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8 editsJoined 5 October 2024

Screening Questionnaire Response[edit | edit source]

FIRST SET[edit | edit source]

  1. Where did you find ProleWiki from? How familiar are you with it? Comment what made you want to join ProleWiki and what areas you are interested in contributing to.[edit | edit source]
  2. There is a discord server called "TankieBunker". a server for so-called tankies, i.e.: Marxist-Leninists. I've been a long time reader without motivation to edit until I saw a typo, prompting me to make an account.

  3. What current of Marxist thought do you uphold? Describe as thoroughly as needed your path towards your current political perspective.[edit | edit source]
  4. I'm a Marxist-Leninist since about 2014. I uphold the liberation of the international working class as well as oppressed nations.

  5. Have you read our principles? Comment your agreements or objections to their points.[edit | edit source]
  6. I've read your principles. In your section on the bourgeois dictatorships that you critically support, you should expand on this list to include almost all African countries (exception would be something like Egypt, which is the zionist entity's vassal state).

  7. What is your understanding of gender? Should Marxists support the LGBT community?[edit | edit source]
  8. Gender is distinct from sex. Gender is usually not binary in make pre-colonial cultures around the world. The binariness seems to have solidified during the Agricultural Revolution(s) when the division of labour between commercial and residential labour started. The international LGBT community should be supported to the fullest extent possible, however comrades should not make use of imperialist means to enforce social values onto states in the imperial periphery. Comrades should be consistent in their support, which means that they should support the international LGBT community, and not just those who live in the imperial core.

  9. What is your position on Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong? How would you describe their historical role? Share any comments or critiques you have regarding them.[edit | edit source]
  10. I enjoy Stalin's two essays on the national question as I find them useful for being the source of my current understand of what a nation is. I defend Stalin from his liberal and Trotskyist enemies as he is unfairly the most hated person who has ever existed. However I privately note his errors, such as being an early zionist and for advising Mao to not get into a civil war with the Chinese Nationalists. and for establishing Azerbaijan on top of historical Armenian territory.

    Stalin is crucial for killing millions of nazis.

    I find Mao's essay "On Contradiction" to be very influential. It was my first piece of Marxist literature I've every read. I love sharing his content whenever the topic of "landlords" come up to strike fear in the eyes of liberals.

    Mao is crucial for killing millions of landlords.

  11. What are your thoughts on China, Vietnam, Cuba, DPRK and Laos? Do you believe any of these countries is socialist? Why or why not?[edit | edit source]
  12. The respective governments of each of these states are socialist, even though some of these states have markets within them. What’s crucial is what class is the ruling class, even if there happens to be a bureaucracy at the head. Take China for an example, its ruled by a bureaucracy but its the working class that is what puts them into power in the first place.

  13. What is settler-colonialism, are there any countries that still fit that description and what should be done regarding them? Further, what is to be done about the decolonization and liberation of indigenous peoples, ethnic minorities, and immigrant groups in your country?[edit | edit source]
  14. Settler colonialism is a special case of colonialism where the colonialists settle onto foreign land by violently displacing its original inhabitants by conquest. Examples include: the zionist regime, kanada, usa, australia, and occupied Aotearoa. These states all need to be decolonized by any means necessary including violent resistance. We should all follow the contemporary examples shown to us by our siblings in occupied Palestine and in other states part of the Axis of Resistance in how they resist the zionist regime.

  15. What is your analysis of the situation in Palestine? What do you think of the 2023 October 7 events and the groups involved from both sides of the conflict?[edit | edit source]
  16. Eventually, the zionist regime will no longer exist in my lifetime. And that could not have happened without Al-Aqsa Flood, or something like that: a violent act of resistance against the occupation of Palestine. The Palestinian freedom fighters should be supported against zionism in all cases, even if they and their orgs are not socialist and even if they are not secular. On the other side of the conflict: it should never be forgotten that the zionist regime practises forced conscription for all citizens above the age of 17. Therefore all settlers 18 and over are military recruits, and therefore Palestinians are free to treat them as such. Such as killing or kidnapping them.

SECOND SET[edit | edit source]

  1. In your own words, how would you describe dialectical materialism?[edit | edit source]
  2. Dialectical materialism is a cyclical process in the form of a feedback loop between material reality and the ideas we have in our heads. It explains convenient coincidences in how ideas people have tend to correspond to one’s class position in society.

  3. What are your thoughts on national liberation or the concept of land back (either one)?[edit | edit source]
  4. The path of national liberation is different for each nation. In order for a nation to be liberated, all nations it oppresses must be liberated first. Oftentimes, bourgeois nationalists are found to be at the vanguard of a national liberation struggle, but they will ultimately be unable to carry the struggle over the horizon and therefore only a proletarian movement can carry out a national liberation struggle all the way.

  5. Do you think abolishing the nuclear family should be a goal of the communist movement? If so, how would it be abolished?[edit | edit source]
  6. Yes, nuclear families should be abolished in favour of the entire population of classless society functioning as one family. I think this abolishment will happen simultaneously with the establishment of final communism at which point all class divisions will wither away. Even without socialism families are fragmented and people are forced to find alternate ways of forming relationships that resemble families because of the way that capitalism ironically fractures families anyway.

  7. What do you think is the most pressing issue for communists in your country? What is your opinion of communist parties there?[edit | edit source]
  8. I live in so-called canada. The most pressing issue I find is the systemic pacifism within leftist movements here. I think this is due to systemic infiltration by the state into our movements. Like COINTELPRO but more sophisticated. It’s not always difficult to spot. The people put in charge of marshalling during protests and rallies, the people chosen to represent arrestees (financial and political support), as well as police liaisons tend to be people who are members of NGOs. I’ve spoken to one such individual who describes themselves as being a paid activist. Their heart is in the right place, but they don’t realize how compromising it is for proletarian and national liberation movements to have their financials not independent from liberal bourgeois institutions. I find the communist parties established to be set up prematurely. I’ve been reading the book the book by Zinoviev called History Of The Bolshevik Party where he talks about how the party started off as reading groups, which eventually joined together to form a league, which eventually evolved into a party. In contrast, the parties in contemporary society tend to put the cart in front of the horse and be parties established one night decades ago that haven’t had any successes other than be an organization alienated from the working class.

  9. What do you believe is the main difference between Marxism and other anti-capitalist movements?[edit | edit source]
  10. The only example of a non-Marxist anti-capitalist movement I can think of are the anarchists. There is lots to say about the anarchists. At the end of the day, they have no defense mechanism. Defending yourself from capitalism requires centralization, which requires a military hierarchy. Then I guess the main difference is that Marxists have a plan of actions while the anarchists are going based off idealism.

Verification for Discord[edit | edit source]
