Topic on ProleWiki:Hub

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I am in full rejection of this dogmatic enforcement of your opportunist understanding of Socialism, this is clearly your malicious and underhanded way of seeking to purge Anti-revisionists such as myself from Prolewiki.

It is one thing to revise the clear and scientifically-determined definition of Socialism, it is something else entirely to actively conspire to purge anybody who does not hold your Revisionist views. Saying things like we are "abandoning" "socialist countries" is nonsense, as first you will have to prove that China even is a Socialist country, which has yet to be done, it would seem. China abandoned Marxism and Socialism half a century ago, that is very clear, as such, it is not "abandoning" something when that country has abandoned your cause.

"[...]for nonsense like "china is imperialist." And other anti-communist thought against the various AES societies."

Really? If that is so clear to the point where you, in your condescending tone, call it "nonsense", how about you prove it; Prove that China does not have the largest banking sector on the planet, prove that it does not have the largest valued trade with Africa, prove that it does not engage in loan and debt traps. "Anti-communist thought"? The only thing that is Anti-communist here is China itself, for clear reasons that I have already stated in other discussions.

"The above Title name is a rejection of one of our guiding sources of current Marxism-Leninism praxis and political theory."

I am sorry, but at what page in the Foundations of Leninism did it say "Let's have our Socialist State bail out wall street, have the largest amont of billionaires in the world, and enshrine Private Ownership into law!". Think what you want about China, but it is not a part of Marxism-Leninism to mindlessly defend Capitalist states simply because they still have a red flag.

"I would prefer, due to their successes, especially against COVID-19, that we not tolerate dissent against the 5 flowers."

Total nonsense. So just because China does somethings better than the USA means that we should purge anybody who does not brainlessly defend China like you? What do you think Anti-revisionists think about China? If you did any study of our ideas, you would know that we are not mindlessly critical of China, we understand that it is better than the USA in many ways.

"This piece was written with China in mind,but could substitute another country where appropriate. For example, at present time of writing, the above 5 flowers or Bolivia or the pink wave. All are traveling the path of Marxism-leninism or making progress in the direction. Especially in anti-imperialist progress, aka the ability to resist USA/Capital bullying."

Capitalism is regressive everywhere where it exists at this point in historical development, including China. By supporting Chinese Capitalism, you are therefore a regressive force, as you are supporting a regressive economic system.