
Joined 5 November 2022
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-Google search -Marxism-Leninism, long path from vaguely left-leaning person as a teenager who was anti-war, until my final step towards radicalization with the epifany of reformism's fecklessness november 2016. -Yes, the only thing I disagree with is that the PRC themselves do not claim to hold a DotP, but instead have a PDD, People's Democratic Dictatorship.

-I believe China was building socialism but it no longer is. The reason I believe this is because I went and pulled the economic data the PRC publishes itself. The data shows consistent growth amongst private industry, and a consistent shrinking of unionization rates for decades. It is neither socialism or capitalism, but something which is transitional from socialism to capitalism. The result of this process depends on the actions of the party. The party however seems to treat class struggle as taboo, and since class struggle goes on if you acknowledge it or not, the capitalists continue to make gains in the sphere of competition with the proletariat. Given this information, without a radical change in party line, the purging of all bourgeois elements, the PRC will eventually see a complete counter-revolution.

-Joseph Stalin was a disciple of Lenin who developed the socialist economy in the USSR using Marxism-Leninism and saved the USSR from fascist conquest in WW2, as well as the entire world from fascist domination. While we can look back now and wish for things in certain areas to go better, he made the correct decision a majority of the time and is a great role model to learn from as a Marxist-Leninist. -Gender is material, in the way that DNA determines who our minds and bodies develop, there are a large amount of "switches" (to put it crudely perhaps) which determine how this development will progress. These switches have effects on not only 1 single aspect of an organism, but on the other attributes defined by other switches as well. Through this it can easily be understood that sex is definitely not binary and not based solely on X and Y chromosomes. Past that, we can also find that between genetics and environment, that the way we think is going to also not fit into a binary categorization. The varied ways in which we think based on this development, determines what we call gender. I am not a geneticist so I may be making some errors here, but I think I've got the general idea down. In any case, there is a materialist scientific basis for variations in gender, and the only way it can be considered bourgeois is in how the bourgeoisie manipulate all cultural differences for their own benefit.