
Joined 25 January 2024
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First Set 1. I found out about it from Reddit, about how familiar I am with well familiar and have used it to do some, at the time and past, dogmatic reading on subjects such as China in general and all of its related topics and some about the Imperialist powers such as The United States of America and the West. I now have begun to read about those topics with Socialism with Chinese Characteristics as my guide to understand about them as of this month and year as matter of fact and have begun to discard the book worship lens on such on topics and subjects and have begun seeing them through the Southern Chinese phrase "it doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it's a good cat" with Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought as my guides to interpret that phrase it great detail along with the developments of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics' being further guides for me to interpret that phrase, and what made me want to join Prolewiki, and well it's simple the fact the it is an alternative to the bourgeois Wikipedia and I want to sincerely and honestly want to aid the Proletarian world with this arduous task of build a truly correct wiki without the influences of the bourgeoisie such Wikipedia for example and to show the world that capitalism isn't the way forward, Socialism and eventually Communism is and as to what areas I would be interested on well mostly China as I want to dispel all the phony "Socialist" ( aka incorrect ML) talking "points" and Western Hypocrisy, Misinformation, Lies, Western Fake News about the People's Republic. 2. What current of Marxist thought do I uphold, well it is Marxism-Leninism and the system of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, the former is the synthesis of Marxism developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels who might I add isn't read by the anarchists due to the fact that he doesn't align with their Utopianism and he is the one who coined the term SCIENTIFIC Socialism and Leninism which as developed by, but wasn't named by Vladimir Lenin who brought Marxism up to speed with the capitalist development of Imperialism and developed the theory of the proletarian state and was the founder and might I add the Chinese term baba (Chinese informal term for father) of the country of Soviets and who also did and proved the idea of the proletarian revolution which was also the first in the world, and of course the country of Soviets being the first socialist country in the world which laid the framework for all other such as the People's Republic of China, oh and the synthesis was done by the best student in the country of Soviets of both Joseph Stalin nuff said and now onto Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, it isn't a synthesis, it is an improvement done by and in China of Marxism-Leninism from Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping, Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping on Marxism-Leninism based on the specific conditions of China which its main contradiction in the 1980s was and right now still is to, put it bluntly, build Socialism with a country who had underdeveloped economic forces in their country and the theories are Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, The Important Theory of The Three Represents, Scientific Outlook on Development and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for A New Era. 3. Yes I read them and I agree with them no objections coming from my part personally. 4. For me, gender is a social construct that should be abolished along with everything conservative and capitalist, and Marxists should support the LGBT community and this isn't like capitalist support which only seeks the profits and likely exploitation of LGBT peoples and NOT the peoples interests and needs in a general sense, so yeah that's my stance on an objectively oppressed and misunderstood movement and people and its difference to bourgeois "support". 5. My position on Joseph Stalin is in accordance that the western lies about him have gone too far about the x number people killed and the cult of personality about (which he himself hated) him and the so called "paranoia" and the "totalitarianism" of the country of Soviets which he is accused of having had just gtfo here with those lies and deceits by the freaking West about a sincere and good person and now onto Mao Zedong, look those were sincere and honest intentions about the Great Leap Forward but in execution it , it pains to say this but, it flopped hard and the Gang of Four took advantage of practically a depression and made him do the horrific Cultural Revolution which was totally out of line with Marxism-Leninism and which Deng Xiaoping had to correct with his theory and the Reform and Opening Up policy of the 80s onward and the Gang of Four were the worst human beings, just Gang of Four, GTFO. 6 Look China is Socialist whether those deviants (aka incorrect MLs in the West) have to say and like about it if they would open their own eyes stop with the misunderstandings about China that they have which are about the capitalist roader myth applied to Deng, which was used by the horrible and disgusting Gang of Four who manipulated an unwell Mao after the Great Leap Forward's failure, and the west about the Chinese economy (sometimes most of these points which I raise, except the Deng one. can go to both the capitalists and deviants) the in reality quite small and insignificant "private" sector which sells as much as a supermarket here in my home Costa Rica unless it bourgeois Walmart and PriceSmart, the myth of the sale of stock of SOEs which if sold to non-state actors does nothing to alter to power of the CPC which remains dominant in so called "private" companies which those being for example Tencent, Weibo, Baidu,and Mihoyo which have CPC branches in them and while not having 100% stock the CPC has majority stock and shares (like 60%+ control of the companies) in them and actual SOEs that manage everything that is in the state sector of the economy such as industry, manufacturing, telecommunications, Healthcare, Infrastructure, Defense, Transportation, etc. etc. such as Norinco (100% CPC) remain well within the hands of the Central People's Government and Communist Party of China's control and that China has given Socialism and picked up capitalism, and to that I say bull shit because what has indeed been altered is the method to form around the Chinese historical, economic, and cultural reality, but its fundamental character has indeed remained Socialist in nature by for example of the Anit-Corruption Campaign of Xi himself which was done in order to regain faith and trust in the CPC by the people which was lost in the 90s and 2000s and it was to regain the socialist and Marxist-Leninist character which was stipulated in Deng's Four Cardinal Principles which were: Uphold the Socialist path, Uphold the people's democratic dictatorship, Uphold the Leadership of The Communist Party of China, and Uphold MARXISM-LENINISM AND MAO ZEDONG THOUGHT, so to these "people" (the deviants) negating the PRC's Socialist and Marxist-Leninist character, they are absolutely being thick skulked dogmatists who do nothing with their theory they "read" supposedly every day and that they supposedly "apply" as well every day, so yeah as you may be able to tell I am very focused on and fond of China specifically as I dislike and hate the whole of the misconceptions by these deviants and the West, about Vietnam and Laos, they have applied something very similar to China while being distinct and Marxist-Leninist about it, Cuba of course can't deny unless its some weirdo out there who is a nihilist of a western kind, and People's Korea is Socialist and Marxist-Leninist but it should use its Juche to make its people reach new economic heights instead of spending its ideological value on its quite expensive and unnecessary (as it doesn't help and make better its people's livelihood and well-being apart from defense) Nuclear Program. 7. Settler-Colonialism is a type of colonialism that a foreign ethnicity should colonize the land of an indigenous people and through population births do a genocide of that indigenous people through that system of veiled ethnic cleansing and there were historically such as the early US but the current most prominent is the State of Israel with its annexations and settlements and mow during the ethnonationalist Netanyahu's times as PM of the Zionist State which is the world's only ethnostate backed by US Imperialism. 8. First I was being blinded by the propaganda of the West for a long time but by now I see through the lies about Palestine, I believe it should be free from (the Zionazis to from) the river to the sea and that under a secular government like Fatah I believe Palestine should lead as a fully independent state and about October 7, short and simple, a prelude to a genocide such as what happened in the late 1930s in Nazi Germany against the Jews of Europe, and oh the sides, the West and Israel are evil and the East while not fully arm to arm with each other is far better than the West and Isn'rael IMO. Second Set 1. It is the Marxist-Leninist study of the laws of the world, its sciences, its relations, its modes and states through the methods of scientific socialism but by also historical materialism as it tries to understand to relations of production, modes of production, laws of social society, labor, production, capital, laws of how societies change their modes of production and their relations of production, how each social class interacts with, and if it's antagonistic, exploits other classes and how each epoch is distinct from the last by how the classes interact within each system of production and the states which the present to the table. 2. My thoughts on National liberation are as follows: first yes even though they wont likely be Socialist in nature they are worth supporting IMO, Second the why is simple: Imperialism straggle hold on that particular nation, Third those nations deserve to be free from Western exploitation because either experience or settler-colonialism such as Palestine, and finally Fourth those nations are natural allies of Socialist nations such as PRC, SRV, Laos, DPRK and Rep. of Cuba. 3. Well not read per se by watching hints of it through vids and briefly through reading snippets and well what is my perspective on it is quite positive as it returns the lost theory per se of feminism with a unique Marxist lens that truly seeks the emancipation of women unlike bourgeois Feminism which like any other bourgeois thing seeks only profits and exploitation. 7. Imperialism or Moribund Capitalism is the highest stage of capitalism which seeks a worldwide monopoly and markets through the exploitation of all peoples and extraction of resources worldwide which only one or more nations dominate all markets and peoples through unlawful and cruel methods and with gain for only the Imperialists. 8. Yes I have read some books and they are: Principle of Communism by Engels which is, and the why I like it, a FAQ of the Manifesto, Foundations of Leninism by Stalin and I like it because it talks about Leninism and it's background and how truly, from the bottom of my sincere and honest heart, revolutionary it was as a breakthrough against the dogmas of the Second International and another by Comrade Stalin, Dialectical and Historical Materialism and why do I like because it serves as a guide in understand how societies are, changed, and interact within themselves and outside with others and finally Introduction to Political Economy by the Economics Studies Department of The Moscow State University of The USSR which explains how capital has worked throughout the times, places and circumstances which is why I like it and the Manifesto and I feel like I shouldn't be the one to even why I like, we all should. Optionals 1. It is good for me personally and objectively, no, seriously not one gripe. 2. while I have familiarity it mostly comes from untested knowledge about MediaWiki and programming langs(mostly JS).