Beto O'Rourke

From ProleWiki, the proletarian encyclopedia

Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke is a US politician from Texas. Despite being hailed as a "progressive" in the bourgeois Democratic Party, he's a member of the New Democrat Coalition, which is deeply connected to the finance, industry, and real estate industries and has been described as 'Clintonite'.[1][2]

He is the son-in-law of American real estate businessman and developer, William Sanders.[3] William has bulldozed low-income Hispanic communities and gentrified them.[4]

He does not support popular progressive demands like Medicare for All.[2]

For the finance reporting period of 2017-18, his top contributors were firstly the US-based tech giant Google Inc. and secondly the pro-Israel liberal lobbying groups, JStreetPAC, which has deep ties to the Democratic Party establishment.[5][6]

In 2021, he announced that he's running for Texas Governor.[7] In 2022 he won the Democratic Party primary for governor.[8]

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