Topic on Library discussion:Curriculum of the Basic Principles of Marxism-Leninism Part 1

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Deogeo (talkcontribs)

Footnotes are present on multiple pages. How can we have multiple footnotes within the text, to closer mimic the book? As things are currently, all footnotes are mashed together at the end of the page. One of the great strengths of books is that footnotes can be at the bottom of a page. If we can break footnotes up and distributed them in the same fashion as books, this strength will be in the prolewiki version of the text.

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Deogeo (talkcontribs)

Let's examine annotation 3 closely. 3 separate texts are quoted. This are, Manifesto of the Communist Party, Vietnam’s Textbook of History for High School Students and Political Theories, an official journal of the Ho Chi Minh National Institute of Politics. The quotations from each are indented. As is currently written on the page, this indentation is done with bullet points. How can this be done without bullet points?

Deogeo (talkcontribs)

To solve this indentation problem, in line mode (CSS) add a colon (:) to the beginning of the line you wish to indent.

CriticalResist (talkcontribs)

In print, there's three types of footnotes: at the end of pages, at the end of chapters, and at the end of the book. Doing footnotes within the text, since we don't really have pages, would look very distracting and visually confusing in my opinion, but I haven't really tried them yet. What I would suggest is instead we move them to the end of the chapter, under a subheading called "Footnotes" or similar (I think there's a technical term for each type of footnote, we can find it).

You can group references in different sections, this can be found in the ProleWiki:User guide (notes section).

As for indentations CSS supports them but apparently the visual editor doesn't yet. From what I understand they're supposed to be used in references (or footnotes), right? In that case I would suggest using the Book citation template which allows for a quote. By using it a bit differently that what is intended (i.e. filling the fields not based on what they're supposed to be but how they will look like) it might be possible to approximate the original layout.

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