
Joined 31 January 2024
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1. Through the Q&A held on the Deprogram Sub, somewhat, Looking through the various articles on early Statesian socialist I find that many of them are either very surface level ,i.e.: the article on Eugene V Debs which mistakenly refers to him as a DemSoc,; lacking in material, i.e.: the article on William Z Foster; or simply nonexistent, i.e.: articles on the TEUL, the various foreign language federations, or early newspapers such as The Revolutionary Age. I wish to help change this.

2. Marxism-Leninism, I came to it after studying the history of the USSR and other AES in a more critical lense than was taught in my American History classes.

3 I have and I agree with them.

4 Be Gay, do crime, destroy Capitalism.

5 Great leaders albeit with their own faults, and integral to the history and development of a working class ideology. Mao's foreign policy, however, was god-awful in several cases.

6 Complicated countries with their own successes and flaws, such as the PRC's lack of support for emerging socialist movements , like in the Philippines, which have still massively increased the living standard of their citizens and provided an admirable example for all future socialist movements.

7 A form of colonialism in which not only are a countries resources are exploited but the native peoples themselves are removed to allow for the colonizing people to expand their reach and population, in effect eradicating the people and cultures they supplanted, such aa in the US/Canada or Israel. These countries current regimes should be toppled and the indigenous people should be given full self-determination.

8. Israel has attempted for the last 80 years to eradicate the Palestinians and their culture and as such Israel has only itself to blame. The groups resisting the IDF should be critically supported and although some of these groups may hold reactionary beliefs, if one wishes for a perfectly ideologically pure liberation struggle to emerge such a thing will never happen.

Second group

1.A system by which both the successes and failures of previous socialist movements are analyzed and learned from, see what works and what doesn't to improve upon our current ideology.

5. In my country, the US, the largest struggle currently is against Ultras and right opportunists, while so-called socialist beliefs are becoming more accepted among younger generations, in many cases these "socialists" would clearly prefer a more equitable distribution of the spoils of imperialism than real Revolutionary change. Along with many still clinging on to reactionary perspectives on AES.

6. Other movements offer critiques, Marxism offers solutions.

7. The highest stage of capitalism. in which monopoly capitalism is enforced on a country to allow for the countries wealth to be exploited for the benefit of the colonizer rather than the countries native peoples.

8. I own a copy of the selected works of Ho Chi Minh which provides a in person look at the various evils of Imperialism and particularly that of the French in Indochina. I have also read State and Revolution by Lenin of which what stood out to me the most was the idea which Lenin describes in it that the states purpose is to serve as a means by which the ruling class oppress the others, in Capitalism the Bourgeoisie oppress the Proles and in socialism it is vice versa.