Topic on Talk:Communist Party of Peru – Shining Path

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After recently investigating the topic of the Peruvian Communist Party (Shining Path), I have encountered a number of sources (shown below) which make a plethora of assertions concerning the Protracted People's War in Peru, which, in short, attempt to negate the degree of war crimes and mass-killings that were, before, commonly suspected to have been performed by Maoist militants, and otherwise revise the understanding of Abimael Guzmán's ("Chairman Gonzalo") malicious actions during that time.

I certainly would not consider myself to have any inclinations to support the party line of the Communist Party of Peru. However, in the interests of reasonable skepticism, I believe that we should consider these sources. Lastly, I question the usage of the label "terrorist" when describing Communist parties. "Terrorism" commonly implies some sort of Anti-worker, destructive, and otherwise weak ideological foundation, or a pre-planned usage of terror and killings. While the Peruvian Communist Party was not of a particularly valid line, they were still Marxists, and they still claimed to be fighting for Socialism and the betterment of the working class. Certainly, many of their actions were terroristic, but we should not label the entire organization a "terrorist organization".

Lastly, I would like to metion this article was created almost entirely by a Patriotic Socialist, AmericanBaath, who has been banned. Patsocs, often disliking Maoists, have a bias against the PCP.
