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Editing Comrade:Connolly1916

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Line 1: Line 1:
Meinhof konkret articles:
Bernadette Devlin speech
Vol 1 RAF Complete works:
Vol 2 RAF:
Secret Army Documentary
== Library works without links ==
== Library works without links ==
[[Library:The Brazilian crisis|]]
[[Library:The Brazilian crisis|]]
Line 164: Line 135:
Not a source but a movie to get background on the Red Army Faction an awful movie it turns out! Maybe I could write something on that somewhere idk.
interview to add<nowiki/>

=== To find library works ===
=== To find library works ===
== To write about ==
[[Irish Republican Socialist Party]]/[[Irish National Liberation Army]]<blockquote>[[Seamus Costello]]
[[Miriam Daly]]<nowiki/>
[[Ronnie Bunting]]</blockquote>
[[Red Army Faction]]<blockquote>[[Ulrike Meinhof]]
Ukrike Meinhof by Jutta Ditfurth if I can find it
[[Andreas Baader]]
[[Gudrun Ensslin]]</blockquote>
[[Japanese Red Army]]
[[Victor Jara]]
[[Violeta Para]]
[[Provisional Irish Republican Army]]<blockquote>[[Bobby Sands]]
[[Dolours Price]]
[[Francis Hughes]] </blockquote>
[[Republican Sinn Fein]]/[[Continuity Irish Republican Army]]<blockquote>[[Ruairí Ó Brádaigh]]
[[Dáithí Ó Conaill]]</blockquote>
[[Sean Macbride]]
[[Roger Casement]]
[[Bernadette Devlin]]
[[Bernadette Sands McKevitt|Bernadette Sands McKevit]]<nowiki/>t
[[Leila Khaled]]
[[George Habash]]
[[Wadie Haddad]]
[[Roshonara Choudhry]]<nowiki/><nowiki/> not really about her but still<nowiki/> daily mail 🤮 and very sensationalized
[[Elliot Barkley]]/[[Attica Prison Uprising]]<nowiki/><nowiki/><nowiki/>
A Time To Die by Tom Wicker if I can find it online
[[Weather Underground]]
[[Symbionese Liberation Army]]
== the Troubles notes ==
The Troubles by Tim Pat Coogan
text of speeches and other things related
=== For organizations ===
Marie and Noel Murray might be worth bringing up-imprisoned in the Republic of Ireland for bank robbery, political activist, republicans etc. background Wolfe Tone add to library
RSF documentary:
Fianna Eireann:
RSF Newspaper Back Catalogue:
for infighting among paramilitaries
INLA-Deadly Divisions if I can find it
Secret Army documentary, filmed 1970s, lost until recently, on BBC, probably elsewhere.
RIRA-Black Operations : The Secret War Against the Real Ira
== A bibliography I found of works related to Ireland and Socialism ==
copying text of bibliography in case the text is removed for some reason
Bayley, J. and Boehringer, K. Struggle in Ireland, 1968-73: Irish class forces and British imperialism. London: Nor
One Press, 1976.
Bew, Paul; Gibbon, Peter and Patterson, Henry. The state in Northern Ireland, 1921-72: political forces and s
classes. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1979. pp. 231.
118 SAOTHAR 11
Bird, Charlie. 'Directory of the left'. Hibernia 36 (13), 1972, pp. 14-15.
British and Irish Communist Organisation. Communism in Ireland. Belfast: the Organisation, 19
Carasso, Jean-Pierre. La rumeur irlandaise. Paris: Champ Libre, 1970. pp. 291.
Connolly O'Brien, Nora. We shall rise again. London: Mosquito Press, 1981. pp. 121.
Cruise O'Brien, Conor. States of Ireland. London: Hutchinson, 1972. pp. 336.
De Paor, Liam. Divided Ulster. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1970. pp. 208.
Deutsch, Richard and Magowan, Vivien. Northern Ireland, 1968-74: a chronology of events.
Press, 1973-5. 3 vols.
Ellis, P. Berresford. A history of the Irish working class. London: Gollancz, 1972 pp.352.
Farrell, Michael. Northern Ireland: the Orange state. 2nd rev. ed. London: Pluto Press, 1980. pp.
Greaves, C. Desmond. The Irish Crisis. London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1972. pp. 222.
Hastings, Max. Ulster 1969: the fight for civil rights in Northern Ireland. London: Gollancz, 1970
in New York as Barricades in Belfast).
Heatley, Fred. 'NICRA'. Fortnight80-84, 1974.
Irish Freedom Movement. An anti-imperialist's guide to the Irish war. London: Junius Publicatio
Kelley, Kevin. The longest war: Northern Ireland and the IRA. Dingle; Brandon, 1982. pp.366.
McCann, Eamonn. War andan Irish town. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1974. pp. 256.
McCann, Eamonn. War and an Irish town. New updated ed. London; Pluto Press, 1980. pp
relevant material from the first edition).
Mills, Stratton and Bailie, Robin. The manipulators: the revolutionaries strategy for an explosio
Ulster Unionist Party, 1969. pp. 8.
Milotte, Mike. Communism in modern Ireland: the pursuit of the workers' republic since 19
Macmillan, 1984. pp. 326.
Morgan, Austen and Purdie, Bob, editors. Ireland: divided nation, divided class. London: Ink Link
Munck, Ronald. 'Marxism and Northern Ireland'. Review of Radical Political Economics 13 (3)
Northern Ireland Governor. Disturbances in Northern Ireland: report of the Commission appoint
of Northern Ireland. Belfast: HMSO, 1969. (Cmd. 532.), pp. 124.
O'Connor, Ulick, editor. Irish Liberation. New York: Grove Press, 1975. pp. 255.
Pettit, Philip, editor. The gentle revolution: crisis in the universities. Dublin: Sceptre Books, 19
Purdie, Bob, Ireland Unfree. London: IMG Publications, 1972. pp. 68.
Quigley, Joseph, 'La gauche revolutionnaire en Irelande aujourd'hui'. Les Temps Modern
Reed, David. Ireland: the key to the British revolution. London: Larkin Publications, 1984. pp. 436.
Riddell, Patrick. Fire over Ulster. London: Hamilton, 1970. pp. 208.
Smyth, Clifford. Ulster assailed. Belfast: the author, 1971. pp. 36.
Sunday Times. Insight Team. Ulster. Rev. ed. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1972. pp. 320.
Target, G. W. Unholy smoke. London: Hodder& Stoughton, 1969. pp. 127.
Wallace, Martin. Drums and guns: revolution in Ulster. London: G. Chapman, 1970. pp. 144.
2. Archives and Collections
No library possesses anything approaching a comprehensive collection. Three libraries' collections are of
importance (though not comprehensive even when combined): the National Library of Ireland, Trinity C
Library, Dublin, and the Linen Hall Library, Belfast. Most of the latter's collection for the period 1968 to 19
been reproduced on microfiches as Northern Ireland political literature, (Dublin: Irish Microforms, 1974-6).
The microfilm collection Irish political and radical newspapers of the 20th century, (Dublin: Irish Micr
1978), covers the period to 1941 and is largely based on the collection of the National Library of Ireland,
special and manuscript collections also contain material of interest.
A substantial number of Irish publications and emphemera are included in the microform publication The
Britain, (Hassocks: Harvester Press, 1976-).
The Irish Labour History Society Archive also includes material of interest, (see reports in Saothar 5, 1979
84-7; Saothar 6, 1980, pp. 90-3; Saothar 7, 1981, pp. 96-100; Saothar 8, 1982, pp. 86-7; Saothar 9, 1983, pp. 108
Saothar 10, 1984, pp. 104-6).
The incomplete character of all these resources needs to be emphasised. It is to be hoped that those who po
private collections — even of the smallest size—will bear in mind that they may well be holding un ique items
offer them in the future to institutions such as those mentioned.
3. Bibliographies
Deutsch, Richard R. Northern Ireland, 1921-1974: a select bibliography. New York: Garland, 1975. pp. 142.
Gracey, J. W. and Howard, P. 'Northern Ireland political literature, 1968-1970: a catalogue of the collection in the
Linen Hall Library.' Irish Booklore, 1 (1), 1971, pp. 44-82.
Harrison, Royden, Woolven, Gillian B. and Duncan, Robert, The Warwick guide to British labour periodicals,
1790-1970: a check list. London: Harvester, 1977. pp. 685.
Hill, lari J. 'Pamphletsgalore'. Fortnights, 1970, pp. 13-14.
Howard, Paula. Irish sectarian periodicals. Brighton: Smoothie Publications, 1973. pp. 9.
Howard, Paula. 'The paper war'. Fortnight 75-79, 1974.
The left in Britain . . . 1(X)4I1972—. Hassocks: Harvester Press, 1976
Rolston, Bill et al, compilers. A social science bibliography of Northern Ireland, 1945-1983: mate
1945 relating to Northern Ireland since 1921. Belfast: Queen's University, 1983. pp.270
Rose, Richard. 'Ulster politics: a select bibliography of political discord'. Political Studies 20, 1972
Smith, Gerry. 'Recent disturbances in Northern Ireland: some documentary sources'. Journal of
1970, pp. 190-195.
4. Broad Periodicals
1934-35 Irish Citizen Army Bulletin (Irish Citizen Army).
1935 Army Council Bulletin (Irish Citizen Army).
1937 Irish Democrat (Communist Party of Ireland, North of Ireland Socialist Party and Republican Con
1968-69 Grille: the Irish Christian Left. Dublin.
1968-70 Socialist Comment (Universities Branch, later UCD Branch, Labour Party).
1969 Barricades Bulletin (Radio Free Belfast in conjunction with the Belfast Citizens' Defence Commit
1969 Citizen Press (Citizens' Defence Committee).
1969 Confrontation (Students for Democratic Action).
1969 Detonator (Belfast Branch, Revolutionary Socialist Students' Federation).
1970 Labour Action (Socialist Labour Action Group).
1970-71 Socialist Monthly (Left Wing Members of the NILP).
1971 Barricade Bulletin (Socialist Resistance Group).
1971 Cork News (Cork Branch, Socialist Labour Alliance).
1971 Left (Omagh Young Socialist Club).
1971 Quod (Movement for Democratic Socialism).
1971 The Socialist (Left Wing Members of the NILP).
1971 Socialist Labour Alliance News (Socialist Labour Alliance).
1975-81 The Bottom Dog: the working class paper of North Munster. Limerick.
1975 Socialist Bulletin (Queen's University Labour Club).
1976-78 Socialist Quarterly (Left Liaison Committee and Irish Marxist Society, later no organisation). Dub
1977-78 Workers Research Unit Bulletin. Belfast.
1978 Belfast Bulletin. Belfast.
1978 Belfast Workers' Research Bulletin. Belfast.
1978-79 Grass Roots (Artane Branch, Socialist Labour Party).
1978 Labour News (Fingías Branch, Socialist Labour Party).
1978-80 Socialist Labour (Socialist Labour Party).
1979 Shannon Socialist (Shannon Branch, Socialist Labour Party).
1981 The Spark (Wexford, Waterford and Dungarvan Branches, Socialist Labour Party).
1982-83 Gralton: an Irish Socialist review. Dublin.
Other Primary Material
1944 Vanguard. Manifesto of the vanguard, the Irish socialist republican movement, to the people of Ireland. Dublin:
P. Cowan, pp.6.
1968 Derry Labour Party. Labour and the civil rights campaign in Derry: an outline survey of the progress of the civil
rights campaign in Derry. Derry: the Party.
1968 Students for Democratic Action. Towards a democratic way of life? Dublin: SDA.
1971 Feeney, John. 'What socialism means to me'. Christus Rex 25 (2), pp. 67-77.
1971 Socialist Labour Alliance. Cork Branch. Why we are leaving the SLA. Cork: the Branch, p. 7.
Secondary Material
Gallagher, Michael. The Irish Labour Party in transition, 1957-82. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1982.
5. Left Republican Tradition Periodicals
1934-37 Irish Front (London Branch, Republican Congress).
1934-36 Republican Congress (Republican Congress).
19617-64? The Irish Worker (Irish Workers' Union).
1965-67 An Phoblacht (Cork Communist Organisation).
1968-69 People's Voice (Saor Eire).
1971-73 Cork Worker (Cork Communist Organisation).
1975- The Starry Plough (Irish Republican Socialist Party).
1979 Underdog (Dublin City Centre Cumann, Irish Republican Socialist Party).
120 SAOTHAR 11
1980- Saoirse (Irish Republican Socialist Party).
1981?- Hunger Strike Bulletin (Irish Republican Socialist Party).
1983 The Dublin Worker (Dublin Comhairle Ceanntair, Irish Republican Socialist Party).
1983- Ireland's War (Glasgow Irish Freedom Action Committee).
1984?- The 7 Stars (Derry Irish Republican Socialist Party).
Other Primary Material
1961? Irish Workers's Union. Manifesto of the Irish Workers' Union. London: the Union, pp. 5.
1974 Gilmore, George. The Irish Republican Congress. 2nd ed. Cork: Cork Workers' Club. pp. 27
1975 Irish Republican Socialist Party. Boycott the Convention elections: organise for national lib
socialist republic: our alternative. Dublin: the Party.
1977 Kildare 6 Defence Committee. A state conspiracy: IRSP and the 'Great' Train Robbery Frame-
Committee, pp. 14.
1980 MacEoin, Uinseann, compiler. Survivors: the story of Ireland's struggle as told through
outstanding living people . . . Dublin: Argenta, pp. 466.
1982 Seamus Costello Memorial Committee. Seamus Costello, 1939-1977: Irish Republican Socialist
Committee, pp. 76.
Secondary Material
Communist Party of Ireland: outline history. Dublin: New Books Publications, 1975. pp. 64. Contains
Republican Congress.
Coogan, Tim Pat. The I. R. A. Rev. and expanded ed. London: Fontana, 1980. pp. 620. Contains material
National Liberation Army.
Cronin, Sean. Frank Ryan: the search for the Republic. Dublin: Repsol Publishing, 1980. pp. 284.
Dunne, Derek and Kerrigan, Gene. Round up the usual suspects: Nicky Kelly & the Cosgrave Coa
Magill, 1984. pp. 272.
Gilmore, George. The Republican Congress, 1934. Dublin: Dochas Co-op. Society, 1968. pp. 64.
Hogan, James. Could Ireland become Communist? the facts of the case. Dublin: s.n., 1935. pp. 138.
Irish Communist Organisation. The Irish Republican Congress. 2nd extended ed. London: the Orga
pp. 40.
Mclnerney, Michael. Peadar O'Donnell: Irish social rebel. Dublin: O'Brien Press, 1974. pp. 254.
Sheilds, J. 'The Republican Congress and Ireland's fight'. Labour Monthly 16 (11), 1934, pp. 686-691.
Ward, Margaret. Unmanageable revolutionaries: women and Irish nationalism. London: Pluto Press, 1983. pp. 296.
6. Trotskyist Tradition
1945'M7? Workers'Republic (Revolutionary Socialist Party).
1964-66 Irish Workers' News (Irish Communist Group, later Irish Workers' Group).
1965-66 An Solas (Irish Communist Group, later Irish Workers' Group).
1966-68 Irish Militant (Irish Workers' Group).
1967- Workers' Republic (Irish Workers' Group, later League for a Workers" Republic).
1968-71 Ramparts (Londonderry Labour Party, later Derry Labour Party).
1969 Andersonstown PD News Sheet (Andersonstown Branch, People's Democracy).
1969 Barricade Bulletin (Members of the Derry Labour Party).
1969 Barricades Bulletin (Members of Derry Labour Party and Young Socialists).
1969? DU Socialist Society Magazine (Dublin University Socialist Society).
1969-71 Free Citizen (People's Democracy).
1969-70 Northern Informer (People's Democracy).
1969 PD Voice (People's Democracy).
1969-70 Vanguard (League for Workers' Vanguard).
1969-74 Young Socialist (Young Socialists).
1970-71 Northern Star (People's Democracy).
1970 SDA Newsletter (Students for Democratic Action).
1970-72 Youth Bulletin (Irish Young Socialists).
1971 Barricades (Radio Free Belfast).
1971 Dublin Peoples' Bulletin (Dublin Branch, People's Democracy).
1971 Leader (Derry Labour Party Young Socialists).
1971-72 Resistance (People's Democracy).
1971-77 Unfree Citizen (People's Democracy).
1972 Andersonstown Citizen (Andersonstown Branch, People's Democracy).
19727-73? Bulletin (Belfast Revolutionary Marxist Group).
1972-73 Irish Trotskyist (Belfast Branch, Revolutionary Marxist Group).
1972-75 Marxist Review (Revolutionary Marxist Group).
1972- Militant (Militant).
1972-74 The Plough (Dublin Regional Council, Young Socialists, later Revolutionary Marxist Group).
1972-77 The Worker (Socialist Workers' Movement).
1972-73 Worker's Struggle (Worker's League).
1973 The Worker (Limerick Branch, Revolutionary Marxist Group).
1974? The Galway Worker (Galway Branch, Socialist Workers' Movement).
1974-75 Marxist Journal (Workers' League).
1974-75 Revolutionary International (League for a Workers' Republic).
1975- Socialist Republic (Revolutionary Marxist Group, later Movement for a Socialist Republic, later People's
Democracy and Movement for a Socialist Republic, later People's Democracy).
1977- Class Struggle (Irish Workers' Group).
1977-80 Ireland Socialist Review. London.
1977 Young Socialist Student Bulletin (TCD Young Socialists).
1978 Independent Socialist (Independent Socialist Party).
1978 Socialist Worker Review (Socialist Workers Tendency, Socialist Labour Party).
1978 Spark (Workers Alliance for Action, Socialist Labour Party).
1979 RSTSLP Bulletin (Republican Socialist Tendency, Socialist Labour Party).
1980 The Irish Worker. Dublin.
1980-83? The Worker (Socialist Workers' Movement).
1981 Socialist Workers Movement Bulletin (Socialist Workers' Movement).
1984? Socialist Worker (Socialist Workers' Movement).
Other Primary Material
1965? Lawless, Gery. Introduction to Murray, Seán. The Irish revolt, 1916 and after. New ed.
Workers Group, pp. i-v.
1968 People's Democracy. Why PD? Belfast: PD. pp. 2.
1969 Devlin, Bernadette. The price of my soul. London: Deutsch. pp.206.
1969 Egan, Bowes and McCormack, Vincent. Burntollet. 2nd ed. London: LRS Publishers, pp. 68.
1969 'People's Democracy: a discussion on strategy'. New Left Review 55, pp.3-19.
1970? League for a Workers' Republic. What we stand for. Dublin: the League, pp. 6.
1970 Lysaght, Dr. Rayner O'C. 'Memorandum for a socialist programme for the Irish Labour Party' in
R. O'Connor. The Republic of Ireland: an hypothesis. Cork: Mercier Press, 1970, pp. 227-234.
1970 Young Socialists. The Labour Party and Coalition. Dublin: YS. pp. 8.
1971 Foley, Gerry. Ireland in rebellion. New York: Pathfinder Press, pp. 31.
1972 Farrell, Michael. The struggle in the North. 2nd ed. London: People's Democracy, pp.37.
1972 Foley, Gerry. Problems of the Irish revolution: can the IRA meet the challenge? New York: Path
1972 People's Democracy. Dublin Branch. People's Democracy: what it stands for, its attitudes. Dublin: the
Branch, pp.18.
1973 Whelan, Dermot. The Socialist Labour League and Irish Marxism? Dublin: League foraWorkers' Republic,
pp. 13.
1974 Throne, John. Coalition: the alternative. Dublin: Militant Irish Monthly, pp. 8.
1975 Socialist Workers' Movement. Which way for the left? Dublin: the Movement, pp. 6.
1975 Throne, John. Labour to power: break the Coalition and fight for a majority Labour government. Dublin:
Militant Irish Monthly, pp. 15.
1977 Independent Socialist Party. The Independent Socialist Party: an introduction. Dublin: Five Eight Bookshop,
pp. 14.
1978 Throne, John. The future of Labour. Dublin: MTM Pubs. pp. 15.
1979 McAnulty, John. A People undefeated: ten years of a struggle in the North of Ireland: an analysis. Belfast:
People's Democracy, pp.22.
1982 Hadden, P. 'Northern Ireland: for worker's unity and socialism'. Inquaba ya Basebenzi 5.
Secondary Material
Arthur, Paul. The People's Democracy, 1968-1973. Belfast: Blackstaff Press, 1974. pp. 159.
Beach, Stephen W. 'Social movement radicalisation: the case of the People's Democracy in Northern Ireland'.
Sociological Quarterly 18 (3), 1977, pp. 305-318.
Boyne, Sean. 'Murder of a socialist'. This Week 3 (3), 1971, pp. 6-10.
British & Irish Communist Organisation. On Trotskyism. 2nd ed. Belfast: the Organisation, 1971. pp. 44.
Davidson, Sara. 'Bernadette Devlin: an Irish revolutionary in Irish America'. Harper's Magazine240 (1436), 1970,
pp. 78-87.
Irish Communist Organisation. The People's Democracy: from a working class viewpoint. Belfast: the Organisation,
1970, pp. 31.
Levy, Jean-Francois. 'La People's Democracy'. Les Temps Modemes 29 (311), 1972, pp. 2009-2047.
Quinn, J. 'No surrender: history of the early P. D.'. Anarchy 2nd ser. 1 (6), 1971, pp. 14-21.
Target, G. W. Bernadette: the story of Bernadette Devlin. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1975. pp. 384.
122 SAOTHAR 11
World Socialist Party
1970 World Socialist Party Bulletin (Belfast Branch, World Socialist Party).
Other Primary Material
1950 Socialist Party of Ireland. Manifesto of the Socialist Party of Ireland: with declaration of principles. Dublin: th
Party, pp.27.
1983 Socialist Party of Great Britain and World Socialist Party of Ireland. Ireland — past, present and future.
London: SPGB pp.24.
Mainstream Tradition (excluding Communist Party and Workers' Party)
1965- Irish Communist (Irish Communist Organisation, later British and Irish Communist Organisation).
1966 The Irish People (Irish Communist Organisation).
1966 Irish Republican Worker (Irish Communist Organisation).
1967 Workers' Republic (Dublin Comrades, Irish Communist Organisation).
1968?- The Communist (Communist Workers Organisation, later British & Irish Communist Organisation in
1968-69 The Young Worker (Cork Young Socialists, later Young Communist Group in Cork).
1969-73 Communist Comment (Irish Communist Organisation, later British and Irish Communist Organisation).
1969 The Worker (Group of Communist Workers in the Six Counties).
19707-74 An Lámh Dhearg (Coiste Troda Gaedhealtacht Dhún na nGall, later no organisation). Anagaire.
1971-73 The Two Nations (Workers Association).
1971-72 Vanguard (Socialist Party of Ireland).
1972-76 Advance (Socialist Party of Ireland).
1972- Workers Weekly (British and Irish Communist Organisation, later Workers' Association, later British
and Irish Communist Organisation).
1973-83 Comment Fortnightly (British and Irish Communist Organisation).
1974 Communist Review British & Irish Communist Organisation).
1976? Superspi (Socialist Party of Ireland).
Other Primary Material
1968 Irish Communist Organisation. In Defence of Leninism. London: P. Murphy for the Organisation, pp.
1969? O'Conaire, Padraic et al. Marxachas Lenineacha? Béal Feirste: Cumann Comharsheilbhe na hÉireann.
1971 Socialist Party of Ireland. An introduction to the Socialist Party of Ireland. Dublin: the Party, pp.4.
1974 Socialist Party of Ireland The Socialist future: programme of the Socialist Party of Ireland. Dublin: the
Party, pp.23.
1977 'The resignations from the CPI'; 'The NEC reply'. Irish Socialist Review 1977 (1), pp. 14-22.
1984? Kelleher, Derry. Coalition. Greystones: the Author, pp.18.
9. Maoist
1966-68 Words (Internationalists).
1966-68 Words International (Internationalists).
1967-74 Irish Student (Irish Student Movement).
1967-68 Words and Comment (Internationalists).
1969 Irish Internationalist (Irish Internationalists).
1969-84 Red Patriot (Irish Revolutionary Youth, later Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)).
1972 Anti-imperialist Bulletin (Trinity Anti-imperialist Propaganda Committee).
1972 Solidarity (Belfast Communist Workers Group (Marxist-Leninist)).
1972-75 Trinity Student (Trinity Internationalist Branch, Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist), later
Irish Student Movement).
1973 Northern Red Patriot (Northern Regional Branch, Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)).
1976 Dublin Worker and Unemployed News (Dublin Workers' Movement).
1984- Voice of Revolution (Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist)).
Other Primary Material
1968 Internationalists. One struggle, two enemies, three guidelines, four levels of work. 2nd ed. Dublin:
Necessity for Change Publications, pp. 8.
tíloLlULiKAr H Y 123
iy/4 Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist). Dublin Branch. Elect a Marxist-Leninist to the Dublin
Corporation: programme of the Dublin Branch of the Communist Party of Ireland (Marxist-Leninist) for
the local elections, June 18th, 1974. Dublin: Election Committee of the Branch.
Secondary Material
Sweeney, Maurice. 'Mao in Ireland'. Hibernia 36 (15), 1971, pp. 12-13.
10. Libertarian Marxist
1979-81 Anarchist Worker (Anarchist Workers Alliance).
1980? Black Star. Ballymena.
1984- Workers Solidarity (Workers Solidarity Movement).
Other Primary Material
1972 Belfast Libertarian Group. Ireland, dead or alive? an analysis of Irish politics. Belfast: the Group, pp
11. Situationalist
19737-75? New Earth (New Earth).
12. Autonomist
1975-76 Revolutionary Struggle (Revolutionary Struggle).
1976-82 The Ripening of Time. Dublin.
1977 Student Struggle: student bulletin (Revolutionary Struggle).
1978- Rebel (Revolutionary Struggle).
Other Primary Materia)
1977? Revolutionary Struggle. Ireland: the class war and our tasks. Dublin: Revolutionary Strug
== Info on 9 IRA members executed in ROI and NI between 1939-1944 ==
'''Barnes and McCormick'''
'''Tom Williams'''
'''McGrath and Harte'''
'''Maurice O'Neill-I will write this article first'''
Bridge to Valentia island and RSF cumman in Kerry named after him.
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