Alexei Kudrin

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Alexei Kudrin

Алексей Кудрин
Born12 October 1960
Dobele, Latvian SSR, Soviet Union

Alexei Leonidovich Kudrin (born 12 October 1960) is a corrupt USA-backed Russian politician with connections to oligarch Arkady Volozh. He is planning to run against Vladimir Putin in the 2024 presidential election.[1]

Political career[edit | edit source]

Kudrin served as deputy finance minister in 1998 and was previously Putin's finance minister. In 2022, he agreed to resign as Chairman of the Accounts Chamber in order to join Yandex and receive over $300 million in the process.[1]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 John Helmer (2022-12-01). "Alexei Kudrin starts his run to succeed President Vladimir Putin" Monthly Review. Retrieved 2022-12-01.