Topic on Talk:Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone

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Was this really an example of anarchism?

Wisconcom (talkcontribs)

To give CHAZ titles such as "stateless" and "autonomous zone" is to overestimate its organization and importance. CHAZ was merely a band of liberals occupying a street-block for a few weeks, doing little more then selling art-and-crafts and breaking a few windows. While there were certainly a small amount of anarchists and other petite-bourgeois insurrectionists present at Capital Hill, the vast majority of the people were simply liberal protestors; people who wanted to use liberal means of achiving liberal reforms, and not revolutionaries. Furthermore, saying things such as "The protestors failed to create a state" implies that the -protestors- even wanted to create a new government, which there is little evidence to support that. Ultimately, CHAZ was not "stateless" nor an "autonomous zone", for they were always under the control of a state, and when that state demanded they disperse, they yielded. Therefore, we must treat CHAZ for what it truly was - a liberal street party, and a failed one at that.

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