the vicious challenges of the separatist forces home and abroad.

The US Bush Administration checked the development of the inter-Korean relations, running wild to start another war to overthrow the DPRK by force.

As one sheep follows another, the south Korean extreme conservative forces followed the US.

With the strong power built by Songun, however, the Korean nation conducted vigorous struggle for the reunification, smashing their anti-reunification moves.

Before the strong stand of the DPRK based on strong military power, the US had to sign the September 19 joint statement in 2005 and the February 13 agreement in 2007, promising not to threaten the DPRK with nuclear weapons.

In this situation, the Declaration for the Development of the North-South Relations and for Peace and Prosperity was adopted on October 4, 2007.

This declaration confirmed the idea By Our Nation Itself as the landmark of Korea's reunification and clarified the ways to implement it.

The declaration mentioned the issue of building military confidence between the north and the south, the practical proposal for establishing the peace mechanism, the acceleration of the broad economic cooperation for common prosperity of the nation, the proposal of establishing the peaceful and cooperative area in the West Sea, the issue of sending the north and the south supporting groups to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games by the Korean West coastal railways, the issue of starting tourism in Mt. Paektu, etc.

The Korean people's struggle for reunification took place vigorously with the adoption of the October 4 Declaration.

The June 15 North-South Joint Declaration and the October 4 Declaration, the practical programme to implement the former are the fruit brought by the Songun politics.

At present, the Korean nation in the north, south and abroad have the national pride and self-respect with the Songun politics.

The Korean nation is awakened to the truth that it can neither defend the national dignity with only talks nor achieve independent national reunification by begging to others.

The entire Korean nation, therefore, sympathizes with and supports the Songun politics that enables it to defend the national sovereignty and dignity and hasten the national reunification.

Jin Chol, professor of the political sciences forum in the 21st century, south Korea wrote an article under the title "All Compatriots Live under the Songun Blessings."

"I have received the Songun blessings without repayment in spite of myself. I thank to but never can repay the great care of General Kim Jong Il.

General Kim Jong Il is the Sun of Songun who made force of arms the sword of fortune for the first time. With him, all compatriots enjoy the Songun blessings which will be immortal with Kim Jong Il.

The Songun blessings get ever-strong when defended with life, ever-growing when got devotion and ever-warming when followed with sincerity.

Let's repay the thankful Songun blessings with sincerity!

The life and the future of the compatriots belong to Songun, the privilege of the nation.

Let's follow the Songun politics of General Kim Jong Il sincerely, with the pride of the blessed nation!"

These miraculous events unprecedented in the history of the reunification movement are not accidental but great victory made by Songun that leads the world political structure.

Owing to the vicious moves of the US and the south Korean conservatives, the inter-Korean relations were checked in hold, creating trials in implementing the June 15 Joint Declaration.

The enemies brought about the danger of aggressive war on the Korean peninsula, resorting to the national confrontation and provocative moves against the reunification.

The idea and will of the June 15 Joint Declaration, however, will never change till the day of national reunification, the top desire of the nation.

That is because By Our Nation Itself is the common desire of the nation that is guaranteed by force of arms.

Under the banner of Songun that defends the national destiny and illumines the road of reunification, and under the idea of the June 15 Joint Declaration, all the Korean people will surely smash the moves of the US and the anti-reunification conservatives and reunify the country.

4) The World Following the Road of Anti-imperialism and Independence

"It is the common fighting task for the progressive people to defend independence against imperialism.

The progressive peoples over the world must intensify the struggle ceaselessly against the imperialists and win final victory."

This is part of the report delivered by Jose Francisco Aguillar Bulgarelli, president of the Latin-American Institute for the Study of the Juche Idea to the World Congress for Anti-Imperialist Independent Cause in the 21st Century held between September 30 and October 1, 2005 in Caracas, the capital of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

The delegations and delegates from over 40 countries in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe and 2 international organizations, the figures from Venezuela government and political parties attended the Congress.

The participants spoke that Juche Korea stands in the limelight as the invincible fortress of socialism under the banner of Songun, encouraging the progressive and anti-imperialist people.

They confirmed that Songun is the best way to defend the people's independence and achieve the independent development and prosperity of their nations.

Great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il said.

"Songun politics gives a blow to the aggressive forces of imperialism and encouragement to the anti-imperialist independent forces in the international arena, stimulating the cause of making the whole world independent."

The Congress adopted the letter reverently to great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il who leads the cause of socialism and the cause of anti-imperialism with the original Songun politics and the Caracas Declaration on the Anti-Imperialist Independent Cause in the 21st Century.

At present, many Latin American countries intensify the movements to follow the road of independence and progress against the imperialist neo-liberalism and globalization.

The Latin American countries have bountiful metal and non-metal ore resources, forestry and fishery resources and energy resources ranging from hydro, oil, crude gas and coal to geothermal energy.

Latin America was regarded as "tranquil backyard" of the US, being invaded, plundered and interfered by the US imperialists more than any other parts of the world.

In Latin America, all attempts for economic, social and political change that go against the US interests were suppressed by the direct military intervention of the domestic reactionary forces and the US imperialists for decades.

Owing to the dominationist moves of the US imperialists, the Latin American people's struggle to build independent and peaceful new world was faced with trials.

In the new century, the US imperialists intensify its domination over this part under the signboard of economic aid, abolition of debt, democratization, human rights, anti-terrorism and denuclearization.

The Latin American countries that understood the anti-imperialist independence is for prosperity through their practical life fight against the aggressive and interfering policy of the US against Latin America.

In November 2007, the Ibero-America Summit Meeting was held. In the meeting, Latin American countries appealed to unite to defend their interests and achieve the common development and prosperity against the US dominationist moves.

Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Argentine and many other countries in Latin America repudiate the US in the field of economic trade, opposing the proliferation of liberal democracy and the establishment of American Free Trade Zone claimed by the US.

ALBA Bank was officially set up in the summit meeting of the ALBA (Latin-American Bolivar Alternatives) member-states held in January 2008.

The goal of ALBA Bank is to accelerate the independent economic development, freeing the ALBA member-states from the fetters of the World Bank and other Western financial organizations in the economic trade activities.

In the Summit Meeting of South America for Energy held in 2007, they decided to reorganize the South American Community, the economic cooperative organization for integration of the region into the South American Union and organized its permanent secretariat. And they agreed to organize the South American Energy Council for integration in the field of energy.

7 South American countries signed the document on establishing the South Bank in December 2007, thus opening vista for the economic integration in the region.

The significant historic event was the birth of the CELAC (Latin-America and Caribbean State Community) in Venezuela in December 2011 that included all the Latin American and Caribbean countries excluding the US and Canada.

The US has maintained the dominating position in Latin America through the OEA (American States Organization) established in 1948, putting unfair sanctions and pressures upon the countries like Cuba that do not follow it.

Many countries complained about the US that acts as it wishes irrespective of the will of the member-states.

Reflecting this public opinion, the countries in this region aspired for a new organization that ensures equality, finally establishing the CELAC.

The CELAC that includes the member-states that have a lot of commonness in history and culture can surely intensify its autonomy and emphasize the regional importance in the international arena.

It denounces the US anti-Cuba moves in concerted action of its members, extending solidarity with Cuba.

The 1st CELAC and EU summit meeting that included over 60 countries in January 2013 extended full solidarity with the Cuban people who fight against the long-standing US sanctions.

This summit meeting meant the end of the OEA, the US servile organization.

La Nacion (The Nation), a Bolivian newspaper wrote that the new community would solve the important problems in Latin American and Caribbean countries, with a cartoon in which a vessel named the OEA sinks.

According to a Mexican analyst, the birth of a new community is a link of the changes occurring in the world and the region, and the changes meant that the US instruction has no more meaning and the growth of the regional alliances give new balance of the forces.

Latin America is no more "tranquil backyard" of the US. At present, Latin America defends the national sovereignty and achieves unity, stability and peace in the region, smashing the arbitrariness and tyranny of imperialism.

This gives a heavy blow to the dominating and aggressive moves of the imperialists.

Africa also fights to build an independent and fair new world against domination and subjugation.

The African countries established the African Union, through which they raise voice in the international arena. The establishment of the AU is a turning point in unity, cooperation, prosperity and development of the African countries.

The unanimous view of the African countries is that the unity and cooperation of the African countries are valuable asset for achieving the development goal of the continent and for this, they must enhance the function and role of the AU and the regional cooperative organizations.

The 20th AU and Government Summit Meeting was held in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia between January 27 and 28, 2013 amidst the international concern.

In the opening address, the chairman of the AU spoke that the member-states must display their political will to solve the crisis themselves, stressing that the summit meeting is more significant as it is held on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of founding the OAU (Organization of African Unity), the predecessor of the AU.

At present, the AU plays big part in realizing the unity, peace and stability in the continent, while strengthening the Union.

The AU makes efforts to solve the problems of regional disputes by themselves for peace and stability. It also tries to make effective use of the regional resources, reducing the dependency on the Western "aid" for the development of the continent.

Regarding that the future of the continental development depends on the African people, the African countries try to achieve progress and prosperity of the continent and defend their dignity and interests in the international arena.

These changes occurring in the international arena tell that the era in which the imperialists led and controlled the world peace has gone forever and that the future of humanity is bright when all countries develop, exercising equal rights.

The acceleration of the multi-polarization of the world economy is noteworthy in the development of the international situation towards independence.

In the BRICS Summit Meeting held in Durban, South Africa between March 26 and 27, 2013, they discussed the issue of establishing the BRICS Development Bank consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa that hold big position in the gross product of the world, population and the amount of trade.

The Development Bank manages the issue of the use of the national currencies in the trade clearance and the issue of loan offering and so on.

It is not accidental that an expert of Russian Foreign Ministry spoke "The world is now looking for the currency that will replace USD. It is one of the tendencies that the BRICS members establish the Development Bank. The Development Bank is, in essence, the challenge to the US and USD."

This is a blow to the US that takes a lordly manner with the bags of dollars.

At present, the US moves of domination and neocolonialism are in crisis.

It is one of the trends that anti-imperialist independence sweeps all over the continents and regions.

The imperialist moves of domination are frustrated and the world advances towards independence by the people's struggle for independence, peace and progress.

The Songun politics illumines the road of anti-imperialist independence, the common desire and life demand of the progressive peoples over the world.

For its great attraction, the Songun politics grasps the heart of the people and encourages them to the just struggle.

In the world political arena, the people try to learn after the Songun politics on a wide scale, regarding that Songun is the expression of this era that reflects the main trend of times and that the DPRK's Songun politics is not confined only to one country.

The attraction of the Songun politics cannot be disturbed like streams flowing to ocean.

With the intensification of the struggle for anti-imperialism and independence, the Songun politics demonstrates its power more and more and with the passage of time, the progressive people's desire to follow Songun gets ever-strong.

On the other hand, the imperialists fear the power of the Songun politics. VOA mentioned that the US tragedy is that it can not calculate the greatness of the powerful Songun politics of leader Kim Jong II.

Songun is the only way to smash the arbitrariness and tyranny and defend independence, dignity, truth and justice.

Under the banner of Songun, the progressive people will surely build an independent, fair and prosperous new world on this planet.

The future of humanity belongs to Songun.

5. Carrying Forward Songun

"The struggle of the masses of the people for the cause of independence, the cause of socialism, is accompanied by confrontation of power with imperialism and all sorts of other counter-revolutionary forces. Therefore, military affairs emerge as a matter of key importance on which hangs victory or failure in the revolution and the rise or fall of a country or a nation."

Kim Jong Il

Above mentioned are the principle of the Songun revolution, the guidelines of the Songun revolution and the Songun politics.

These are the main structure and contents of the Songun idea.

Now, we come to the reality of the DPRK that vigorously advances under the banner of Songun.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un is defending the destiny of the Korean nation and wisely leading the building of a thriving country under the banner of Songun.

Kim Hyong Jik, Korean outstanding leader of the anti-Japanese national liberation movement issued the idea of "Aim High."

The idea of "Aim High" provides us with the revolutionary view of life with which we find the true worth and happiness in the struggle for the country and with the indomitable revolutionary spirit to liberate the deprived country at any cost even by fighting down through generations.

The inheritance of the revolution is the inheritance of the ideology. The idea of "Aim High" is successfully inherited by President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il.

Great leader Kim Il Sung who inherited the idea of "Aim High" as the most valuable revolutionary heritage traversed arduous untrodden road.

With the unique Songun revolutionary leadership, he led the anti-Japanese armed struggle to victory and liberated the country, frustrated the armed invasion of the US imperialists and built a strong socialist state independent in politics, self-sufficient in economy and self-reliant in defence.

True to the noble idea of President Kim Il Sung, leader Kim Jong Il made the untrodden long march of Songun.

Leading the death-defying confrontation with the imperialists that is like a world war to victory, leader Kim Jong Il defended the country and made immortal contributions to the building of a thriving socialist country and to the struggle for national reunification.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un follows the road of Songun traversed by President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim Jong Il.

Holding the baton of the revolution, respected Comrade Kim Jong Un is wisely leading the Korean people on the road of Songun, in order to add glory to Kim Il Sung's nation and Kim Jong Il's Korea.

Thanks to respected Comrade Kim Jong Un's wise leadership, the DPRK defends socialism and pushes ahead with the building of a thriving country, smashing the imperialist suffocation moves against the DPRK and thus demonstrates her dignity.

1) The First Public Speech that Moved the World

On April 15, 2012, in the limelight of the world, respected Comrade Kim Jong Un made a public speech "Let Us March Forward Dynamically towards Final Victory, Holding Higher the Banner of Songun" at the military parade held in celebration of the centenary of the birth of great leader Comrade Kim Il Sung, in Pyongyang, the DPRK.

In general, the first public speech of a leader takes an important place because through the speech the main direction of the leader's policy is characterized.

The world mass media lent their ears to the voice of Pyongyang.

In his speech, respected Comrade Kim Jong Un gave perfect and scientific answers to all problems arising in holding invariably the banner of Songun and in achieving final victory of the Songun revolution.

In his speech, he mentioned that the Korean people are demonstrating dignity as an invincible independent people, thanks to the wise Songun leadership and Songun politics of President Kim II Sung and leader Kim Jong II.

The Korean peninsula is in the position of strategic importance that connects the continent and the ocean, in geopolitical aspect. Due to this fact, the neighboring big powers contended to bring Korea under their thumbs in the past, imposing sufferings upon her.

The foreign aggressors competed with each other to swallow Korea that became weak, because of the idling feudal rulers and their flunkeyist idea.

In less than 10 years after the "General Sherman," the US imperialists' ship was sunk in the Taedong River, the "Unyo-maru," the ship of the vicious Japanese imperialists planned an armed provocation with the ambition of making the legal excuse of aggression to Korea.

After this incident, the Japanese imperialists imposed aggressive and subordinate unequal treaty, but the Korean feudal government was unable to repulse it. The "Kanghwado Treaty" was fabricated in February 1876.

Since then, Korea became semi-colony of the Japanese, without resistance against all sorts of humiliation and became complete colony, at last. All the Korean people lamented, crying over the ruined country but Korea had no force to check the Japanese gangster-like moves.

The geopolitical position can not be the fundamental condition that decides the destiny of a country or nation. Nevertheless, Korea had to accept the aggression and pillage as inescapable fate.

The geopolitical position of the Korean peninsula did not change.

However, with great leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il, ever-victorious iron-willed commanders of Songun, Korea could put an end once and for all to the history of the ruined nation.

Korea, once a small and weak country has become strong invincible military power that can smash the enemy at once.

This is not accidental but is attributed to the fact that great leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il strengthened the invincible revolutionary force under the banner of Songun.

In the course of the Korean revolution, there had been death-defying confrontation with the strong imperialists and big projects to build a powerful country. In these days, the Korean People's Army (KPA) defended the lifeline of the Juche revolution in the van under the banner of devotedly defending the leader.

The KPA that began with the two pistols became strong invincible army that the imperialists fear. The military and technical superiority is no more monopoly of the imperialists, and the time in which the enemy threatened Korea with atom bombs has gone forever.

Since the word "people" was put on its name, the KPA not only defends the country but also creates the people's happiness, participating in the building of a prosperous country. The monumental edifices and the socialist wealth for the people tell the devotional efforts of the KPA.

The strong Paektusan revolutionary army that demonstrates its might as the army of the leader, the army of the Party and the army of the people is the biggest patriotic heritage left by great leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il. Korea is proud of this noble heritage.

In his speech, respected Kim Jong Un illuminated the road of Kim Il Sung's nation in the new Juche century.

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said.

"If we are to add eternal glory to the dignity of Songun Korea and bring the cause of building a thriving socialist country to a successful conclusion, we should, above all else, comprehensively strengthen the KPA."

Independence is the life and soul and a guide to victory for a country and nation. The dignity, power and prosperity depend on a strong independent principle and mentality of a nation.

Songun is the ever-victorious sword of the Korean revolution. Songun firmly guarantees the bright future of Kim Il Sung's nation and Kim Jong II's Korea.

Socialism is the ideal of the Korean people. The bright future of the Korean people is in the building of a thriving socialist country.

The firm guarantee for independence, Songun and socialism is in fully strengthening the Korean People's Army.

If the army falls, a country, nation, sovereignty and happiness are all inconceivable.

Apart from the army, we can not defend the destiny of a country, nation and the people.

The Korean People's Army must be the reliable vanguard of the Songun revolution that guarantees the cause of the Party with force of arms under the leadership of the Party.

The revolutionary nature of the Korean People's Army does not change with the passage of time. And it is the fighting method of the strong Paektusan revolutionary army to advance with the red flag of the WPK as the top standard.

Respected Kim Jong Un's speech is the proud summery of the 80-year long history of the Korean People's Army that was strengthened into strong invincible revolutionary army, the main force of the Songun revolution in the care of great leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il.

His speech is also permeated with his noble idea of defending the cause of the Party with force of arms.

His speech was the historic speech that indicated that it is invariable reference of the revolution and eternal strategy of the struggle to follow the Songun idea and the Songun politics of the Party.

This was the declaration of the strong will to add glory to the history of Kim Il Sung's nation and Kim Jong II's Korea with the might of the strong Paektusan revolutionary army.

His militant appeal "Forward towards final victory!" moves the heart of the army and the people and encourages them to new miracles and merits.

With the light and heat, the sun gives life to all things. The revolutionary leader leads the people's struggle for independence with ideology and theory.

The height of a great man is in his great philosophy and ideology. In this sense, we can say the height of a great man is the height of his philosophical wisdom and ideology.

The height of great Kim Jong Un is in the height of his distinguished ideological and theoretical wisdom. Indeed, he is the outstanding thinker and theoretician and guide of the era.

With his outstanding ideological and theoretical activities, he leads the Korean people along the road of Songun.

This is well proved by the fact that he wrote many works in 2012 such as "The Great Kim Il Sung Is the Eternal Leader of Our Party and People," "Let Us Brilliantly Accomplish the Revolutionary Cause of Juche, Holding the Great Comrade Kim Jong Il in High Esteem as the Eternal General Secretary of Our Party," "Let Us Step up the Building of a Thriving Country by Applying Kim Jong II's Patriotism," "On Bringing about a Revolutionary Turn in Land Administration in Line with the Demands for Building a Thriving Socialist Country," "Become Pillars Supporting a Prosperous Future Korea" and "Our Social Sciences Should Make a Positive Contribution to the Accomplishment of the Cause of Modelling the Whole of Society on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism," clarifying the way ahead of the era and the revolution.

Since the start of his leadership, the DPRK creates the unprecedented miracles and innovations. This reality confirms the originality, validity and vitality of his ideology and theory.

Indeed, respected Kim Jong Un is the outstanding thinker and theoretician who illuminates the road of the era, with incomparably outstanding traits and quality of a great man and with the original ideological and theoretical activities.

Respected Kim Jong Un who guides the era is the top leader of Korea and the symbol of the strong might and victory of Songun Korea.

At present, the hearts of the Korean people are full of the conviction that they will surely win victory as long as they have respected Kim Jong Un.

With the great Paektusan brilliant commander who leads the army and the people along the road of Songun with outstanding ideology and theory, the Korean people advance towards final victory.

2) Super Hard Line against Hard Line

A writer in the Middle East wrote "The US is today's Procrustes. The US calculates everything according to its standard and if one goes against its standard, it does not hesitate to chastise him. The US 'Procrustean Bed' is for all countries, big or small."

According to the ancient Greek mythology, Procrustes was an evil who cruelly killed the passers-by. He brought short people to long bed and stretched them to the size of the bed and killed and brought tall people to a short bed and cut their legs according to the size of the bed.

The "Procrustean Bed" meant the tyrannical behaviour of imposing all things by force.

Even now, there is the force that makes tyrannical and arbitrary behaviours upon other countries with the "Procrustean Bed" in the international arena. It is the US, the chief mastermind of injustice and the cancer of the world.

Vociferating that the US represents the common hope of humanity, it advertises that the world changes according to its "leadership and decision." Its hegemonic move depending on the military force is based on the reactionary idea of "unilateralism of the strong power."

It does not care for anything for the sake of its hegemony. This tells how far the US arrogance is gone. The world public opinion is shocked at this and denounced the US. "Due to the arbitrariness of the extremely arrogant US that is characterized by unilateralism, disorder like in the Medieval Age is caused and the international laws are completely ignored in the present world," "The US tries to turn back the world to the slave-holder society in which it can rule over everything like slave holder." This is natural comments.

The outrageous US intensified the aggressive and war moves to isolate and suffocate the DPRK which is advancing under the banner of independence, justice and socialism.

Super hard line against the hard line!

This is the courage and gut of respected Kim Jong Un.

He has the strong courage that never tolerates even slightly the anti-justice behaviours and the strong gut with which he devotedly fights for the world peace and progress.

Under his Songun leadership, the Korean army and people safeguard the country's dignity, flatly smashing the aggressive and war provocative moves of the enemies.

When he inspected the Jangjae Islet Defence Detachment and the Mu Islet Hero Defence Detachment, located in the hottest spot in the southernmost part of the southwestern sector of the front, he issued the order to give the immediate annihilating counterattacks and to switch over to the great war for the national reunification, if even one shell of the enemy falls on our territory.

Since then, these islets became well-known in the world.

Even the Korean people who pay great attention to the defence of the country hardly heard the names of these islets.

These islets are situated quite near Yonphyong islet on which the enemy fired guns in the territorial waters of the DPRK, in November 2010. These islets are the sharp confrontation spots.

Yonphyong islet situated in the Korean West Sea is a small islet with the area of 6.8 km² and the circumference of 18 km. This water area is richer in the species and amount of fish than other waters in the Korean West Sea. Therefore, this area has been envied even by the foreigners.

This area was, however, turned into the outpost for north-targeted invasion where the south hostile maniacs heavily deployed their naval corps and guns.

After the enemy fired guns from Yonphyong islet in our territorial waters, the Korean People's Army chastised the enemy with heavy physical blows.

Jangjae and Mu islets are the spots the enemy eagerly watch for a chance of provocation, thus being the focus of the world.

Respected Kim Jong Un visited these islets, the hottest spot to imbue the Korean People's Army soldiers with the indomitable idea and firm conviction to devotedly defend the country.

He again visited these islets on March 7, 2013 when the touch-and-going situation was created due to the reckless war exercise of the hostile forces headed by the US imperialists.

Ushering in 2013, the moves of the US imperialists became undisguised. In spite of the unanimous opposition and denunciation of the Korean people and the international community, the US imperialists and south Korea conducted the joint military exercise "Foal Eagle" supposing the north-targeted invasion from March 1 and "Key Resolve" from March 11.

These military exercises were the preliminary war for nuclear preemptive strike against the DPRK and the nuclear war test to invade her.

According to the information of the South Korean Puppet Defence Ministry, the US aggressive army in south Korea and 10 000-strong overseas US army and the huge armed force of south Korean puppet army participated in the military exercise "Foal Eagle" that took place between March 1 and April 30, and 3 500-strong US aggressive army and about 10 000-strong south Korean puppet army in the military exercise "Key Resolve" that took place between March 11 and 21. And the US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier "George Washington" and B-52 strategic bombers and other sophisticated nuclear war equipment were mobilized. In addition, the armies of the US satellite states including UK and Australia that had participated in the past Korean War joined the exercise.

These exercises that involved huge armed forces and the nuclear strike means large enough to conduct a full war were the concentrative expression of the US anti-DPRK hostile policy and the dangerous acts to start another war on the Korean peninsula by all means.

It is the steadfast stand and principle of the DPRK to attack with swords, if the enemy come with daggers, destroy them with guns, if they come with rifles and smash them with more powerful nuclear precision strike means of her own, if they threaten with nuclear weapons.

Respected Kim Jong Un said that the soldiers of the Jangjae Islet Defence Detachment and the Mu Islet Hero Defence Detachment should keep alert watch on the enemy's every move and give the immediate annihilating counterattack, if even a shell falls on the waters and land where our sovereignty is exercised and thus start firing, the signal firing for the great war for the national reunification.

He stressed that the officers and soldiers of the army, navy, air and anti-air force and strategic rocket force including the frontline units are fully ready for the all-out combat of our own style.

In addition, he said that he would issue the order to start the great war for the national reunification along all the frontlines, without missing the golden chance, if the enemy provoke even slightly in the sensitive water area.

He inspected Wollae Islet Defence Detachment, the hottest outpost in the west front, quite near the enemy's Paekryong Island, on March 11, 2013 in the tense situation that witnessed the climax of the enemy's reckless aggressive war moves.

After acquainting himself with the topography, the deployment of firepower equipment, the life conditions of the soldiers in detail, he stressed to put the enemy who plays with fire in the hottest area into the firing crucible, adding that those who like fire are bound to be burnt to death.

His instructions given while visiting the islet defence detachments planted in the mind of the Korean People's Army soldiers the will to mercilessly chastise the enemy and enabled them to demonstrate the might of the strong Paektusan revolutionary army.

In March 2013 alone, he continuously gave the unremitting Songun leadership to check the enemy's reckless acts and safeguard the country's sovereignty and the people's safety.

In this period, respected Kim Jong Un guided the live firing exercise to examine the practical combat capability of the artillery units that will strike the enemy's Yonphyong islet and Paekryong island, the target-blowing exercise by super precision drones, self-propelled anti-aircraft rocket firing exercise to shoot down low altitude cruise missiles, the landing and anti-landing exercises of the army corps and naval divisions.

The leadership of Kim Jong Un who made efforts to prepare the Korean People's Army to be invincible strong revolutionary army was also given to many units of the Korean People's Army, the winners of the title of O Jung Hup-led Seventh Regiment.

At 12.30 a.m. on March 29, 2013, he called an emergent  operational meeting concerning the accomplishment of the firing mission of the strategic force in the supreme headquarters.

Respected Kim Jong Un examined the firing plan of the strategic rocket force and put the final signature on it, stressing that the force must mercilessly strike the US military bases in the US mainland, Hawaii, the Guam and in the Pacific operational areas and in south Korea.

He said that our revolutionary armed force will answer with merciless nuclear offensive to the US nuclear blackmail and answer with the just all-out war to its aggressive war.

He said that it is the truth proved by history that no force can check the people who rose for the just cause.

In addition, he said that if the unwanted war is started again on this land by the US imperialists, in the war the US imperialists will meet shameful destruction and the great Korean nation will meet a bright day of national reunification.

Respected Kim Jong Un made bold decision in the grave situation created by the nuclear war acts of the US imperialists. His decision was a turning point that brought about another victory in confrontation with the US. Under the wise leadership of respected Kim Jong Un, the Korean People's Army demonstrates its might as an invincible strong revolutionary army.

The Korean army and people who have Supreme Commander Kim Jong Un do not make empty talks. If the DPRK decides, she fights and if she fights, she surely wins. This is the nature of Songun Korea.

The soldiers of all the army units in the frontlines, all the services and arms, the Worker-Peasant Red Guards, the Red Youth Guards were fully ready for the all-out war according to the operational plan signed by Kim Jong Un.

The whole country was brimming over with the strong will to reunify the country, the top desire of the nation by dealing an immediate annihilating blow to the enemy, if a shell fell on its land.

If the US imperialists use the nuclear weapon, the DPRK will counterattack them with her own diversified precision nuclear strike means. Upon pressing the button, her strike means will turn everything into ashes in an instant.

If so, the US military bases will be scorched in a moment, ringing dirge of the American empire.

The Korean army and people will rise like a rock and mercilessly smash the invaders, with well-prepared strong Songun power.

Recalling those days, Jangjae and Mu islets tell that the Korean revolution started by force of arms will be successful with force of arms as they have respected Kim Jong Un, the Songun brilliant commander of Mt. Paektu and the DPRK will consummate the historic cause of national reunification, after defeating the aggressive war moves of the US imperialists and south Korean maniacs.

The DPRK with Kim Jong Un as the Supreme Commander is winning victory after victory in the confrontation with the US imperialists who boast of the strong might.

Respected Kim Jong Un is the great general who is leading the Korean revolution to victory on the road of Songun to defend the destiny of the country and nation.

Many countries kneel down before the US.

Earlier, Mussolini justified the aggressive doctrine, saying "the law of jungle is the fundamental law of human survival." This tells the nature of the imperialists who try to rule the world, pressing down the small and weak countries by force.

The reality proves that his remarks have no meaning any more. The injustice of the big or strong military powers can never become justice.

When they counter the hard line of the imperialists with super hard line and cope by strong physical strike with the enemy's reckless provocations, they can defend the dignity of the country and nation.

As long as she has the Songun leadership of respected Kim Jong Un, the DPRK demonstrates her dignity as a great invincible Songun Korea.

3) Ata Go

At a Go! This is a newly-born expression that implies the spirit of the DPRK.

This expression is often on the lips of the Korean people.

The Korean People's Army soldiers love this expression.

They build courage and strong will, reminding this expression. They prove merits and win victories, doing everything at a go. This is the traits of the Korean People's Army soldiers.

This banner of the Korean People's Army soldiers who are rushing towards the building of a thriving country carries the characteristics of the DPRK.

In the Songun era in which the Korean People's Army demonstrates its might as the main force of the revolution, the expression "At a go" symbolizes the courage and spirit of the soldiers who are engaged not only in defending the country but also in construction in a devotional manner.

The offensive spirit of "At a go" of the Korean People's Army is prevailing all over the DPRK.

Chollima statue stands in the centre of Pyongyang. This flying steed is fluttering its wings more vigorously in the 21st century, too as in the 20th century.

Miraculous events take place in every field and the DPRK on Chollima is advancing faster nearing final victory. The traits and advancing speed of the Korean People's Army and the people are implicit in this expression.

The DPRK is rushing on a shortcut road to realize her ideal with force of arms to the fore, under the Songun leadership of respected Kim Jong Un.

The Korean revolution has advanced against the imperialist moves of isolation and suffocation.

In recent difficult years, the Korean people had to make every effort to build powerful war deterrent that enables them to actively cope with the enemy that run wild to swallow the DPRK.

At present, many countries make efforts to achieve prosperity in a competitive way. This tells this era is the era of time competition and speed competition.

The vital problem of the Korean people now is to smash the enemy's aggressive moves at once. It is equally important for them to build the economic giant at once.

The Korean People's Army and the people build the thriving country, achieving prosperity and development overcoming difficulties without being satisfied with what they have already done.

The DPRK sets high goals and continuously create examples with the gut not to follow the developed countries but to overtake them with the spirit of "At a go."

The DPRK makes the timetable on the basis of the far-sighted bold goals instead of passive time-bound goals and creates a miracle after another.

The offensive spirit of "At a go" was created neither in the battles nor in the post-war debris.

This spirit of the Korean People's Army is getting stronger in trials. This is the quality of the Korean nation, Songun Korea that vigorously advances, achieving prosperity for the sake of the Party, the leader, the country and the people.

In 2012, this spirit enabled the Koreans to create numerous miracles.

Respected Kim Jong Un said.

"The officers and men of the People's Army and the People's Internal Security Forces made breakthroughs on all major fronts of building a thriving country with the mettle of 'At a go' and did many good things for the happiness of the people, thereby living up to the expectations and trust of the Party and people."

In 2012, the Korean people created a lot of events in the building of a thriving country and promotion of the people's living standard, surprising the people.

In these days, the complicated and acute situation was created and serious natural disasters came successively in the DPRK.

The Korean People's Army and the people, however, made great advance in the building of a thriving country and in the promotion of the people's living standard with the strong will and indomitable spirit.

Before the 100th birthday of President Kim Il Sung, Huichon Power Station was inaugurated.

This was a huge project that takes important position in solving the electricity problem of the country. For this project, they built large dam that embraces big artificial reservoirs on 600 metres high Rangnim mountains and built numerous pressure pipes and power lines, etc.

The foreigners who visited the building site of the power station in 2010 doubted whether they could finish the project by 2012, even admiring the project that was finished by over 60 % in a short span of time.

This doubt was removed by the spirit "At a go" displayed by the Korean People's Army soldiers.

They finished the project, hastening the days in an unprecedented way.

They devoted their efforts with the ardent patriotism to finish at a go the project that was supposed to take 10 years.

When they began the project, they hardly knew how to drill or operate the building machines. They started with receiving technical intensive course.

These soldiers now received the state invention diplomas and the top invention diplomas of the World Intellectual Property Organization.

They were soldiers who were used to rifles but built the dam beyond the imagination of the experts in a three dimensional way, surprising the people.

They displayed the exploring and creative spirit, passing through the unknown world but guaranteed the best quality.

These spirits are represented by the slogan "Let us take responsibility for the safety of the project and guarantee its absolute quality for all eternity!" which was engraved on the dam of Ryongnim.

Thanks to the Korean People's Army soldiers who hasten the days with the spirit of "At a go," another huge monumental project could be finished.

"At a go" spirit is not confined only to the Korean People's Army soldiers.

This spirit is displayed also by the entire Korean people who advance shoulder to shoulder with respected Kim Jong Un.

The Korean people built Tanchon port in the Korean East Sea overcoming all difficulties with heroic struggle.

They finished the 2nd stage project of Kwaksan tideland reclamation and completed Nampho-Pyongyang sea water pipeline project.

They built numerous Juche-type and modern factories and wonderfully rehabilitated the factories in the key industrial sectors on the basis of the modern science and technology.

In 2012, a lot of monumental edifices were built in all parts of Pyongyang, changing the look of the capital city.

High or super high apartments were built near the beautiful Taedong River and the People's Theatre and service centres were well built on the ground and underground in a three dimensional way. The plain working people live in the new apartments free of charge, enjoying the top convenience in their cultural life.

Rungna People's Pleasure Ground that has dolphinarium, wading pool, recreation centres and mini golf links was built in a perfect formative and artistic way.

Kim Hyong Jik University of Education was wonderfully rehabilitated and Changjon Primary School, Kyongsang Kindergarten and Kyongsang Nursery were well built, with the result that the youth and students and children acquire knowledge without envy at all.

Modern sports and medical service centres, commercial service centres and other service centres were beautifully inaugurated and thus we can hear the happy laughter of the people in all parts of the country.

Taekwon-Do Holy House, Yanggakdo Sports Quarter, People's Open-air Ice Rink, roller rinks and other sports centres were built in a huge way, encouraging the development of the country's sports.

Ryugyong Health Complex and Bath House No. 1 were erected as exemplary edifices, boasting of their modern architectural beauty.

Breast Tumor Institute of Pyongyang Maternity Hospital, Thongil Fitness Centre and other mass medical service centres were built in a modern way, better serving the health of the people.

Mansugyo Meat and Fish Shop and Soft Drink Shop, Pothonggang Fish Shop were wonderfully built, and Pyongyang Folk Park was built on a large scale and Mangyongdae Recreation Park and Taesongsan Recreation Park and others were well rehabilitated according to the taste of the era.

The magnificent new streets, the modern architectural education and sports centres are the cream of love and treasure of the socialist Korea that embodies the noble view of people, country and future of respected Kim Jong Un.

The monumental edifices sprung up in Pyongyang city in a short span of 1 year clearly demonstrate the true look of the great Kim Jong Un's era in which the top ideal of the people are realized in the offensive spirit of "At a go."

Along with the magnificent edifices built by the Korean people in the offensive spirit like lightning under the Songun leadership of Kim Jong Un, the expression "At a go" became the mode of building a thriving country.

In a short span of 1 year, the Korean people left brilliant traces in the Korean history and won victory in the sacred struggle for the consummation of the Juche revolutionary cause.

A saying goes that the universe is reflected on a drop of water.

Through the expression "at a go," we can see the great reality of the DPRK that rushes, leaping and innovating, in firm unity around respected Kim Jong Un. This expression convinces the future of the DPRK that will continuously prosper.

"At a go" is the banner of great upsurge of the DPRK and the banner is respected Kim Jong Un.

The Korean service personnel and people who advance towards the building of a thriving country under the leadership of Kim Jong Un will speed up and the advance of the DPRK will reach the top speed.

At a go!

This expression will be the eternal symbol of Kim Il Sung's and Kim Jong II's Korea that leaps up at the top speed.


The Songun idea teaches a noble truth.

That is, the sovereignty, dignity, prosperity and development of a country and nation go along with force of arms and the military power.

If force of arms and the military power are strong, the state power becomes strong, guaranteeing the dignity and prosperity whereas if they are weak, the state power becomes weak, disintegrating the country. History tells that the destiny of a country, the rise and fall of a country is linked with force of arms and the military power.

The power of force of arms is precisely the sovereignty of a country, the dignity of the people and the prosperity of the nation. When force of arms is strong, the state power becomes strong and its external prestige is enhanced, guaranteeing the bright future of the nation.

With strong military power, the power of justice, even a small country can be strong country and make prosperity. This is the reality of the DPRK that advances under the banner of Songun.

The Songun idea illuminates the world at present. The Songun idea encourages the anti-imperialist independent movement of the people in the 21st century and gives scientific clarification for the prosperity of a country and nation and thus leads the development of the era and illuminates the future of humanity.

The Zavtra, the Russian newspaper dated April 11, 2013 carried an article under the title "Comrade Kim Jong Un Wins."

It reads "The DPRK is the country of Songun, the untiring country and unbreakable heroic country that regards the independence, freedom and inviolability chosen by the people as the biggest value. Amidst the enemy's bombs, blames, threats and merciless propagating offensives, she has built the surprising civilization, the red world and invaluable crystal that are broadcasted to all the continents through numerous channels. The DPRK is fighting against the big powers. The DPRK teaches humanity the right choice."

The road indicated by the Songun idea is the true road to materialize the people's independence and defend the country's sovereignty and dignity and achieve the prosperity.