Organization of American States

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Revision as of 02:21, 19 November 2020 by CriticalResist (talk | contribs) (moved the date of foundation to the first paragraph for ease of reading.)

The Organisation of American States, or OAS, is an international organisation founded in April 1948 by the U.S.A. for the benefit of their imperialism on the American continent.

The OAS was instrumental in the 2019 reactionary coup in Bolivia as well as the attempted coup in Venezuela in early 2019. The conveniently found irregularities during the count, from policies that they require members to adopt (such as the inaccurate early count), and used this in both cases as justification to push for their preferred candidate to seize power and instantly recognize them as the legitimate president. Famously in Venezuela's case, the USA recognized Juan Guaidó mere hours after he claimed that he was allowed to become interim president.

After the 1959 Cuban revolution, and as it became clear that Castro would not bow down to US interests like his predecessors, Cuba was exclude as a member from the OAS.