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const SENTENCE_REGEX = /[^.!?()"']*[.!?()"']*/g;
$("#content p").contents().filter(function() {
    return this.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE;
}).each(function () {
    this.replaceWith(...this.textContent.match(SENTENCE_REGEX).map(sentence =>
	$(`<span class="tts-sentence">${sentence}</span>`)[0]));

const $ttsCaret = () => {
    const $existing = $("#tts-caret");
    if ($existing.length) {
	return $existing.detach();
    return $('<span id="tts-caret">|</span>');

let programmaticPlay = false;
let programmaticPause = false;
const audio = $('<audio controls muted loop id="tts-audio" src="//"></audio>').appendTo("body")[0];

const stop = () => {
    $(".tts-button").css("display", "");

    programmaticPause = true;

const play = ($startingElement) => {

    programmaticPlay = true;;

    let $selected = $startingElement.length ? $startingElement.parents().nextAll() : $("#content");
    $selected.find(".tts-play").css("display", "none");
    $selected.find(".tts-pause").css("display", "inline-block");
    const $caret = $selected.find("#tts-caret");
    $selected = $selected.find(".tts-sentence");
    if ($caret.length) {
	$selected = $selected.filter($caret.nextAll());

audio.onplay  = () => programmaticPlay  ? programmaticPlay  = false : play($("#tts-caret"));
audio.onpause = () => programmaticPause ? programmaticPause = false : stop();

let queue = 0;
function tts() { 
    const utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(this.innerText);
    const utteranceFinished = () => {
	if (queue <= 0) {
	} else {
    utterance.onerror = utteranceFinished;
    utterance.onend = utteranceFinished;

mw.loader.using(["oojs-ui-core", "oojs-ui.styles.icons-media"], () => $(() => {
    // $audio.on("ended", stop);
    $("#content :header").append(() => {
	const ttsPlayButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
	    framed: false,
	    icon: "play",
	    label: "Read aloud",
	    invisibleLabel: true,
	    title: "Icon only",
	    classes: ["mw-editsection", "tts-play", "tts-button"]
	ttsPlayButton.on("click", () => play(ttsPlayButton.$element));
	return ttsPlayButton.$element;
    }).append(() => {
	const ttsPauseButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget({
	    framed: false,
	    icon: "pause",
	    label: "Pause reading aloud",
	    invisibleLabel: true,
	    title: "Icon only",
	    classes: ["mw-editsection", "tts-pause", "tts-button"]
	ttsPauseButton.on("click", stop);
	return ttsPauseButton.$element;