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All works by Karl Marx

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Karl Marx was the pioneer of Scientific Socialism, an economist, philosopher and sociologist

All library works by Karl Marx on ProleWiki.

Title Author Published Type Summary
Marx & Engels Collected Works
On the concept of the derived function Karl Marx
Capital volume I
Marx & Engels letters
Wild songs Karl Marx 1841-01-23
On the Jewish question Karl Marx 1843 Book Marx examines the issue of religious identity and political emancipation, critiquing the limitations of bourgeois notions of equality
The holy family Karl Marx 1845 Book critical examination of various philosophical and political movements in Germany during the early 19th century, focusing on their role in shaping social thought and historical development. Marx and Engels scrutinize the ideological conflicts within these movements, highlighting their limitations and advocating for a materialist understanding of history.
Manifesto of the Communist Party Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 1848-02 Manifesto Outlines the historical development of class struggle and calls for the revolutionary overthrow of capitalist systems, advocating for the establishment of a classless society based on collective ownership of the means of production..
Wage labour and capital Karl Marx 1849 Pamphlet An exploration of the relationship between labor, wages, and capital accumulation. Marx examines how the capitalist system exploits workers by paying them less than the value of their labor power, shedding light on the fundamental contradictions inherent in capitalist production.
The class struggles in France 1848-1850 Karl Marx 1850 Booklet analysis of the political and social dynamics in France during the aftermath of the 1848 revolution. Marx examines the interplay of conflicting class interests, highlighting the revolutionary potential of the working class and the challenges posed by bourgeois reaction, providing insights into the complexities of revolutionary movements and their eventual suppression.
The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte Karl Marx 1852 Essay explores the rise of Louis Bonaparte to power in France in 1851, examining the role of social classes, political factions, and historical circumstances in shaping his ascent to authoritarian rule and the consolidation of the Bonapartist regime
A contribution to the critique of political economy Karl Marx 1859 Book analysis of the economic categories of capitalism, uncovering the underlying mechanisms of exploitation and alienation within the capitalist mode of production. Marx critically examines the capitalist system's internal contradictions and the role of class struggle in shaping socioeconomic relations, laying the groundwork for his later monumental work, "Capital."
The civil war in the United States Karl Marx 1861 detailed analysis of the American Civil War, contextualizing it within the broader framework of global capitalist development and the struggle for emancipation. Marx examines the economic and social forces at play, highlighting the significance of slavery, class conflict, and revolutionary potential in shaping the trajectory of American history during this pivotal period.
Value, price and profit Karl Marx 1865 Book a continuation of Wage labour and capital, Marx continues to elucidate the distinction between labor value and market price, emphasizing the exploitation of labor within capitalist economies. He argues that the discrepancy between the value produced by workers and the wages they receive under capitalism leads to inherent contradictions and the perpetuation of class struggle.
Address of the International Working Men's Association to Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States of America Karl Marx 1865 Letter expresses solidarity with Lincoln and the Union cause during the American Civil War, emphasizing the global significance of the struggle against slavery and oppression
Karl Marx/Capital, vol. I Karl Marx 1867 Book This work analyzes the capitalist mode of production, uncovering its fundamental mechanisms of exploitation and alienation. Marx examines the dynamics of commodity production, labor power, and surplus value.
The civil war in France Karl Marx 1871 Book examination of the Paris Commune of 1871, exploring its revolutionary significance and lessons for future socialist movements.
Capital, vol. II Karl Marx 1885 (posthumous) Book Focusing on the circulation of capital and the process of capitalist reproduction, Marx delves into the complexities of capitalist dynamics, exploring topics such as the circuit of capital, the role of credit and finance, and the tendency of the rate of profit to decline
The poverty of philosophy Karl Marx 1888 Book Marx scrutinizes Proudhon's ideas on economics and socialism. He dismantles Proudhon's arguments, exposing their theoretical inconsistencies and bourgeois apologetics, while advocating for a more rigorous and scientific approach to understanding and transforming society.
Theses on Feuerbach Karl Marx 1888 Philosophical notes An outline of Marx's critique of Feuerbachian materialism and proposing a new approach to understanding and changing the world. Marx emphasizes the need for practical, revolutionary action over mere philosophical contemplation, advocating for the active transformation of society through collective struggle and praxis.
Critique of the Gotha Program Karl Marx 1890 Pamphlet analysis of the German Social Democratic Party's program, scrutinizing its theoretical foundations and practical implications for the socialist movement. Marx critiques the program's reformist tendencies
Capital, vol. III Karl Marx 1894 (posthumous) Book analyzing how surplus value is distributed among different sectors of the economy and how capitalist crises emerge from contradictions within the system
Letter from Marx to his father. November, 1837 Karl Marx 1897
Difference between the Democritean and Epicurean philosophy of nature Karl Marx 1902 Book
Theories of surplus value Karl Marx 1923 Book An examination of the history of economic thought on surplus value, tracing its evolution from classical political economy to contemporary theories. Marx critiques capitalist economists' attempts to justify the exploitation of labor and provides a comprehensive analysis of how surplus value is generated and appropriated within capitalist production relations.
Reflections of a young man on the choice of a profession Karl Marx 1925
Critique of Hegel's philosophy of right Karl Marx 1927 Book Marx highlights Hegel's philosophy's ideological underpinnings and its failure to address the material conditions of society. Marx contends that true freedom and justice can only be achieved through the abolition of the capitalist system and the establishment of a classless society based on collective ownership of the means of production.
Economic and philosophic manuscripts of 1844 Karl Marx 1932 Book an analysis of emerging capitalism's degenerative impact on man's sense of self and his creative potential. What is man's true nature? How did capitalism gain such a foothold on Western society? What is alienation and how does it threaten to undermine the proletariat? Explores the alienating effects of capitalism on human existence, delving into themes of labor, alienation, and human emancipation.
The German ideology Karl Marx 1932 Book critiquing idealist philosophy and laying the foundation for historical materialism. Through a materialist analysis of history, Marx and Engels argue that social consciousness is shaped by material conditions, challenging prevailing philosophical notions and providing a framework for understanding societal change and revolutionary praxis.
The Fragment on Machines Karl Marx 1939-41 explores the role of machinery in capitalist production and its potential implications for social transformation. Marx discusses how technological advancements under capitalism lead to the displacement of labor, highlighting the contradictions inherent in a system that prioritizes profit over human welfare, while also hinting at the possibility of harnessing technology for emancipatory ends in a socialist society.
Grundrisse Karl Marx 1939–41 Manuscripts a collection of notebooks containing preliminary drafts and outlines of Marx's economic theories, providing insights into his development of historical materialism and critique of political economy. Marx explores themes such as alienation, technological change, and the dynamics of capitalist production, offering a rich and complex foundation for his later magnum opus, "Capital."
Marx & Engels Collected Works/Volume 1 Karl Marx 1975 Book


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