Editing Comrade:Deogeo

875 editsJoined 19 June 2022
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Read this essay on writing, [[Essay:The_Pen_is_a_Major_Tool|The Pen is a Major Tool]]. Mathematics and Statistics background.
Mathematics and Statistics background. Give me a shout if you need any help with 300 level (that's 2nd year for countries with only 3-year bachelor's) mathematics work or lower. I've been teaching math a long time, and I'd love to pass it along.

Q: Where does my username come from? D is for dialectical. Geo is for earth, materialism. It should be DaeGeo, but it isn't.
Q: Where does my username come from? D is for dialectical. Geo is for earth, materialism. It should be DaeGeo, but it isn't.

An editor of Tv Tropes for all my adult life, a student of Marxism since COVID-19. Leader of a Marxist book Club. Working on Marxist Econ PhD. Follow me at twitter.com/josepharaines. Seek IRL comrades, reader. See if you have a nearby FRSO or CPUSA branch.

===Study Notes===
''At the moment, (2024/06) I burn with overwhelming desire to read Marx's Inferno, Capital vol 2, Socialism with Chinese Characteristics by Roland Boer and WHY THE WORLD NEEDS CHINA by Kyle Ferrana''

[[Comrade:Deogeo/Study_notes|Click this sentence to see my notes on Marxism, History, Economics and so on.]]
An editor of Tv Tropes for all my adult life, a student of Marxism since COVID-19. Leader of a Marxist book Club. Recently joined the CPUSA to better learn Lenin in a dialectical way of both theory and practice. Working on Marxist Econ PhD. Follow me at twitter.com/marxistburger
== University in China ==
Requirement: a student visa. '''For comrades abroad''', simply apply for a University program and following the instructions for a student visa as per your country's agreement with China. '''If you don't have a university degree''' a student visa is your best best to get into China. You can go straight in a university undergrad program. Or you can go to a Chinese language school. These schools will help you apply for a university  I recommend applying for KCEL. It's a chinese-language only school. Useful if you want to learn some chinese as preparation for university and get your feet wet living in China. 
I was '''already in China''' on a work visa. As of Spring 2024, you must cancel your work visa and apply for a student visa. It is not possible to have both at the same time. This is easy enough to do on the same day here in China. 
I've opted instead to work another semester, put that money into some new computers and, when my work visa expires in July 2024, switch over to a student visa and go to KCEL in Kunming for a year. This should cost me about 20,000 rmb for the whole year. Little over 10,000 for tuition and the rest for housing. All schools include 3 meals a day at the school canteen as part of tuition. As an aside, when I matriculate to a full university for my masters in a year or two, all universities in China have at least 2 canteens. 1 of which is halal! Of the 55 ethnicities in China, 10 are Muslim
=== Renmin university: ===
international student application portal: https://international.ruc.edu.cn/application
Frontfacing English page: http://iso.ruc.edu.cn/ENGLISH/
Application process: https://international.rmbs.ruc.edu.cn/incoming/web/admissions_application.php
Application process for business school: https://globalbba.rmbs.ruc.edu.cn/web/admissions_application.php
Student visa requirements: https://international.rmbs.ruc.edu.cn/incoming/web/visa_residence.php
When applying, also apply for Confucius scholarship here: https://studyinchina.csc.edu.cn/#/login
Summer school registration: https://jw.ruc.edu.cn/Minjw/#/register
2023 summer school calendar: http://iss.ruc.edu.cn/courses.php
List of degree programs: http://iso.ruc.edu.cn/ENGLISH/Apply/Undergraduateprogram/index.htm
OLD 2022 scholarship application guide: http://iso.ruc.edu.cn/docs/2021-12/598c2b214d314fb090edd28b485e4bb6.pdf
List of administration departments with phone numbers: https://en.ruc.edu.cn/administration.html
Humanities department (chinese studies and cultural exchange): https://en.ruc.edu.cn/humanities.html

===Study Notes===
Following Comrade Jucheguevara's lead, I am continuosly adding notes from the books I've read.

My account is brand new, so I can't actually write this page up. See my first pass on the discussion page here:

Incorporate this (https://www.marxists.org/archive/shibdas-ghosh/1964/06/26.htm), into the [[dialectical materialism]] page.
My goal in the short-term here is to create the [[Mao Zedong Thought]] Page. There's a specific [[Library:Quotes by Deng Xiaoping|Deng quote]] that eloquently covers it in "Correctly Disseminate Mao Zedong Thought". A page about [[Assata Shakur]] as well.

Make presentation to Administration about Rusty's Rules for Order if the wiki ever starts to need meetings.

There's a pretty interesting tweet about Maxim Gorky I'd like to do some research on. https://twitter.com/After__History/status/1537879193576304642

Add to Library [[Assata Shakur|Assata Shakur's]] autobiography as well.
===Red Sails===
Read redsails.org you. My personal favorite website for living theory writers.

Add to Library Everyday Stalinism (https://www.masterandmargarita.eu/estore/pdf/eren015_everydaystalinism.pdf)
===Finished Books===
prolewiki relevant books i've read in rough order:
There's a pretty interesting tweet about [[Maxim Gorky]] I'd like to do some research on. https://twitter.com/After__History/status/1537879193576304642
Add Claudia Jones, Thomas Paine, and Assata Shakur to Library
Read Mao's https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-6/mswv6_11.htm and https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-3/mswv3_26.htm
Watch Anwar's economics talk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIlhSSL3gbY and here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwKoFoSL9J4
explore whoever this guy is: https://comradexiangyu.medium.com/what-it-means-to-support-koreas-just-struggle-against-us-imperialism-4f911da6b43e
read https://www.marxists.org/history/erol/ca.secondwave/ccl-right-opp.htm
make a full transcript of the famous yellow parenti video
Three major American political economists. None of whom have a page:
When in China, see if ProleWiki needs a ICP license.
Do research on FLTR language learning for the Mandarin guide.
==== Feminism ====
===Banned Material===
There's a Richard Wolff Video that was put out for the 90th anniversary of Lenin's death. Link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOulQz3a5o4
The video is blocked in the United States and I'm pretty sure Europe as well. This of course means I NEED TO SEE IT. I don't have an asian proxy at the moment so if your reading this with one, please rip the video off YouTube for me.

Update: it is banned in every single country:  
Introducing Slavoj Zizek: A Graphic Guide

Pandemic! COVID-19 Shakes the World

Here's the thumbnail: https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/comments/1vx4jx/richard_wolff_on_90th_anniversary_of_lenins_death/
Pandemic 2! Chronicles of a Time Lost

Video is here: https://vk.com/video320227466_456239029?ysclid=lp3oci3hrx602879990
Assata An Autobiography

===Red Sails===
Capitalism on a Ventilator: The Impact of COVID-19 in China & the U.S.
Read redsails.org you. My personal favorite website for living theory writers.

===In This Profile Page, We Believe===
Black Shirts and Reds
*Stalin Did Nothing Wrong
*Nuclear Energy is Proletarian Science
*Regenerative Growth: Scientific & Utopian
*NATO is a Fascist Organization
*Join China's Belt & Road Initiative
*Holodomor is a Nazi Myth
*Socialism or Barbarism
===Finished Books===
prolewiki relevant books i've read in rough order:

* Introducing Slavoj Zizek: A Graphic Guide
Marxist-Leninist Reading Hub Stage 1
* Pandemic! COVID-19 Shakes the World
* Pandemic 2! Chronicles of a Time Lost
* Assata An Autobiography
* Capitalism on a Ventilator: The Impact of COVID-19 in China & the U.S.
* Black Shirts and Reds
* Marxist-Leninist Reading Hub Stage 1
* The Assassination of Julius Caesar: A People's History of Ancient Rome by michael parenti
*Karl Marx: A brief biographical sketch with an exposition of Marxism -V I Lenin
*Pedagogy of the Oppressed
*what is to be done -v.i. lenin
*State and Revolution -v.i. lenin
*The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism
*Capital Vol 1
*Revolutionary Silhouettes by Lunacharsky (Lenin, Trotsky, Plekhanov)
ProleWiki upholds the abolition of private property, including intellectual property, so feel free to publish any work at will.
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