
32 editsJoined 27 June 2023
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1. Discord (a server called Pravda posting your twitter posts)

2. Marxist-Leninist. I was a Bernie supporter in 2016 and came to radical politics during the pandemic closures. I was stuck at home and found myself going through a pipeline from progressivism to anarcho-communism, then maoism, then Marxism-Leninism. The more theory I read, the more Leninist I got.

3. Yes. I recognize the same AES projects, the same anti-imperialist governments, and wholeheartedly agree with the anti-oppression principles. I want to be a part of the ProleWiki goals as well. I've been participating in online leftist activity for a few years now and have made lengthy contributions on reddit (r/MoreTankieChapo, r/GenZedong, etc). After those subs were banned, I found myself in more and more marginalized spaces, in refuges like the TankieBunker and GenZedong discord servers, but recently I've grown disenchanted with these communities.

4. Gender is a social construct arising from productive/reproductive relations. Bioessentialism must be rejected without reservation, there is no "essential truth" to how gender "should" be experienced or presented. Let comrades be themselves, and make protection of gender non-conforming people one of your primary goals for any revolutionary project.

5. Stalin and Mao are more nuanced figures than they are presented, both in the western anti-communist presentations of "history" and in the unreservedly supportive accounts of their lives, such as those of Grover Furr. I take the Domenico Losurdo line on Stalin, and align pretty closely with the modern CPC line on Mao (maybe with a bit more consideration for the subjectivity of rural workers who to this day have tons of nostalgia for the Mao era)-- these men were capable captains of their respective socialist project, but of course I wouldn't say they "did nothing wrong" (except maybe as a meme to meet the dominant Red Scare narratives).

6. These are the modern AES projects. Actually Existing Socialism. Each one deserves my unreserved support, proportional to the condemnation each of these states receives from the government I live underneath.


1. First off, nothing exists except matter and motion (Lenin, *Materialism and Empirio-Criticism*). This is the materialist worldview, wherein all phenomena are explained from physically observable objects and forces. Secondly, everything is constantly in motion and infinitely interconnected. Various interconnections between forces/objects are the driving factors in their changes over time (for example, the internal relations of an embryo and endosperm, combined with external factors like temperature, drive the change in an egg over the course of its development into a baby chick).

2. Philosophy, historical materialism.

3. National liberation is still an important process in the context of 21st century imperialism. The injustices of settler-colonialism on the "western" continents, and the global maldevelopment resulting from neoliberalism, must be addressed and redressed to the best of our revolutionary abilities. National liberation takes precedence even over the development of socialism (although, as Fanon notes in *Wretched of the Earth*, a decolonial project without socialist orientation is vulnerable to neocolonial extraction and continued maldevelopment). The land must be given to the colonized, and the colonized must be in the leadership of any revolutionary project on this land.

4. I've read "The Social Basis of the Woman Question" by Kollontai. Revolutionary socialism is the only way to redress gender/sexual oppression, but a revolutionary project must also make such priorities explicit and at the forefront of their organizing.

6. In the United States, I would say the primary objectives for a revolutionary movement would be protection of marginalized comrades (resistance against rising anti-trans action, for example), national liberation for the colonized, and anti-imperialism to counter US global hegemony.

8. Genocide. "From the river to the sea, Palestine MUST be free"