Comrade:FRSO Ginger Caucus

4 editsJoined 17 February 2023
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1. Where did you find ProleWiki? Just googled around for more obscure communist groups and found this website, been wanting something like this as a resource for awhile when explaining *the lore* behind the group I'm in because it requires a flow chart.

2. What current of Marxist thought do you uphold? Describe as thoroughly as needed your path towards your current political perspective. I'm a principled Marxist-Leninist, I'm also influenced by Mao Tse Tung Thought as is the group I'm a part of, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. I don't go against the line of the organization publicly in any way.

3. Have you read our principles? Comment your agreements or objections to our principles Yes! I honestly really dig them, I especially appreciated the combination of principled anti-imperialism with anti-chauvinism being clearly enunciated alongside it. Too many groups, especially online, will embrace "anti-imperialism" alongside extreme national chauvinism and right opportunism on the national question. My only quibble would be that Russia is an emerging imperialist power, just one that is in opposition to the United States, so communists in the US should still hope for their victory against our ruling class while being sober in our analysis of Russia as an imperialist power.

4. What is your understanding of gender? Should Marxists support the LGBT community? I think gender is rooted in the earliest division of labor, it's not biological or immutable or unchanging. Anti-trans bigotry is rooted in an idealist view of gender and a bourgeois outlook, one that embraces the ruling class ideology on gender. The need to regulate the reproduction of labor stands at the material root of the capitalist attacks on LGBTQ rights.

Optional questions 4. What subjects or topics you would like to contribute in ProleWiki? I have a pretty encyclopedic knowledge of the new communist movement in the United States and could help expand that as well as specific Chicago area communist history.

7. What are your thoughts on national liberation and the concept of land back? I'm not a supporter of the settler-colonial theory for the modern US, I believe the US is a prison house of nations and that returning indigenous land is the first step in nation building for the indigenous nations but that the slogan land back has taken on some ultra-left connotations with the J. Sakai influenced section of the left. I think that the black belt nation, aztlan and hawaii all have the right to self determination as well, up to and including separation and that the national question in the US should be central to our strategy for revolution. That said I think the American proletariat has real revolutionary potential and in alliance with the oppressed nations within the US can build socialism.

10. What in your opinion is the most pressing matter for communists in your country?

National liberation and anti-imperialism, two sides of the same coin and embodied in the struggle against monopoly capitalism in the US.