
Joined 6 July 2023
Revision as of 11:18, 6 July 2023 by CriticalResist (talk | contribs) (Creating user page for new user.)
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Sorry for my first submission, formating on my tablet device cut out the first part of the page and I didn't see the primary verification :(


1. I found the prole wiki while browsing through lemmygrad

2. I consider myself to be a Communist, Marxist-Leninist with Titoist leanings. Throughout my education I read 2400+ books, from scientific work to novels. I speak Serbo-Croatian, German, English, Latin and Russian. I am a software developer for more than 15 years. My marxist path started in my family. My grandfather was a Yugoslav partisan in WW2, In the 1. Proleteriate division and later in the 15.Muslim brigade of the Jugoslav liberation front. After the war, he was an active member of the SKJ, as was my father. I was presented with Marxism at a very young age. Later through life I participated in many communist organisations.

3. I have no real objections to your principles. I mostly agree with the statements and the ideology as it coincides with my views. As my upbringing and later developement was vehemently anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist and marxist leninist, you have my full support on 99% of questions.

4. As I also studied Medicine at the University of Sarajevo in my youth, and as a marxist my stance on gender and sex is clear. As a marxist, every human is equal, gender is a social construct that changes over time and that is really a projection of ourselves to society. I think that marxists should support any group that fights for liberation of basic human rights, in this case the right to love anyone, anywhere, to express yourself in anyway you find comforting.

5. My country Yugoslavia, was built with a strong hand and leadership of one man. He held the county together in thin and thick, eradicated radical nationalistic elements, destroyed secessionist movements etc. Stalin and Mao were examples of similar revolutionary moments in history. The roles that they played in the development and survival of their respectable countries were immense. The industrial revolution under Stalin in the Union and later survival during an apocalyptic war were his greatest practical feats. Ideologically he was always underrated, compared to Lenin. Mao was another revolutionary figure that pulled millions out of serfdom and tyrannical centuries of monarchy.

6.Yes, I believe all of them are Socialist, on their own terms and way. Their socialist development and struggles have largely to do with the world capitalist monopoly doing everything to destroy their attempts of Socialism and Communism. The Capitalist imperialists sadly succeeded in my country for example. I mostly respect China, Cuba and Vietnam, because I know the most about them. DPRK is the main focus of western propaganda, so it's not that easy to come to real information about the lives in that county. I have a few friends that live in China, that have connections to the DPRK, and I base my, admittedly limited knowledge, on their point of view.


1. Dialectical materialism, based upon the writings of Marx and Engels is an economic and socioeconomic philosophy that bases itself on scientific materialism as the epistemiological standpoint and on the dialectical analysis as a solution to the problem of overall logic. The dialectical part is quite different from hegelian dialectics, as they were inherently idealistic.

2. Mostly subjects about Socialist Yugoslavia, communism and Marxism-Leninism in Yugoslavia, as I lived and still live there.

4.I as a communist belive that all people are equal, that only class differentiate us. Feminism is an inherently marxist ideology. Enlightenment and emancipation of women equals enlightenment and emancipation of all humans. Woman have largely been opressed throughout the economic and social history of the world. They have mostly been opressed through the class opression of the proleteriate, but they were also opressed in other classes, just because they are women.

6.Education in my country (Bosnia and Herzegovina) is non-existent, so Marxism-Leninism, Titoism or other socialist views are never taught in school anymore. During SFR Yugoslavia Marxism was taught in school, so most communists are older and their ideological views are distorted by the Yugoslav wars and nationalism (that is the main ideology in Bosnia nowdays) and fascism. Most of the older communists view communism through Titoist ideology and they are stuck in the 1980s. The most pressing matter is rejuvenating our movement.

7.Marxism is a scientific view of society and economy. The historical materialism of Marx is also a scientific axiom of history and society. Other anti-capitalist movements are just anti-capitalist reactionary, negating capitalism for the sake of it, not based on science and reason, no dialectical logic.