Indentured servitude

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Indentured servitude is a form of unpaid labor that is similar to slavery but lasts for a set period of time instead of for life. In practice, many indentured servants died before their term of servitude ended.[1] After the British Empire abolished chattel slavery, it replaced African slavery with indentured servitude of Indians. Between the 1830s and 1910s, 20 million people left India, mostly as indentured servants.[2]


  1. Domenico Losurdo (2011). Liberalism: A Counter-History: 'White Servants' (p. 81). [PDF] Verso. ISBN 9781844676934 [LG]
  2. Domenico Losurdo (2011). Liberalism: A Counter-History: 'The West and the Barbarians' (p. 223). [PDF] Verso. ISBN 9781844676934 [LG]